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Hii.i.s MiTi' passed tn the Sanam on tb Hh to enuMi' tho State of Oolonulo to take landa nlieuofthe Mi Ho ¦ h and thlrty-slxtb woons set apart itniiitti roservatlons; to praal the nht of mj iiinnih tbe pubUo uuls for irrif)itioii purposes; to extond th laws of the i nttod stutes over the unorganIzed tririin! louth oi the state ol Katuas. iinii knowa asthe"pubUo lands snij,' and tor the erectlon of public buildings at elevoo pluees. A biil wils latroduced bj Mi'. Allison t Tiinkc full legiil tender Donej Interohanffeabta at the treasury or t the suh-treasnry in the city ot New Vork. rne Beoretary ol tin1 Treasuxy, in hls replj to tbe Sauatapssolutlondlreoting in tn to rurnisb Dertaln mformatlou relattre to acoounti of Alfred B. M'Mriünii.iutr Superintendent of 1 ndiau Aftairs forOreffon, tnolosed a reportoz cond Comptroller, ahowlng a deflo'l t 17(678.... in the House tniu rere reported 10 reduot the fee on monsy orden forflTOdollars or leas from eltfht to llvo eenti; to próvido for the pa ment Into tho 1 reuMi t o! t h- recelpts of Che ntoney-order system, and to providc tor the Investlgratloa ol tbe dlsoovsry of proventinjf yellow lever Inoculatlon. Tho Silver-Colnaire UU was further debated In the Senate on the Inth the BuaUs' re sohiüoti oallliur on the Beoretary of the Treasury tor Information as to the retasa! of the asistanl TretiMirer at New Ortoana to reeeivo Shipmcnts of silvor and bO Ksuo allv i' eortlrtcates therefor was dlsoussad. Besolutlons of sorrow on the deatb ot Oenera] rlanoock mm adoptod In the House the tiill approprlat iiiK H00.000 for tho extensión ot the benenta of the sígnal servios to famnerd i. meanfl of signáis altplayed at telegrapb Btatlona wot (aYorabiy reported. The deatb ol General Hunuoek us annoum-efi and approprlate rosolutiou wmc adoptod. A Bii-i. was intixuluoed in the Benate on thu llth providlnif lor tho repenl ot all in miei pormltt nf the comiiur of Chinese to lbo Cnited States and prohibitins? their cotnititf, e-eept n the caso of diplomatic and oflicial personasen, l'i-titions wero preionted aainst the passace of the Internatlonal-Copyrivht blll; tor the openlniE of theOUahoma uindsto tettlement, and for theadoptlon of a eoniUtutional aiiieiiiliiieut to pi-ent dlsfranohlsetnent on aeeount of se.v. The House blll for the pa] ment of the " Fourtli of .Inly" clainiri and a hill reirulating tho promotion Of Weel i'oint (iradnates were pussed. aml the Bdnoation inll was rurtber oonsldsred Adjourned to tbe 16th....Xn the House a bilí was passed to enable National inmks to increase thelr capital stook and to ohanjp thelr or locattong. i.e.ive aiked to introduce a bilí Knuitinit a Dons on of two thonsand dollars per annum to the widow of General W. s. Hanoook, luit it was objeoted to. Tho Kitz John Portor blll was dlsouaïed. Thr Senato was not in session on the 13th In the House a largo nuinber of Senate bilis were relerred, afler which the Speaker oecupicd the timo in the cali of comniittees for reports of a private nature. At the eveninsr aession seventy-one pension liills were paliad. DOM EST IC. At Olympia, W. T., on the 9th a mob took possession of tbe Chinese quarter and gave the inbabitants a few hours' time in which to leave. Fkrdinand Br.ACK, of Etna Green, Iud., was paid $10,763 on the 9th as a pensiou for blindness caused by moasles contracted in the army in 1863. Ax unknowu white man was lyuehed on the 9th uear Spencer's Store, "a., for stealinj? a mulé. Os a farm at Northfield, O., a laborer on the 9th took an iron bar and renderedsensoless the young daughter of John Hoar and then burned a barn and cattle valued at $13Ü,UÜO. Jencik, the perpetrator of the crime, had been refused a kiss. Six persona lost their lives on the lOth in a railway wreek near Pittsburgh, Pa. In an aildiess before tho National Eleotric-Light Association at Baltimore on the lOth it was olaimed that there are now 35,000 incande.soent and 60,000 are liihts in the United States, representing an iuvestment of $70,000,000. Advices of the lOth say that during the recent severe cold weather one hundred thousand head of cattle and one hundred persons were frozen to dea! h within a radius of one huudred miles of Dodge City. Kan. Tuk club stable belonging to the Meadowbrook llunt. at East Meadow, L. I., was destroyed by fire on the lOth, twenty-four blooded horses, valued at $30,000, perishing in the llames. Thkee Hungarian laborers at GasValley, S'. Va., were frozen to death a few nights ago. No Fi-RTnER outbreaks against the Chinese occurred at either Ulympia or Seattle, W. T., on the lOth. Precautions aguinst tiouble had been taken at Portland, Ore. By the burning of a jewelry store on the lOth at Jamestown, N. Y., C. T. Kayner and wife, each agod about sixty, lost their lives. All the operators in the Pennsylvania coke region8 concluded on the lOth to suspend work uutil the strikers cameto terms. John' Fkssxkh, a farmer living near Iuwood, Ind., set flre to his dweiling on the lüth and perished in the llames. No cause for the suicide was known. Leonaud & Barrows' shoe-factory at Middleboro, Mass., wasburnod on the lOth, causing a loss of $100,000, and throwing nearly three hundred persons out of work. The First National Bank of Chicago paúl out $3,800 on forged checks on the lOtu. The forger escaped. Mrs. Kate Barber, aged forty-twoyears, droppod dead from heart-disease in New York City on the lOth, caused by the waywardness of her sixtoen-year-old son. Owin'o to a disappointment in love, Charles Dunbar, of Colfax, Ind., blew out his brains on the lotli. The sehooner Althea Godfrey was wrecked a few days ago in Lynn Haven bay, Va., and the crew, together with the captain and his wife and five daughters, perished. A oreat wind and rain-storm prevailed in New York City on the llth. People in the streets were blown down, and horsos refused to face it, causing great blockades on the principal streets. Fok the sum of two dollars Alexander Maullin, a boy of thirteen years, was murdered in the streets of Toccoa, Ga., on the llth. James Brackett, a young farm hand, was shot dead near Madisonville, K . on the llth by T. J. Beal. Bracket had been charged by Mrs. Beal with atteinpting to kiss her, but denied the charge, and called her a liar, when Beal shot hun. At Bloomington, 111., on the llth two confldence-men relieved George Bradner, an old citizen and retired merchant, of five thousand dollars by the lottery swindle and made good their escape. The thaw had on the llth caused a suspension of operations in many of the lumber camps in Michigan and Wisconsin. An assignment was flled on the llth by the Garfield Manufacturing Company of Chicago, engaged in the harness line, with liabilities estimated at $100,000. TiiEannual report of the San Francisco Chamber of Commerce shows tUat $10,000,000 in treasure was last yoar shipped to China in excess of the amount received. M. O. Van Fleet, treasurer of Huron County, O., charged with the embezzlement of $50,000, was arrested at Brantford, Ont., on the llth, where he lived under the name of Seymour. Employés in John P. Wullaly's stables at St. Louis, discovering on the llth that the building nas on fire, undertook to savo the horses, and were vigorously clubbed by two policemon, who claimed to have mistaken them for thieves. The result was tb cremation of sixty -two horses. Passenger trains on the Boston & Lowell road collided on the I9th at North Woburn Junction, killing one man and wouuding nearly thirty passengors. The State Press Association of Florida announced on the 12bh that, all previous reports sent North by individual members to the contrary, the orange trees of tho State were unharmed by the recent bliz.ard. Not for forty years had a sturin oaused ¦o much damage to the elma and orohardi Uaaaachoiet ra n .nul r . i , i-i-i. 'i Kmttan river overflowcd its hanks m the Titb and siibmorged the lower part 1 1' New l'.i unswick, N. J. Hu-mess in tho ahip-yarda and coal-yarda had i n usleaded Iti iiiMi the fonrteen dayiendedon the l'.'th two liiindrcd i-hildrcii died Of aoarlet ¦ ¦ver itt Shenamlouh, l'x, and the ravages of tilt) ïnalaih wcrn iurraising. A iiti:i ut train was in colusión OD the 1 -.' wrltto the Mount Lookout dummy train near Cineiiinati, sevcn penoni being wounded, one uf thcni fatally. Ui BINS quarrcl at lirunswick, G-a., on the 13th over three cents Richard Walker shot Williaiu dead. Both were colored. An Austrian bark was wreeked on the liarm-gat suoals, olT the coast of Nw Jersey, on the nighi of the 12th, and eight of a erew of thirteen andthreeof the lifö-aving crew were drowned. Hkcent storms at Bhip Islaud, Miss., uncovorcd the bouei of many soldiers who were buried there duriug tho war. Pkesidknt Wisk, of the strikers' organization, was arrested at Mount Pleasant, Fa., on the 12tu, ou charges of riot and assault. Tn i: remains of three huudred soldiers, whtch had been inteired on üoveruor's Island, New York harbor, were removed on the 12th to the National Cemetery at Cypress Hills. Two KUBUS at Webb City, Mo., were blown to pieces the other day while tamping a charge of eighteen sticks of giant powder, and several others were badly in. jured. Th k main feature of the winter carnival at St. Paul was the storming of the ice palace ou the 12th by five thousand unifoniied men. Tiie total value of the exports of the principal articles of provisions during January past amounted to $6,071,597, againut $11,965,978 in January, 18S6. Charles H. McCalli.ey, county treasurer )f Warren County, Pa., was on the 12th said to be a defaulter in the sum of #12,000. A I ice-gorge on the l'2th in the Susqueliimii.'i river at Port Deposit, Md., caused the water to sweep through the lower portion of the town, flooding the streets to a depttl of three or four feet. The iuhabitants wore compelled to move promptly, leaving their houses and goods to the mercy of the floods. ('mvhi.ks Hermann, who recently murdered his wife at Buffalo, N. Y., was hanged on the lith. He made a detailed onfession of his crime. The house of Jacob Allen, at Halifax, Va., was burned a few days ago, and two of his children perished in the llames. The treasurer of the Irish National League of America sent a check for three thousand dollars salary to Patrick Egan, the president, who indorsed it back on the 12th as his personal contribution to the fund. There were 195 failures in the United States and fit in Canada reported during the seven days ended on the 12th, against 289 for the previous seven days. The heavy rains had ou the 12th flooded the Delaware river, and a portion of Trenton, N. J., was submerged, the water in some instanees reaching to the second stories of houses. Many bridgos had been swept away. Reports from all sections of the State indicated alarming disasters. Tuk Secietary of the Navy on the 12th, in bii statement to the House Committee mi Navul AtTairs, advocated the construetion ol six steel-armed cruisers, and said that they should be bcgun as soon as prao t calilo. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. Joiin ütto, one of the four soldiers who raised the United States flag on Fort Snuiter In lil, diod suddenly at Newark, N. J., on the 9th. General W. R. Rowi.ey, formerly military secretary to General Graut, died at the residence of his daughter in Chicago on the 9th, at the age of sixty-two years. Tiie Indiana Prohibitionists have issued a cali for a State Convention at Indianapolis on the 2fith of May to nomínate candidatos for State offlcers. M. a n Mi. Detlaff, of Detroit, on the 9th petitioned the President, through Congivssiiian Maybury, that he stand sponsor for their twelfth consecutivo male child, whom they proposed to name after the President. Tur. seventy-second birthday of Samuel J. Tilden occurredon the 9th. The death of Major-General W. S. Hancock, which occurred on Governor's Island, N. Y., on the afternoon of the 9th, was caused by a carbuncle on the neck, which had for some days kept him in bed. He was bom in Pennsylvania in 1824, served with distinction in the Mexican campaign, was promoted for gallantry at Fredericksburg, and was second in command on the bloody field of Gettysburg, where he was severely wounded. In 1880 he was the Democratie candidato for President. T. R. Hcdd, of Green Bay, Wis., was on the lOth nominated by the Democrats to succeed the late Joseph Rankin in Congress. Miss Lulu Hurst, the electric girl, is uow a student at Shaler Female College at Atlanta, Ga. Her father realized $100,000 out of her exhibitions. Archbishop Gibbons, of Baltimore, received oflicial assurance on the lOth that at the March consistory he would be appointed a Cardinal. S. S. Cox, United States Minister to Turkey, bas obtaineda furlough on acconnt of poor health, and bas gone to Kgypt with his wife. John G. Thompson, of Ohio, land claim agent for Washington Territory, died at Seattle on the lOth, aged fifty -three years. The President on the lOth nominated Stephen A. Walker to succeed Mr. Dorsheimer as United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York. Miss Laura Don, an actress of wide rnown, died at Greenwich, N. Y., on th lOth, aged thirty-six years. Daniel J. Daxton, clerk of the Hamilton County courts, was arrested in Columbus on the llth for refusing to obey a mandate of a comraittee of the House of Representativos of Ohio. The President on the llth nominated W. W. Sutton to be Assistant Treasurer of the United States at Cincinnati, O. The Massachnsetts House of Representatiyes on the llth adopted a resolution favoring the abolition of the poll tax as a prerequisita to vutiiig. A fund for the relief of Mrs. Hancock widow of the deceased General, who diec poor, was started in New York on the llth The subscriptions during the day ainountec to four thousand dollars. The Kentucky State Senate on the llth passed a bilí establLshiug a whipping-post for wife-beaters. George C. Bates, an eloquent lawyer, known in the chain of great cities from New York to San Francisco, died on the 12th at Denver, Col., at the age of seventy one years. Horatio SETMOtn died at ten o'dock on the evening of the 12th at the resideuce of his sister, Mrs. Rosooo Conkling, in Utica, N. Y., aged secnt siv cars. Mr Sevmour was Governor of New York in 1H52 and in 1.SÜ2, and in 1888 was the Democratie candidato for President, being defeated by General Grant. Tiie Iowa House passed a bilí on the 13th exempting old soldiers from the paymeut of poll-tax. The House Military Committee at Washington decided on the 12th to recommend the constructiou of a soldiers' home west of the Rocky mountains, at a cot o( 9100,000. FOREIGN. ' Rioting was resumed on the 9th in Trafalgar square, London, by ten thousand men, mainly roughs of the lowest clans, who were driveu by the pólice into the side ;t reets n "H rli;nor-;"fl A waterspoi't, aocompanied by a hower of immense hail-stonei, pased over the listrict of Vegas, Cuba, on the 9th, destroyng tho oropt in many fleldü. 'I 'iik distress among poor familie In New Brunswick was 011 the 9th said to be on the nerease. At Newport, Grand River, Novelle, Paspebiao and New Carlisle mnny amilios had not tasted bread for weeks, and wero actually without a mouthful to eat in their houses. At least six thousaiul mu required relief from day to day. Core presided on the lOth over a session of the Servían Cabinet at which it was decided to purchase flfty thousand rifles and twenty-flve million cartridges. At a meeting of Knglishmen and Scotch men in London on the lOth, presided ovor Dy Lord Ashburabam, it was resolved to [orm an association to advocate the granting of a Parliament to Ireland. A nnM of importeni in Montreal on tha tOth received from Yokohama a consigamant of tea which required a special train of thirty cars from New York. Tiikre was no renewal of rioting in Lon don on the llth. The raovement for the rlief of unemployed workmen was spreading tliroughout England. Ui-ring a labor riot on the llth at Leicester, Eng., many Windows weie broken and several persons were injured. Kixo Milan on the llth summoned the entire Servian army to enter the field fully equipped for war, to undergo a ix weeks' drill. Reports reached Canada on the llth that sii mounted policemen were recently killed by Indians near Regina, and that the pólice at Edmonton and Saskatchewan bid doflance to their ofllcers. The thirteenth anniversary of the founding of the Spanish republic was observed at Madrid on the llth with numerous banquets. The striking hosiery workmen at Leicester, Eng., attacked and sacked several houses on the l'ith. LATER NEWS. ISCB8SABT heavy rains eaused the flooding of many towns on the 13th in Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Connecticut and Rhode Island. Citizens were imprisoned " their houses, and milis, bridges and roadi were wrecked. The loss was estimated at over one million dollars in Boston alone, where over nine hundred houses were flooded, and at Providence, R, I., the loss would reach one million dollars. Capitalista in the Eastern cities had up to the Hth contributed $16,960 toward the f und for Mrs. Hancock. DAn anti-Chinese congress assembled at Portland, Ore., on the 13th and adopted a resolution calling upon the citizens of every locality to peaceably assemble and politely request the Chinese to remove from the State and Territory within thirty days. John B. Mannix, a lawyer, and until recently assignee of the Archbishop Purcell estáte at Cinciunati, was arrested on the 18th on a charge of embezzling $350,000 from the estáte. Georoe Q. Caxxox, the fugitive Mormon and ex-Delegate in Congress, was arrestad on the 14th by Marshal Ireland at Wiuneniuccfi, Nev. At twenty-six leadin clcaring-houses in the United States the exchanges duriug the week ended on the l.'ith aggregated sr,2;),784, against tl,0nl,HOI,$i the previous week. As compared with the correspondiug weekof 18S5, tbe increase amounta to 35.6 per oent. A Kansas dispatch of the Hth says that ten per cent. of the stock in the Arkansaa valley has perished this winter. lx the inountains of Arkansas a few days ago seven members of a Missouri family were found in a wagon, nearly frozen to death. The ice gorge above St. Louis broke on the 14th. and huge cakes flowed past the city at the rate of eight miles per hour, sinking flve or moreboats at the levee. The funeral of General W. S. Hancock took place at Norristown, Pa., on the afternoon of the 13th. Among the pallbearers were Hon. Thomas F. Bayard, Secretai-y of State; General William T. Sherman, Lieutenant-General Philip H. Sheridan and Major-General J. M. Schofleld. The reported massacre of Bishop Hannington and fifty followers at Uzegena, Africa, was confinned on the 14th. The United States Senate was not in session on the 13th. In the House bilis were reported to quiet the titles on the Des Moines river lands in lowa ; for the location of a branch soldiere' home west of tbe Rocky mountains, and to protect mechanics, laborers and servants in their wages. The Postmaster-General reported that the EightHour law had not been held to apply to letter-carriers. The Pitz John Porter bill was further discussed. Adjoumed to the 15th.


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