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We will give to the boy or girl, man or woinan, who will send in the longest list of nouns formeel out of the letters composing the name or this paper "The Ann Arbor Coorier," a free copy of the paper oiie year, and to the one sending the second lougest Hst we will send the paper for nine months. The lists to be alphabetlcally arrangad, and handed in on or before Msich loth, 1886. The Cyelone, Saturday evening. By Bill Nye, at Unirenlty hall. Go. There's a cold wave signal flying to-day. The art club had an acquisition of six new members at its last meeting. Meeting of the G. A. R. post Friday eventng. Business of mportance. Flagswere displayed at half-mast quite generally, upon the news of the doath of Gen. Hancock, TtiMday. As St. Valeuliue's day comes tliis year on Bunday, it would be a good joke on Young America, for the P. M. not to open the office at all on tbal day. The eau of Mis. M. E. Foster agaiust the Detroit Post and Tribune is now on its aeeood trial at Detroit, and sovoral An u Arborites have been callad upon to testify. It is a decided luxury to drink the tparkling spring water trom the water works, but will some one explaln bow it i, that occasionlly the water has a milky appearanoe as it comes from tlie pipes? Wheii the report was oironlated the other day that Secretary Bayard was tbinklng of restgiiiiiji his position in the cabinet. it is saiil a prominent democratie pollUcUn in tliis city wasseen to unile for the flrtt time In six months, The articl of Mts. Olsaver, read at the recent Webster Institute, is so good guerally, tliat we forgive the little fling ;iven the county newipapew contained therein, and lay it bef'reour readers. It Will bc found upon our flrst page. liev. BC. W. Haynes, of Kalamazoo will oocupy the Baptist pulpit next Sunday. In the eveuinsr he will deliver an address before tlie Young People'8 Society, Bubjeot, " Vicarious Sacrllice a Movlng Power in tbc World's Advance.1' Aliare cordially invited. We would cali the atrention of our readers who receive their mad at the Ann Arbor postotllee, to the communication signed by "Observer," iu another column. Tlie writcr Is pvidentlv a keen observer. as be. is one ot' ouï best citizens, and what lic saya is good hard sense. Rev. A. T. Biuske, pastor of tbe Presbyterian cluirch, oí Sajtinaw City, will deliver two di.-courses next Lord's Day in the Presbyterian church, in the lecture course arranged by the Syuod of Michigan. His morfttag topic will be ''lsalaa1! l'roplietic Vdon." In the venlng he will speak on "Martin Lutlier and the Keformatlon Kia." Geo. W. Doty, father of Wm. G. Doty, of thia city, hui beeö apnointed postniaster at Manchester. Mr. Doty íb oue of the olil war horata of that party, ha? been a resident of Manchester nearly 30 ycirs, In trade the entire time, and is deserving of his frood fortune. As a boy he was a resident of Ann Arbor, his father at one time having charge of the old ¦voolcii milis In the 5th ward. The dates for the coming Peninsular Bangerfeat have been flxed for the 16th, 17 tli aud lSth of August. The gession will be held in Univeisity hall, and negotiations are pending with several of the most prominent sinters und musicians of the country lo be present. The Choral Union hu been invlted to take an active iart and have acceptod the invitaticm. Thh meeting will be one of the great events of the yeur. The pólice cominiltee of the common council hai nia'le I chango in the staüoningof the pólice forcé iliat will be uppreotated li.v the public. Monday morning PoUceman Hendenon waa put on the day force and Bt&tloned at the post-dffloe corner, liis bdng trom 8 o'clock a. ni., to So'elnk p. in. Ollicer Ileiulerson has ¦ n putatioi: foi grit, aud e are incllned to b.-li. ve ibe boy outaanoe won'i flourish under bun, in faot, we believe it will ,-uiklunly die out. MIm Jotepblne Armarroag, who has bien fur several years a teacher and principal In city, was inarried Uft week Tbtir-(1 ,y, Kei) 4tb, to Dr. Willi.m J. Byme-,ol Mi apolli, Minn., and will from tliis time have her borae in that city. The wedding ceremony waa pcrfoinied at the realdenCe of Rev J. T. Sunderland, in Chicago, where Miss Armstrong had been Invlted to spend several days as the goest ot Mis. Sunüerland. Dr. Bymes is a jfaduate of ÜM Medical department ot Mlchlgun Univeisity, takiiijr his dlploma, we believe, in 1882. He is now enjiaged in the practtce of his piotession, and as a lecturer in a medical college in MinneapoHi. It was white he was i:i Ann Avbor Unit be became ncquainted wlth Miss Artitstmog. White Ann Arbor loaei bj ii' oaarrlage of one of its most hijihly eateemeQ younir ladles, we cannot but congratúlate Di-. Byriu's and Mlnneapolts upou thelr gatn. Monday and Tuesday wero as beautlful days as ever beamed upon the earth. But the sleighing was ruined by them. George LykauB", of Detroit, has a eUtt liero iu China decoratlng, whiih iiuti Wednesday forcuuon and afteruoon. A large number of Aun Arbor pcople contémplate visiting Detroit eltherThursday, Friday or Saturday, to see Mary Auderson. Rev. J. T. Bixby's subject at the Unítarian church next Sunday evening will be : "ís it practicable to follow Christ in tliese modern days." E. W. Morgan prcsented to the County Pioneer Society Tuesday, a package of bilis on the Bank of Washtenaw, representlng $275. Little Harry Banfield had liis leg quite badly injured Saturday last, by having it c;iught Ín a pair of bobs he was attemptng to jump olfof. Two children from the county house, about two years oíd, were sent to the state school at Cold water this niorning, by order of Judge Harrimau. Last Monday Messrs. Uibney, King and OHTonner paid $30each to ÍVIr. Cominiskey, for assaulting and badly wounding him Sunday before last in Northfield. The new pulp mili is now running in full blast, going night nnd day, and turnng out one car load of pulp each day which is shipoed to the Yp&ilanti mili, to le made into paper. Lewis B. Fonda, who died in Brighton, last Sunday, and was one of the most prominent men of Livingston county, carne to Michigan in 1832 and resided in Ann Albor up to 1837. Tlios. McGrail, who is employed in Rosey's billiard rooms in the St. James alock, burnt his hands very badly last Wednesday, while attempting to thaw out a gas pipe witli alcohol. The order given station agents some time since relative to the sliipment of dead hodies has been rescinded, and bodies can now be sent upon railroads as heretofore. That'8 riglit. There were 22 delegates from Ann Arbor in attendance upon the state meetnijoftlie Y. M. C. A. at Bay City, and the session is said to have been one of the most enthusiastic ever held in the state. The Ann Arbor lodge, I. O. G. T., took a slelgh ride to Ypsilanti last .Saturday night, about 25 strong, and visited the Ypsilanti lodge, the occasion boing an installation of ofHcers. A grand time reporlcd. A new lamp having been placed upon the pulpit of the Congregational church, a gentleman was heard to remark upon first viewing it recently : "Well, Keech las got a telephone in the church at last, iasn't he ?" The Pomological Society was well attended last Saturday. Prof. Spalding gave a short but nteresting lecture on the otato rot and its causes. Mr. Smith also gave some valuable remaks with reference to the erop and where mostly raised. Co. A is mnking extensive preparations or a brilliant parade Feb. 22d, In the afternoon. The Co. also proposes to have a reproduction of Barnum's show entry nto inland towns, and has under construction an elepliant of Jumbo proportions. The burlesque parade is expected to excel any ever made liere. The boys lop in the evening. Preliminary arrangements are now béng made for the re-unlon of the old first ejjlment at Jackson, Ma-y 5th. Col. J. 3. Rohinson, of New York, and Col. R. C. Abbott, of Washington, D. C, have signified their intention to be present. lvo hundred and twenty-five members un already responded to invitations, which iucludes the three months' men, who will hereaiter helong to the society. The convocation of this diocese or district of the Protestant Episcopal church convened iu St. Andrew's church yesterday. There are some nine or ten rectors present. Prof. George S. Morris, of this city, read a paper this morning, and Rev. O. C. Cooper, of Adrián, delivered a serujon. This afternoon the body will visit he University, and this evening Dr. A. B. Pulmer, is to read u paper, which will close the meeting. The Allegan Journal and Tribune of ÍTeb. 5tli, has the following item in reference to the work of one of Aun Arbor's most excellent artists : Dr. H. F. Thomas has a number of elegant palnttngs by the talented arilst, Kalle J. Koters, ol Aun Arbor, nlece of Kandolph rlogers, the celebraled BCUlptor, and has just received an aildillon to the number, un a jM'.-i'iit ii ora Mrs. Thomas' Blut er, of a placque coniainlnga llfelike pioiure of thelr lavorlte dog, "Old Bill." Thl8 dog they have had for upwards of fourteeu years. and he Is now old mil feebie, but the picture represents nim In iis prime, Is a purfect llkenes, and is hlghly nrlzed by the doctor and hls wlfe, who are reatly attached to thelr old pet. The picture sa maslerplece and a credit to the famous artlst who palnted It. The following item from the Battle Creek Daily Journal, will be of interest to inany of Mr. Sutherland's friends in this city: The Harrls Klre Ladder is a new and wondeifully valuable lnyenllon tnat wat flrst inven led by Levi Harrls of Kalamazoo ml has been penected by A. J Sutherland of this city. The flrst one of the ladders Is now about corapleted together wlth a flre escape and aeonvenlenl truck for lts rapld transit. The ladder can be put up lo the wludow of a 'our story building In less thau oue minute aiid wblle the üremen are going up to the Ifih st ry persons can be taken froin any of tl e storles below at the rate ol ten per minute. Thls lnveutlou will not only be a source of profil to the compny and of benefit our city in lts manufacture but aUo of incalculable valué lu savlng of llfe and property. People keep their watches set by sun time from the very fact that the court house tower clock is run by that time. Let the court house clock be set by standard time and the people will soon come to use it, and much perplexity about the diñVrence in time be done away with. Of conree, long continued custom makes itdifflcult to effect a change, but it wtll come in the conrse of time. A raan's dinner will taste just as well if the hour at which it is eaten is called M o'clock, as if called 12:30 o'clock- that is if said man is hungry. If the supervisors doubt this it woufd do no harni for them to try the experiment. There has been residing at our county house a very remarkable iuvalid, who from B stroke of paralysis has been conflned to his bed for twelve long years. He is considered one of the best read men in the state, being perfectly conversant with all the current events of the d;iy, having access to all the reading matter he may desire. He was at one time in his life a wealthy man and some years since he was In tbe eraploy of Prof. Maclean. A few davs since a band of small Sunday School cliilren visited the county house, and when they carne into the room where'the Invalid lay.heexclaimed: 'Ah! I hare been looking for the little snow birds out of my window all day, and believe here thov are now, wonder if they can sing? " When all at once they broke out in beautirul song, which tilled the old man's heart with unspeakable joy, and left bright sunbeams there to cheer him on life's waary pllgrlmage.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News