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This is Ash Wednesday. Tbat clock tower seems to bc a gieat bone of contentinn. The skaters have been In tlieir glory during the week pa.-t. Ttiere will be two alderinen to elect in the lst waru this spring. The alarm of fire lust Thursday nlght was caused by a chimney iu the old jail burning out. K. of L. meeting to-morrow evening in hall over ll.ich A Abel's store. Important business. The price of books was never before so low, and man.v u library is receiving valuable additions. There will be ¦ special meeting of the coiiDcil next Mouday night to prepare for the coming election. Spring comuiencod with the rnmnifiiwin mem of the week. Just hear the b'uds sing - canary birds, of course. Lent commences next week Wednesday - one week trom to day. You must Ketall the trip out of tlmt liffht fantastlc toe of yours witliiu the coming week. Tlie annual meeting of the Ladies' Churitable Union will ooeur at Miss Brown's Xo. i:i S. Main St , Thursday (to-moiroiv) afttrnoon ut three o'clock. A general attendance is desired. At the sanitary coiivcntion to be held in Howell Muicli :!, aiHJ 4lh Holi. Wm. D. Harriman is down for a paper upon "The Dutiesa-id Powi ts of Local Boaids of Health, and of Health Olluvrs," and Prof. Vaughan will iklivcr an uddress upon the subject of 'Drinking Water. me uiu iiuagc go aw.'iy irorn üome to learn the news, '" b.again proven by the foHoWing iicni {rota the last Ypsllmitiaii : "Ann Arbor s 'all toni up,' as it wre, at the present time over ils cllbit to put in motion a sclf-acting ' boom.' It lus been suggested that fuud if $10,000 be raised for the purpose, and ?200 lias already been donated to the fiind." We give thla week a list of the ntarjrlages occurriug in this couury dwing the year 18S., as reported to the county clerk, and by him reeorded in the county archives. To copy and arrauge this list has taken more labor than one reading it would imagine, hut the people are always interested in hymetiial literature, and we trust our readers will t'nlly appreciate the eflort to please. A little six year old child of John McCarthy, an engineer on the M. C, died at Jackson Fridny, after lying in a sleeping stupor nine day and nights. The chilcl had been treated unsuceessfully at the univerMiy hospital. A post mortem exarainatiou proved ihe fact that a clot of blood had formed over the brain, the cause of wh ch was a fall front a high chair soune two or tlnee years ago. McCáTthy was a former resident of Ypsilanti, and a brother-in-kiw of Theo. Sweet of tuis city. A. D. Seyler has what is called a bang up goocl safe in hts store, doublé inside and doublé outside dooré and as near air tight as can be made. Upon opening the safe last Monday moniinj; wlmt was his astonishment when out jumpcd the store cat, who imtnediately tried to catch her titil and pull it off, she was so mad at ha v. Ing been shut up overSuuday. The feline had been in theie 30 liourf, trom lOo'clock Saturdny uight to S o'cluck Mouday morniDg - entirely safe. The cost of coupany to those living in the city is a miich grëutw item than most people supp08e. A trieud of ours who has perbaps the general average of visitors which Ann Arbor people entertain regula rly, lias given us soine njiures. His wife kppt an accurate account of the nuinber of meals which guests parlook of at their table durin 1888, and found thein to toot up 473, while but 00 meals were taken outside by thetn as an offset, leaving not quite enouh to average one reular boarder the year tHronjffi. This frie.nd has maiiy visitors frora the country who come in to do a little trading and take dinner and perlmps supper, but they never think of prittinfi a few potatoes or npples, or Uirnips, a pompklO or two, or :i little corn mfal or flour, or somelhini; of tlic kind in the wagon lo help their city friends out - for tVir thcy inight be offended, perlmps. City Marshal Fall cap tu red a team of horses attached to u deuioerat wagon yeterdiiy morning, which had been lctt in the rond in tlie rear of Clias. Gardner's reMdence in the Sd warl. Later information developed the fnct that they had been stolen from the barn of C'ims. Cranc, at Chelsea, who carne down after his property upon learning it s whereabouts. It WM iiUo ascertained that a well developed plan to rob the Savinjrs Buik ofCheln. "f which Rolit.P. Glazler is oashier, and Samuel (i. Iv,s, president, had been frustrated by a secret burglar alarm that liad been convcniently placed for burghn to lire off. This alarm aroused the Pple at Mr. Glazier's house, and the mirglars skippeu out, stole Mr. Crane's eauiandindeaha-tj ,xit wlth it. In t ie mormng dynamlte canridges, and ftll uie burlar's puniphernalia was found ' '1 "eül caused considerable excitement tor a time In Chelsea. The ofty now has an opportunity to bocure the electric llght for all of our atreets, if desired. At the potnological uieetinp; nextSaturday the laud piaster questlon will also bo discussed. Oranger Are invlted. Patrick McKcrnau ia frocly talked ot for the long term nominatioii for Justice of the Peace on the detuocriitic ticket. At the unitarian church, next Sunday evening, Rev. James T. Bixby will preach on the Indebtedness of Religion to Science. In the öth ward Aid. Waru will bo a candidate for re-election on the republican ticket The democrats have about settled upon Geo. Weeks as their cholee for alderman. The new spring bonnets have not winfts or blrds to ornament them, but are very senslbly decorated with flowers. The slaugliter of the birds at fnshion's beliests ought to stop. On account of the scarcity of eggs (probably) Easter will not come this year tiDtil the 25th of April, the latest known for mnny yearg. This will give the hens t. chance to supply the inarket. Among the candidutes for aldennen 01 the republican ticket In the 3d ward maj be noted the names of Zenas Sweet and Nelson Kyer. On the democratie tickel John B. Dow and "Gil." Snow. Herbert Warner, a young lad, got inte the river whilo skating last Saturday, but by roolness and pluck got hiinself out, and ran to his home on Ann st. without stopping to change his clothes or get warm. The Eyening Jourual of last Wednesil O' evening had a very fair picturo of dipt. Manly of tuis city, with a biography that was highly laudatory of the captaii)"s abilities as a party organizer and leader. At the coming reunión of the old lst regiment the first three months' men will be admitted to the roster. It will occur at Jackson, May 5, and Gen. O. B. Wilcox, and Gen. Robinson will probably be present. Married: Thls morning, by Rev. Dr. Ramsay, Miss Ida May Pray, daughter of Jos. Pray of Whitmore Lake, to Mr. G. W. McCormick of Ann Arbor. The couple left on the inorning train for Chicago. Sheriff WalsL just got a boarder nicely cooped, from Manchester, on a 30 day sentence, whon he reccived telephone message to release Lira, ns fine bad been paid. Telephones are altogethir too soon for sheriff's billg. The reputation of Dr. Hexford. of Detroit, as a pulpit orator, will probably cali out a full house for him nest Wednesday night, at the Unitarian church. Very many of our citizens would have been pleased to have heard him lecture upon the subject of capital punishment. Mrs. Amanda Rice, of this city, died Friday, Feb. 26th, of paralysis, aged 67 years 8 mos. Deceased was a sister of Mrs. M. Rogers, of the 4th ward, from whose house funeral services were held Sunday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, Rev. W. W. Ramsay preachinif the funeral discouise. Station Agent Hayes of the M. C. R. R. intorms us tliat he is now selling a lirst class ticket from Ann Arbor to San Francisco tor $46.55, or an uuümlled ticket for ¦Si i 4f; or a secoiul class ticlcet for $33.00, over any of the roads teillug out of Chicago. Xow is your time to visit the golden gate. The war of rates is caused by Mmt is known as the trans-continental pool having jjone to pieces. We would cali the attention of the "boomers" to the extracte from u letter to Dr. Breakey pubüslied in tbis week' Cocrier. The letter is frona a former resident of this city who understands the situation, and hls words are worthy oí consideration, especially as the plan seemg entirely feasible. Detroit ouht to interest herself in sectiring the T. A A. A. R. R. It would pay her well. Alds. Lawrence, Hiscock and Henderson announce tliat under no circumstances will they be candidates for re-election as aldermen of their waids. Each have gerved their constltuents faithfully and well. 'I'he city is especially indebted to Aid. Hiscock for four years service as chairman of the ü nance committee, an important but thankless office, needing honesty uml fnitlifulness in its discharge. Win. N. Stevens has sold 50 feet front of his property adjoining to the cast that ofC C. Warner on E. Ann SL, to Rev. Mr. Ci ippen, who has already commenced the accuniulation of building material thereon, with which to erect a icsidenre. The north side of this narrow street is now densely packed with hoases, and we undentand the land on the south side hae been put in the market. Conld the front felices be removed it woukl niake the street look much better. Articles of incorporatlon were filed yesterday with the county clerk of a new 6tock company to carry ou the clothinfr business in Ann Arbor, under the name of J. T. Jacobs & Company. The offlccrs of the company are: President- J. T. Jacob. VIce-PreHldent- D. C. FU. Secretary and Trea.- Loulg D. Taylor. Ülreclorg-J. T. Jacobs, D. C'. Fall, Kred 8. Oak Ie, Warren W. Wadhams, and Louis D. Taylor. Mr. Fall w'll also act as manager of the cnmpany's business. Business wlll be carried on in the store formerly occupied by Fall & Hendrick and the company succeeds to the business of that firm. Last Thursday evening as Wai. Mason and wife were returning to their home in Northfield, they were struck by the evening express of the M. C. R. R. going west - at i.bout 9 o'clock - and quite severely injured, Mr. Mason havlng twa ribs broken and both receiving scvere flesh wounds and bruises. The wagon was torn all to atoms, but the Uorses escaped, only one. of them being bruised, and that not in a serious manner. Both Mr. and Mrs. Mawn were takeu at once to the unver8ity hospital where they rei'cived proper treatment, and the day folluwiig were removed to their home. It is a very fortunate outcomo of a very unfortunate occurrence. Many of the peoplo of Ann Arbor will regret to learn that Michael H. Brennan who has served this city for the pat four years as justlce of the peace, ha decided to take up a permanent residence in L)akota, havlng formed a partnership with E. A. Maher, at Devil's Lakc, aod will enter lnto the active practice of his profession, the law. Mr. Brennan will leave in about two weeks for his new home. He goes from us with many regreti and the people of Devil's Lake are to be congratulated upon the acquisltlon thev have made. He is not one of the spread eagle sort but an honest, dispasêionate, genial, gentleman, with pluck atld perseverance a distlnguishing characterlstics. That he will succeedin esUblishingforhimBelf au enviable reputatlou and a good practice is beyond question. Hwc'j buccom.