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YT BT moremoney ttaan at anythlngelse by tak 111 I lnK an acrncy for thu beet srlling liook ¦ ï I1 1 Biffinners ucreed ijiandly. None 11 L1 fail. Term Itee. Hallktt Book Co., Portland, Main. TTT1T r for workiair people. 8end lOcenta I Ij1 1 II poetare, and wc wtll muil yoxiret t r h I r nijral, valuable ampie box oí nood 1 I that wlll put you In the way of mahs I ¦ " jng more mnnry in a few daye Ihan you everthoutht posíibleat any bu.lneBe. Cupl tal not requlred. Yoo can live at home and work In ep i re time only, or all the time. All ol both d.xeo, of all age, grandly auccesiful. 50 cent to $5 casily earned evenini;. That all who want work mav tst the basines, we make thii unparallelcd off: Toall who are not well satifBedwe wlll eend $1 to pay for the trouhle of wrttlnj: " Foll partícula, directtons, etc, ent free. Immense pay aiiaolutely ure for al! who start nt once. Oon t delay. Addnaa Stihson & Uo., Portland, Maine. A. DeFOREST. Fire Insurance,! IPlate G-lass Insurance, Steam Boiler INSURANCE! Lowest Rates, Honorable Adjustments and I.nsscs Promptly Paid. REAL ESTÁTE RENTS Special attention oiven to Collection or Rentü and Management of Real Estáte INTKRESTS FOR NON-RESIIKNTS. EXTIRK 8ATI3FACTION TO OWSEIU GUARANA. DeFORKST. xiii. -.ooi nwi u irAmmÁI - I.aitipH are ' aljiiMt iiiK t O uit helghth j QQOD II of any Lamp. DPMniiPMH This in th ever offered to FAMILY OIL CAN. EVERY FAMILY SHOULD HAVE ONE. MANUFAOTURCO BV $infl4d ftlanufaciurlng %c, No Dropping Oll on the Flooror Table: No Faucet to Leak or eet knoekedopen to waste Contenta or cause Ex plosions. No ?orkR to Lose. Closes Perfectly AlrTight. o Leakage - NoKvaporatlon- Ahsolutely Rafe. A Fnlvernal Hou. holil Necexity. GULZtXj AVT-Q SLE TItEM. For Sale in Ann Arbor by O. O Warner, 8. & J. Baumgartner. Henry Welsch. C. Eberbach. H. G. Hom, F. O. Schleicher. Illlisey A Sriihoit. 1271-1284. Hb. M. P. SCH8OCI, 679 W. Liks St., Chicleo, m Heicss from Rhftumatism. Hii phyiicUna fe&rd rnpnt. tion of the leg wou ld o nvcessary. He tri. J AlHLOPHOBOB, and in two daya waa curad. A professor in a medical college once said to bia daas "put your hand In a vtee, turn the crew mitil the pain ia all you can bear, and that'a rheuinatlsni; turn the acrew onoe more, and that'a neuralgia- and gentlemen, the medical profesalon knows no cure for either." Xhat was bcfore the dlacov-afiji fíDUnDHC which doesaud will eiy of Al nLUrnUnUOquickly cure both rheumatism and neuralgia, and mauy phyuicianB uwe lt regTilarly- f rankly admlttlng Uiat they can prescribe nothin else ao effocti ve. Many persons have tried so mony flo-called remedies, without benefit, that they have no faith to try more, but lt Is worth your while to try Athtophoros. If you tuve any doubU a to ite value write for namea of parties In your own State who have been curod by 1U uae. Aak your druggist fur Athlophoros. If you c&nnotgetit of him we will aend it expresa paid on receipt of recular prioe - SI00 i r bottltí. We prefer that you buy it irorn your dnixgiit, but if he hasn't it do not bo persuaded to t ; ¦ sonietbiug Liso, but order at onoe from ua aa directd, ATHLOPHOROS CO., 112 WALL ST.. NEW YORK. s THE BEST RulTser Overslioes TO WEAIt OVER YOUR WOOL BOOTS, are those now made by the "Candee" Rnbber Co . exprcwly for Michigan trade for the ieaon of 1385 and 6. KVKRY PAIR WARRANTKD agalnst coming apart in either ole or upper and gnaranteed to glve satlsfacttnn in erery rof peet. Hade for Kcpntatlon, glvlng tho wcarer mors for hl money than he can get In any othcr make ofgoods. Of BEMT BOOT STOCK, and not ol ordlnary OTfrshoe stock. The ole made th ame aa Rubber Boot Holes having a thick sol and then a tap solc apon that. This tap aole is thickencd in the middle, and Is DOUBLÉ TIIICK ON TUK KAIX. Thls la the great wcaring point. The Donble Thlck Ball and tho Boot Stock upper, give a shoe whlch wlll potiiively ottiwtar any other shoe In the market even of tho vcry boet brand. NO HICHER IN PRICE. Thonsands of dollarn Kttvcd to Wool Boot wearm this season. Don't ba afraid of the quallty. THE WARRANT SECURES YOU. Cali for the "CatufM DoubU TMck Ball goodt." Warrant stamptd on tvtry $hO4. or sale to the trade by R. k 1. CUXMINUS & CO., Detroit. When Baby was alok, -we gave her C ASTOSIA When ahe was a Chlld, she orled for C A8TÜKI A When she became Miss, she clnng to CASTOBIA When he hd Chlldren, she gave them CAST'A


Ann Arbor Courier
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