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MOST PERFECT MADE l'riimrcd wlth pppoiiil rpsrard to lioaKli. No Amuihihki. Mme or Alum. PRICE Cf.KHJl POl'DCR CO.. CHICACO. ST. LOUIS. jjfgl special TJ Mextracts MOST PERFECT MADE Paraat and strotuns1 Natural Fniit Fin rnrs. Venilla, Lemnn Orangv, Almond. Ri .-¦. etc, ittivur as delicntc'y lUtd .. iTiirtilly M the fruit. UiliV.. FriceB jking PowtierCo. ST. LÜC1S, ifTiiFii]rl 5 CURES ALL HUMORS, li-om a commim Blotcli, or f 'runflen, to t worst Ncrofula. Sull-thruni. "Fcvcr-Rore," Kcaly or ItotiBli skin, in short, all dteeaecs cauned by bad blood are ituuiuert-d by this poworfuL purifylngr, and invi(fi"iitinar medicine, Oreat I'.alini; 1 Icera rapidly heul undor its Im-hiku inilin w ¦. Ëspeciallv ha ir manlfeeted lts potency in ¦ ¦iriiiir Teller, Bonf Itali, lloils, (nrI l. Sorc E)c, s rot ii Nore and Knelling, .1 oim IIiki :i- , Uliile Swellinii, .oiiri-, or Ihïi i ek, aml Kiilariinl .laiuls. Bend tea ivtits ín stamps for a larari1 trcatisc, witli cflored plutes, on Skin DiHoascfl, ur the game imouiit toratreattae on ScrofuloimAffootions. "THE mooi IS THE L.IFE." TlinrouRhlv deanse it by iikjiik r. Plcrco's Qoldn Iodial Discover), and good lit:"tioii. n fair kin, biioj nul iplrii-, ital trenKtb. and Houndiicss of . ou-titutiou, ivul bu estíiblislifü. CONSUMPTION, which ia Srrofnioim Diseaso of lic I.uiik, is promjitly mul ccitinnly ai-resb'd iiiiii ourcd by this (lo(l-piTn remedy, if takrn in'ture the lastfitajTosof che diseascaív rt-acbed. Frora lts wondrrl'ul power over this U'iTibly latal discase, wlien flret offeringr this now eet eüiuted remedy to the publie. Dr. Pierck thought serinngly of mliinfr it bis "Con. Kinuptioii Cure,"bntabandonedthatnanie as too Umitod for u medit-ine whicb, from its wonderful combination of tonic, tstrrnortncninfr, alterativo, or blood- lcmiing. anti-bilious, pectoral, and nutritivo prncrtles, is unequaled, not only as a remedy iox' consiuiiptiou of the iungs, but for all CHRONIC DISEASES or the Liver, Blood, and Lungs. If you feel dtiJl, drowsy, debilitated, have Rallow color of skin, or yellowish-brown spots on face or body, frequent headache or dizziness, bad taste iu mouth, internat heat or cbills, alternatinfr with hot flashes, low spirits and irloomy borebodings, irrefrular appetite, and coated tonirue, you are sufferinii: trom Indi(to-Cioii, lyspip-ia, and Torpld Liver, or "BiliousneKK." In many cases only part of these symptoms are experienced. As a remexiy ior all such cases. Dr. Plerce's Uolden medical Discovery bas do cuual. VorTVeak I.imis-, Spltting of Blood, of Breath, Bronchitis, Severo t'onuhs, Consumptlon, and kindred affections, it is a sovereitrn remedy. Send ten cents in stampa for Dr. Pierce's boot on ConBuniptiou. Soid by Druggisls. rnlUt 4I.UU, for $s.ob. World's Dispensary Medical Association, Proprietors, 663 Main St., BcFPALO, N. T. SkrVvevce's little '"frV O a s axMt TT VER VoWöXS PILLS. ANTI-BIMOI'S and CATHARTIC. Sold by liriipci-I-. 25 cents a vial. m $500 REWARD h PtÊ is offered by the proprietors ¦lhi of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy WK f tVtV for a case of catarrh which they mê ¦¦ ía eannot cure. 51 If you n di8charff frora ¦as y the lioso, offensive or otherHpj wise, partial lossof smoll. tast1. w' or hearinp:, weak eyes, dull pain or pre8gure in head, you have Catarrh. ïliousandR of caaes termínate in consumption. Dr. SapfP's ('ataiihh cures the worst cases of Catarrh, "C'old in the Head," uid Catarrhal Headache. M cents. MMUNITYfromANNOYANCE fe f" i rtm 9v Rb t% ! '. Pat. O;t.SGth, 1883. j Indeonlvof tho flnent nixi hestqnnlity of Uus for n illistainiiiia; heat. Evory good thingf is Counterfeited, and consumers are CAÜTIONED against ITIITATIONS ol .these Chimneys made of VERY POOR GL ASS. See that the exact label is on each chimney aa above. The Pearl Top is always clear and bright Glass. Ilanufactnred OXI.Y by GEO. A. MACBETH &C0. I'lMbnrrli leiul CJIünh Work. FOR SALE BY DEALERS. iL t :j S 5 pwjJBSy?11 's 3 -tfI THIS PnPERö"s ¦ lllV I Hl kil Kowell A CO'S Newspaper Artvcrtlslng Bureau (10 Spruoa K'ircl !,vlnT-ri.l . r. ¦¦¦¦¦ lff t.sini,'Cfiuti:i!-. iiiay M Ba Mf Vlllf ¦ l)ü mouo lor U in II kif lUIIIVa i TITITÍITI S"i,!i -ix cents for postage. ¦¦ II I ƒ Ij ii' ii r( rf tve frnc, a coKily box H9?ifc. I ƒ, P "' K'"'li which III help yon B V.íi'iH. L 1 JJLJa 'o ni.i-c ruont-y ritrhf away than aff-s-jjiiï-fttr nyililnii In Ihin world. i" '-¦'.:¦.: ix, Kiicci't'd from flrt honr. The AtijEStfSi" .'"vjih. ":'U8 bclorc tbe workere,


Ann Arbor Courier
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