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About Horses

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In the pring of the year it is generally ii matter of mach consideration amongst farmer to have tiieir horses in tho best condition potssible. to do tho work necessary at thiB BCrfaon, nnd af ter a severo winter, wblotl we often have In northern latitudes, man y matter in the shape of extra ftnp vork accu muíate, whlch would have, wetli(;r permittlng, been dono betoro; xtul lliorc It the spring plowlig to be done, wbiok, with a good pair of horses up lo their work and In high spirits becomes a mnch lighter task for the lover of horse flesh who tllls the soïl. We can searcily ouder t lien that such a man will feed liort-ch wull, and upon the most nutritious food while they are rentresting, recruiting as it were, in order tlmt thcy may be the bettcr abte to pert'orm thi'ir various dttties wben the time comes, and thus, through the error of liberality, (nite number of animáis are sacrifleed, killed by kindnes" every year. Agaln we flnd at this seaaon of the year tliat horsea kept for pleaeuic or very light worfc, are often compelled to remaln in the stable for several driy?, owing perhapn to indement weather, and as uueh horses are eenerally pretty liberally tKfi and in hign couditlon, they are frequent ly afieoted with the complaiut wlncli I am about to describe; but bef ore doiiig go perhars it mny be better to 8ettl upon a name for the disorder, and altbougn this muy appear to f-ome an easy matte-, or maybe one of llttle tmportauce, y tt this ven' point has given rise to considerable controveisy as to the cause, srat and otln-r matter in connection witb tbe discase - for inttance, it has boon called "congestión ofilie loins," but I haveseen cases wherc the niuscles of tlie shoulden were alune aflected. In the State of Micbifjau I have from time to time seen the disease referred in agricullural papers as "Red water, ' but this i mlsleadiusr froin the l'ai-t that in sotue of the worst cises the water (urine) is D"t red; besidos it liffrr8 from a diseuse of that name in the bovina tiibe in stventl rcsiccta, amonj; others the cause. Without, however, corainenting at any length upon the iiiiuie, hit Uw say that the one by which it is grnerally recognized in this country by vi-tci inariati is Azoturia, a namiven to it from the fact th it the urtne has been found to contáiti an nndne pro portion of nitroiren during an nttaëk. So adoptinr tlds cogiionien, H us tor i moment turn to the cause of the complaint, which in this case, as In all others, is the first thiiift to discover before we can hope Ui combat in an intelligent maniier tbe invasión of the disorder; and in reference to it I m iy say, without going turther, that expefteuoè has taiijrlit us bevond all reasonable doubt that the diseate 6 caused by feedmgjhorses too ltberally upon nutiltious food and not jrivtHff Ihem any exerci8e. I may say in this connection that every case f this malady I have inet with presented just ubout the same hiftory, and may fui ther say that those wbo have docribrd the disease, did so in a manner which corroborates what I niysrlt have witnessed, so 1 thiuk f I just briefly outline in familiar terui9 the history whi'h I iuvariably get, it may make an impression that will do goud in the future, towit: Tbe horst was in good condition and well-ted, but owing to certain cl reu mstances had not been out of his stall for a day or two. When brought out lie was in tlie best of Strlts, never, perhtps, feeling better iu bis lito ; but in a variable time from a few minutes to, say a qnarter of un hour aftt-r being on the road it would begin to show gymptoms of dlstress, and the chantre from what would appear to be robust bealth, to extreme prostration is very alarmlng, indeed almost incredible, running its courae and de8troyii)g lite in a Oayorso; bappily, thougli this is a maUdy which if dealt with judiciously, is often amendablc to treatnient. This disease may occur at any season of tbe year, bat In iny oxperiencc is moro prevalent in tho early spring tban at othor time, owing, of course, to the fact that animáis are more saujected te tho exciting cause atthis tbati at othor times. To be able to recogniïe the disorder in the early stages Is a matter of lmportance, for the sooner appropriafr NÉnedUi are adtninistercd tho better. TUK 8YMPTOHS are usnally very well marked, althouh we will onco in awhile meet with cases where it Is not easy to recognize the disase at tirot Bight; as a rule, though, the horse, ufter bêlng drlven and allowed to stand, will tremble, sometimes violently. The eyes will present a very anxious look; perspiration will run down the face; sometimes the whole body bedewed with sweat. The animal, at this stage, geuerally paws with its fore feet and soon lies down, or it will crouch be hind and appear as if injured across the back, haviug much difllculty in manipulating its hind legs when required to walk. w hen it eventually lies down and in many instances is unable to rise, although it may be able to get up on its fore legs and sit, as it were, like a dog; but this attitude is not often atlalued mure thau a few momenu, when the poor creature will fall u pon its broad side. At this stage the urine, if voided or drawn away, is u.-nally of a brownish-red color. 1 have seen it described as being of the appearanoe of coffue, and, indeed, the comparisou is striking. The breathing bcrumes hurried, the nostrils often being dilated aud red within. When the hind quarteisareapparently most aiTected they will have a haid, board-like ft-eling when prMMd upon with the hand; the Bamicondilion ot the muscles will appear on the shouldi.Ts when the fore quarters are cttcoted. Tlie pulse bccorncs elevatd. TKKATMKNT. It has beconie a very threadbare expression to say that an "Ounce of prcvenlioii is worth a pound of cnre," but I know ot no di.-easc where this adage can be more appropriately applied than the one uuder ii in ; so it jroes without Sayiug, that hoisea which arr well fed iiould br exercised daily, or else they are li.ible at any time, at ter a day or more's rest to come down with this disease. Hut when thrv do, the courae of treatineut whii'li I have found from time to time to be of inucli benefit, is in the tirst place to give au activi' purjjative consistin of about a quart bottle of ravv linseiil oll; as soon as this is poured over, the atlected part shonld bê BOTuWd with cloths wruug out ot hot water :md the whole covered with oilcloth orotber close fabric to keep tbe heat in. An enema may be given every houi'or two uittil the boweU begin toact. It should be composod of goap and warm water. Alter about the fint twelve houra the hot i-lotlin may be lrft ofT, but the body should be kept comfortable and clothed accordiog to the season. In some lustancm f reat rallsf Is florded in an hour or two af'ter the hot clothi have bpen uppliod, in which case they may be discontinued. In thoge cawn in ulil'ti the animáis becomo very uueasy aml knock themsplves anout cow-lilrrably I have fonnri great benptit trom tho use ot chlorsl hydrate In doses of abottt fout ilrachms every two hours or oftencr until gevrrnl diisps havo beon giren or tho animal is influeneed by the medicine. The urine should be drawn teVenÜ timp.-j Uay. After a day or two it i n xhm1 plan to get the horee pon its feet, and a few steps of exercise w ill ottcn ttimulato the blood-vessels )n the legs and thus do mnch good. lt is also a good plan to rub the lega thoroughly when it is possible te do so, aiiy three times a d.iy. I ihiiik in cases ot this kind the services of a vcterinary gurgeon should he secured as soon as thcy can Ih', for nearly every oase difters pomewhat in the tnanifestatinn of it symptom, and recjuirea somewhat diflerent treatinent, o that the abovo can oiily bc lookeJ Uxn as a amoral outline, but at the sumo time siich :i couríe wilt linvo a good effect io oriiiiiury cases at least - thut bM been my Mparfene?.


Ann Arbor Courier
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