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Never Gire Up. If yon are gufl'ering with low and depresged spirit, loss of appetlre, genera] ilebility, disordered blond, weak constitution, headaclie, or any disease of a billimis nature, by al] nieans procure a bottle of Electric Bitters. Ton will be eurprised tn see therapid improvement that will follow; you will be inspired witli new life ; activity and strength will return : pain and misery will cease, and henoeforth ynu will rejoice in the praise of Electric Bitters. Sold at flfty cents a bottle by Eberbacli & Son. "Robert, what did you gay to the bd boy ihis morning wlien lie tauntedyou for going to Sabbath school ? ' ¦ Dldn't ony nothin', 1 jnst went rirlit on without savin' a word back." " Thát was right, my sod, and I am glad to see you had maiiliness ennuqh not to notice bim." " Yes, but you ken bet if he lmdn't bin bigger'n me I'd thuinped blazes out'n Ulm." The Koot of the Erll. To Ihoroughly oiire ëcmf.ilii it is necessary to trike directly at the root of the evil. This is exuctly wbat Hood'e Sarsaparilla does, by acting upon the blond, thoroughly cleansing it of uil impuritics, and leaving not even a taint of seroiiila in the tUüI fluid. Thousands who hve been cured of crofula by Hood's Sarsuparilla, testify to lts wonderful blood-purifying quaiities. Sold by all drug?isfs. Jones - What is the matter with your arm, Smith ? " Sniith. - " I have just been vancinated." Jones. - "vaccfiiatedr I thouht you were utterly opposed to vaecination. Iudeéfl, I believe I liave heurd you expres yourself to lliat effieet.1' Smith. - " Ycp, but that was when therc wasn't iiiy small pox in the country. Tliere watt uo danser tlitn." - Boston (Jouiier. A Great lMscovery. Mr. Win. Thomas of Newton, Ia., Siiys: " My wifehas beensertnusly inicted witli a coiijfh for twènty-five years, and this spring more eeveièly than ever befor. SIM had used tumiy remcdiea without relief, anil bein; urged to try Dr. Kings New Discoverv, illd go, witli most fcrüíÚ'yIng repulís. The first bottle rèlleved her very much, and the MOülid bottle haa iibsolutely pnred her. Slie iias not had so good hcalth for tliirty ycars." Trial bottles Frce at Ebeibach & 80111 drng store. Lajge size $1.00. The followlnjr story, without a voucher, is told on Mayor Rice : The day after liis lection to ottice he whb iipplied to by n sireet laendicant for aiü. lüs Honor asked liim what Causcd hU poverty. The reply was, ' 1 havc;fullen amoiijj thlevcs." "Ah," said the Mayor refleíttivcly, " so have I." Kor sweetcliHrily'ss.ikf and the bond that existed betweeu the two men the pauper received a quarter.- St. Paul Pioiiucr-Presg. " The bei-t on earth " eau truly be suid ofGriggs' Glyooriue Salve - aspeedy euro for cuta, bruiües, scalds, burns, sores, piles, tetterand uil skin eruption.". Try tliis wonuer heuler. 25 cents. Guaranteed. A Bridgeport man ha perfected au invi.ütion that he claims will revolufionlze bicycling. He glideu swifily hefore a breeae by means of a huge sall attached to the Tvheel. ¦!' Money tha greav cuugti oure,3Se.,90a.kl 6lenn'l8ulphurionp hca'.s k bcautldoi, 2So. CcmmnCc. RemoTcrklllsCornakBanlona HUT Htlr and Whiiker Dy- Black and Browu, Mo. Vlka'a Tovtlweke Drop cur laUnaM.uo DMB'I IkWWIII PUU n MÍ NK M


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