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ÁNN ARBOR SAVIN&S BANK, ! ANN AKBOR. MICHIGAN, Transacts General Banking Business. CAPITAL, $BO,OOO. Oreanizcd undcr thc General Bankins Law o( ; hls StRtc, the stockholdors aro imlHidually liahle j or an additional amouut cqnal to the stock held by i hem, therehy creating a Uuarantee Fund for the tencSt of Depositors of $100,000.00. Threc per cent. Interest Is allowed on all Savings I Deposita of one dollar and npwards, accordinR to I ie rules of thc Bank and iuterest compiunded eml-annnally . Money to Loan on nnincumbered eal estáte and other good security. DIRECTORS: IIRISTIAN MACK, W.M. D. HARRIMAN, W. W. VVINES. DANIEL 1IISCOCK, W1LLIAM DKDBEL, WIIXAKU B. SMITU. DAVID RINSEY. ÜFFICERS: . MACK, Tres. W. W. WIN ES, .ce-rres. .,. JL. flISCOCK.CaKhier. DRDG STORE Bo. 7 S. Main St. PURE DRUGS and MEDICINES Fine Toilet Articles ELEGANT PERFUMES AND ODOR SETS A Specialty Made of Physician's Preseriptions. Cali and seo u. J. J. Gocdyear. I II I. "OU JblNOUGH" I P O f! PI I of any Lamp. I ¦py.B ...ost practical ever offered to I In public FAMILY OIL CAN. EVERY FAMILY SHOULD HAVE ONE. MANUFACTURED 8V fflin$l$ld manitfadur'mg %c., No Dropping OH on tne Flooror Table; No Faucet to LeiiK or eet kuockeilopen to waste Explosious. No ?orkK to Lose. Closes Terfectly AlrTight. No Lcakage- No Kvnporittlnn- Alisoluti'ly Safe. A l'iíivcrwul Ilou-ilioM N'4'cewMÍty. For Sale in Ann Arbor by C. C. Warner, S. & J. Baumgartner. Henry Welsch. O. l'.h.rlmch. H. O. Horn, !¦'. ü. Schlelcher. Hlnsey Aöeabolt. 1271-1281. D. D. STORY, The Photocraher, Agont tor tlie Slnger Co., manufaclurers of the wellknown APOLLO BIOYCLE, The best whcel Ín tho market. NO. 6 E. HüRON ST., ANN ARUOR. WHAT IS DYSPEPSIAÍ i Among the many symptoms of Dyspepsia or indigestión, the most prominent are: Variable appetite; faint.gnawing feeling; at pit of the stomach, with unsatisfled craving for food; heartburn, feeling of weight and wind in the stomach, bad breath. bad taste in the mouth, low spirits, general prostration, . headache, and constlpation. There is no form of disease more prevalent than Dyspepsia, and none so peculiar to the hlgh-living and rapid-eating American people. Alcohol and tobáceo produce Dyspepsia; al so, bad air, etc. - BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS, will cure the worst case, by regalatlng the bowels and toning up the digestivo orgass. Sold everywbere, -


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News