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POWDER Absolutely Pure. ThtH powdernever varíes. A marvel of purlty.&trPDvth and wholesomeueeii. MoreeoonomlRal than the ordlnary klncU, and oannot be Hold In cnmpetltlon with the multltnde of low test, hhort welKlit, slum or phrwiphate powdcrx. Sold nnly In cnns. Kof al HakliiC I.. Wilrr Co . lOè Wall at., N. V. PSORIASIS" And all Ilrhing and S-al Skin and Soalp Dispares Cured by Cuilrura. P ORTAIS Foztm. Trttar. Rlnirwnrm, Lieden Pui ini,8cad Hcd, Mik C u-t. Dintliuff, Bar' ere' Bake t' Gro' er' nd Was' erwomanV Itcu nd evi r prriri. i.f Itchti g. Bnrnirr ScBy, pim ply Humnrv lf the ï-kin nn Scalp, with w of 1r 'e po-I ivelj cured by rnticura, the eret Skin C' re, 1 d ( uticum Hnnp. aid i xqnifi e Skin Bei utlflVr extiTi l'y, fnd ('ntieura HenolTPnt. the i fw Klood Hunner iniernally. when phystciaut lid l all otber remedia all. Psoriasis, or Scaly Skin. T. lnhn.1 Cnoe. D. T. S., ha ving practicad d-n - iiïtry In tht ioD"ty for tliirty-flve yeais and hcinir ell kiiowii tn ih'nsandi hcrcnhiintH, lth a view to he'p any wh" are iifflicied a 1 have been mr the puft twHve yeam, te-tify thai he ' 'litigara Sme Me cured me of P-orlMl. or Keal Skin, In eiuht da;, after 'be dicum lih wh' m I hnd conulted aHve me do help or enconrrtfrt'ment. Newton, N. f., JU11N 1.0 8E, D. D. 8,% Distressing Eruption TinrCi con il ;m -dl s perfonneit a wonder¦ui run1 lai summer oo ime of our captomers, an ild genil m n of ixventy ye irs oí ge. whoul' lered with ¦ fiannlly distreselnp erup'ion on hif heid and facv, HDd whu had trled all ruaiedies and io no pnrpofe. Texarkana, Ark. J F. SMITI1 & CO. More Wonderful Yet. H. B. Cjrp-'nter, N.Y., cn.-ed oí Purlaxla or t.eproiy, o twentf year-' etindinf?, hy ÜQttcnra Kt-medies. The mo-t wn'iiTfnl cure on record. A dustpan'nl of wales fel' tt im him dally. PhysioiuttH and bis fri'-nds thoagtit le maft die. ('ure -worn to beinre ft jiitice oi the pvace and Llender-iiii'- rnovt prominent clt'z n8. S20O For Nothing. Tn. Oordon, H Arllnt'ton Ave., Uliarlestown, Miss., writes: "HaTiDg paid ab ut 1200 to first ola- doctor to cuie my baby, without uccee-, I iried ibe Cuneara Remedies, whlch completely curid, afte ulnir three " CUTIi'URA REMEDIES, Soldby alldruKiKti. Price: Ccticcr. 50 C'i.; Hksoi vent, -1; Soap. 25ctM. Piepared by the I'OTTKR l'KCn AND ('HK1.IIAI. Co., BOStOH, MI'S. s.-üd for Piiamphlet. Send for "Huw to e u re Hkln D1H18" T3T7 A TT Ir tne rotnplexlon and Siln By IJijiiU USIDL' the ('L'TICCKA SOAP. CATARRH ct, npHEOreatBal-amicDii rfpf - lOf X Mllat'oii ol Witcb llaee , WifíiZ TjK American Pine Canada Flr, $5f'V5 .- ¦ . i)j'W) MariKOld.Clover BloBdome -' 'T etc., cal'ed Manford'N ¦ ÈSVV ttwieal Cnre, for tte p Sjtèi imradiate relief and perX lSPi manent cure of every foim jf) of Catarrh, from a smpie ' - Cold In the Hr id to Lok" ol ' Smell, Tate ai d Hearing, Congh and Catarrbal Codumptinn. Complete treatment, consletinc of one tM)tt e Ka 'leal Cure, one box Sol vent nd one improved Inhaler, ín one package, miy now he had of all Dragstito for $1.00. Ask for SANKOKD'S RADICAL CUKB. Complete Treatment with Inhaler, $1. "The oí lv absolute peelde we know or" Mfd. ! Timet. "The heet we h ve founn In a lifetime of i fferiiiL'."- Jitv. Or. Wèggin. Boslnn, "Alter a nintí Htrníirle w 'th ('tai ih ho Hadkai. ' 'ïihk hnn c .nqii'reri."- Rev. 3. W Monroe, Lewieburg, Pa. I bnve n t nnd acueihai it riid nt lelieve ut nnte."--Andrnv I ee, Mancheêter. Mat. rot'i-r Dras and Chemlesl i , Boston. fx " MUST QIVB VP, I cannot bear hl piln; I ache all over, and n-thint' I Jk ¦ ry doe me any god." Back-aehi-, J&&&SK wènk'ei , rterlue patnn, So-eui-n tVOI l-amenei-s, Hackine Couth, Pl urly VJSfcjl nd chet palm cnred hy ihnt n.w. orlg in al ui eleeanta' tid 't-1 to puin and iriflamm itlor, ti,e Cü ictba Anti-Pain Plastkk. E periK'lv adipted to ladlea hy reasou ot lts del cite. d 'rand gent e medi'-iial aetlon. At lirnfiri'iK Wc ; flve f r f], Mlled free by Potter Drug vND CHHttMICiL Co., OMOII, MaPi SCÖTT'S EMULSIÓN OF PURE CÖD LIVER OU And Hypophosphites af_UmB & Soda AlmostasPalatabloasMIIk. byl"AT.!"Fnv ron roxsrupnoy, --¦-.„i , ,..i l. H'r'flONs. ANAI.M1A, Ct.N?.,.. mi:ll.lll-. (K.MS AMlJtHKOVTAy; FMTIOVS, an,l ,11 VMIM.TISKPK" vf A OOMPLBTE ABBAEWOJtKMT TOE FhTtician and Funilin. Nutar ui Gluiper ' AND MOR CO35TVE!3SriB:isrT THAN A 8TATI0NAHY BATH TUB, WITH NO EXPENSE OF BATH ROOM AKD FÖtTOHES.


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