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Prof. Sewall is convaleseing slowly. Lebigh university has ancwchapel that oost $250,000. The catalogue number of stuüents will e exactly 1,400. Prof. Knowlton announces the result of Xf.miu&tions this week. It will be three weeks yet beforethe cal" ndar will mako its appearance. Alpha chapter of Sigma Phi is to bc inorporated under the state law. The university dramatic club will give Among the Breakera," about May lst. The senior phannics will purebase their lass pins of Rohem & Wright, Detroit. The Onifile "ad" iu Raudall's window s thoroughly artistic, and up with the mes. Judge Cooley has completedhis lectures efore the law departmentoii constitutioii" 1 law. An invoice of 250 books from Germany s expected this week for the general lirary. Prof. Uogers1 lectures on medical jurisrudence are said to be very valuable to kOM listening. Dr. Chadbournc will lecture Tuesday rom 4:30 to 5:30 iu the clinical impitheare on dermatology. The railroads announce a reducüon of iire to students who desire to go home uring the March vacation. The university of Virginia has the most raduates in Congress, Harvard second, nd Yalc and Princeton tie for the third ilace. The annual convention of Phi Kappa si will be held at Inüianapolis, Halstead '87, and Hollenbeck "86, representing this chapter. To-morrow evening the Politica! Ecönomy club begin the regular discussion of topics, meeting at the rooms of Adam.-, on Ingalls st. The P8i U.'s annual coiivention will be held the first week in May at Lehigh, Pa., Thomas '87 and McRobert '8fi, will represent Phi chapter. The sawdust track put down in the gym recently has been taken up, it havlnp proved unsatisfactory. A oanvascovered saw dust track will take its place. The aloove back of the library desk has Deen niieu up tor lúe use oí uic bcihui hatnics. und provided with works needed y them in prepariuz their theses. The U. of M wlll have but one cntry his year-in the Inter-collegiate contests In f. V. city tbis spring. Bonine will enter for the 100 yurds' dash and the huidle race. Argonnut : " The Bulletin editor for this semester are W. P. Muun, managing editor: E. C. 8haw, business manager; F. W. Stevens, A. J. Covell, n. K. White R. C. Bryant, and Miss G. T. Breed." Mr. F. S. Arnett afterwell performlng his duties as business manager of the Oracle has resigned from his positlon on account of hls leavlng for San Francisco, Cal., where he is going lo regiiin his health. Last Saturday night student from various departments of the univcrelty met and orgsnized a prohibition club, with 120 member. O. A. Crozier is presidenti W. H. McAndrews, vice president, and E. 8. 8haw, secretary. Mr. Jos. B. Whitticr, of East Bajjlnaw, of the class of '72, has prescnted the botanical department with $100. This will beused in tlie purclüisc of Ellis' North American Fungí, a valuable aUl to the study of plant dlgeases. The following are the claM ofllcers of the junior homeops : President, Q. Ï-. Bailey; vlcc president and treasurer, Mr. Goodin; secretan-, Misa A. Merrill; histodan, 8. Q. Milner; marshal, R. O. Taylor; executive commiltet-, 3. Campbell and M. B. Snyder. The Laporte (Ind.) Argus saya this of Prof. Payne's addrew before an educatlonal convention recently held there Dr Ptyue, of Ann Arkor, dellveted an &Ann, tklnn for b . ubict, "1'he Te.chcr . BlIUn hroulit " He poke of the humane f pirlt ol Koi X, Comenlu., 'peitlol Dd Fruil.,1 He retrdd "he iplríi with whlch theíe mn Ubored a fíe luible leon UuKht ua by tbeir ll. and l"j „„. Learnlne bu a Unedncy to become Hvaa. Dr. Fremout Swain, for the past two years holding un asslstant's placo In Harvard, will act as trainer for the gymnasium for the talnncpof tuoyear. Over thisfact the friemls of the "gym" are greatly clated, as Dr, Swain ík ruputod tlioroughly familiar wilh tho worlc. lic is expected at once and will takc vnlire management ofthc institiition, Mtablbblng a systeinatic coursc of training. The senior homcops liavc ntacted tlicir class nommittees, for comniencement, as follows : ISanquot rommittee, H. I!. Wilson, O. Q. Caron, niul Miss Brilden; Invilation corumittcc, E. II. l'oml. K.C. Rudy, and L.BaldWin; Arrangements, O. I!. KvUo, Mrs. Clark, and J. W. McLachlan ; cominittee on picture, Mr. Morris, and Mr.'KIshpaogh. Mr.ii.i;. Kelaomu eleeted orator and Jï. 1). Maok, marshal.


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