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The Race For Congress

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in teas man nine inonins i new meiuíer of congress will be elected to reprelent th8 diatrlcl. Already the vartous ;andidaten are being dlscussed, and oíd iiiiip:ujíiiorH will glve yon their opinions in the sly. Tho uutnber of candidato! nentioned are not very numerou, aa t 9 generally udmitted that the district is so very olose that only the best men can íope to be e'ected. Wiüe pnbliclty lmvng been given the iteclinalioii of Col. Eldredge, made last fall, to again become a candidate for cougress, he seems to lave been generally lelt out of the calculation8 of the workers. Only two candidate are at present prominently spoken of among tbe democrats. Leste r II. Salsbury, of Adrián, and Charles R. Wliitman, of Ypsilanti. Both of these men are admittedly popular. Uut it seems to be the general opinión, at least in this neck of the woods, that the demrerats will make a inistake if they do not nomínate Salsbury. Said a Washtenaw republican yesterday: "SaUbury can oarry Lenawee oounty for congress. He would carry Monroe and Washtenaw conntics It will take a mighty big majority in HillBdale to overeóme his majority In the other three couuties. I am afraid that if he is nominated that we can't beat him." Said an Adrianite whose staunch republicanistu has neer been impeached : "Salsbury would make a very strong run, and would be very hard to bent; I rely upon the democrats making one of their proverbial mistakes and nominatingsome one el9e." In favor of Whitman, it is said he is personally popular, and would run ahead of his ticket in Washtenaw which would give him a thousand to twelvc liundred majority. Among the republicans mentioned are C. R. Miller, of Adrián, George KpaulUing, of Monroe, Reuben Kempf and (Japt. Allen, 'of Washtenaw. The Mouroe men will come to the convention, in all probability, soüd for Spaulding, and there sreins to be no doubt that he would make a strong candidate. On the otlier hand, Lenawee county bids fair to cast lier vote solid for Capt. Miller. Thtre seems to be a feeling that this time In is entitled to the nomination, and would make a pood man. In the event of Hulsbury's nomination, it is urged, it is neoessary for the republicans to nomínate a strong man from Lcnawcc county in order to iiold Halsbnry level here, and Capt. Miller is relied upon as tho man .Said a promineut republican : "Miller i strrmjer than he is thought to be. He has a great deal of Ktrength in Washtenaw, whore he was raised. Mc has nthiencc and money. II W human íh nominated Miller would be elected. He had heard deinocrats say that Miller would carry tliis county iu any event.'' Said a Washtenaw republican, whosc opinión liad not been quoted, yeslerday: "Capt. Allen will be iiominated forcongress if he wants the nomination." When asked if lic thought Allen would refuse he said : "'It is pretty hard for one to refuse such an office if ofTcred. Allen would make a very strong man. He made a magnificent canvas last time." If the name of our Washtenaw inforinmt were p;iven it wonld carry added weiglit to his opinión. It, nowcver, seems to bc understood that Allen does not care lo enter the race. Said a Monroe county man and au active republican worker : "Kempf Is tlie coming man for the republican nomination - Senator Kempf, of Washtenaw," "Wedon't know him down in Lenawee," said the reporter. "That doesn't make any difference," was the reply, "Kempf has a peculiar way of working politics; and I am not MM but it is the best way. He isa Germán, and when he ran for the senate in Washtenaw he went round in the Qerman settlementsand secured fourtifths of the democratie Germán vote. Hu ran two thousand ahead of his ticket.1' The democratie cundidates being mentioned, our informant objected to Whitman as being too aristocratie. Salsbury was a soldier and would draw a heavy vote. "If tbe republican nomination goes to Washtenaw county why would not Joe T. Jacobs make a strong man I He has retired from business, bought him a farm - and become one ot the farmers. He has money, and would be apt to thruw himself into a canvas." Tuus suggested auother politician to the Record, disclaimiog, Imwever, the idea that Jacobs was a candida te. ANOTHKR CA.NDIPATE. Tlie Adrián Press seems to be interested in the republican candidates, but is silent as to its own : Here's Hon. John K. Boies actually resigning a federal office! Last week he astonished the people, if uut liiniMclt, by sencJiiiK in liis resignación as an "iiijun" commisslouer, a positiou he has held since April, 1881. We are inclined to believe Hint the dudes were not so irksome as to necesítate this step, but attribute it more to the fact that Mr. Boies is a república from the roots ot' his hair to bis toenails, and he don't ask any odds of a democratie administration, and don't want to ofScially affltate wiili it. We think his head is level on that score, and while we think he could tomahawk a redskin just as effectlvely as under a republican president, we commend his determination uot to take any more scalps, and let the democracy get credit for the work. We believe Mr. Koiea had so well d8charged his duties that the president had no desire to have him quit, bul in a congressional race, a man don't want to be too niuch handicapped, and it wouldn't look well for a republican wearing an ofiicial tosa under a democratie administration, to seek republican votes at a congressional election. All right Mr. Boies, and if you malie the race for congress, the Press will always give you the credit of having done the squaro thing by the "injuna." The following religious statistics may be of interest to some of our readers: "The average increase of metnbership in the Protestant churclies of Michigan for 1885 has been about 'á% Pr cent. The highe8t increase is in the Episcopal commuuicants.overö percent.and the lowest the Presbyterians, about 2 per cent. The Baptist and Methodist are near the general average, the average cost of etich Baptist convert benig $328. The total amount of Protestant church members in Michigan Is about eight per cent of its population." The increase is not what it should be In proportion to the increase in population. This is because the recent increase in our population has not been a healthy increa8e. It has resulted from the drumming up of a class of emigrants that come here to add to our nuinbers but not to our morality, respectability or wealth. Before Michigan had uu emigration bureau - which the last legislature very seiisibly abolished - Michig!iu"s growth was steady and solid. There was no mushroom growth, and morality and religión kept pace with the increuse. But giiice the state adopted a policy of running in aoything and everything simply to flll up and add to its numbers, such lias not been the case. The county of Washtenaw is a sample of healthy growth without any hot house aid. It is tilled with good, law abiding citizens, though nearly or quite one-half are eilher foreigners themselves or chlldren of foreignera. They carne uere to bulld themselves lomes and to become citizens of the rejublic and to conform to its custonis and maniu'is, and the result is that there is not a more prosperous county in the state. But the emigration bureau brought n swarms of emigrants who settle In cities or in colonles, who live by them¦elves and retal n all the customs of their "ornier homef, except perhaps the act of voting, which they take to as readily as a luck to water. Some of these swarms, unless they take a notion to seek other lields, it will take yeare and years to conrert Into American cltlzen


Ann Arbor Courier
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