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TH! LINE OTtECreO BV THE U. 8. OOVT TO OARRY THE FA8T MAIL. It Is the only line wlth its own track from CHICACO TO DENVER, Either by way of Omaha, Pacific June, St. Josoph, Atchlson or Kansas City. It connects In Uninn Depots with throuiih trnins from NEW YORK. PHILADELPHIA. BOSTON and all Eastern polnts. It is the principal lino to SAN FRANCISCO, PORTLAND & CITY OF MEXICO It traverses all of the si qreat States of ILLINOIS, I0WA. MISSOURI, NEBRASKA. KANSAS. COLORADO withbranch lines to all their important citics and '"""in CHICAGO. PEORÍA or ST LOUIS. It runs every day in the year from one to three elcgantly equipped th.-ough trains over its own tracks bctwecn Chicago and Donver, Chicago and Omaha, Chicago and Council Bluffs, Chicago and St. Joseph, Chicago and Atchlson, Chicago and Kansas City, Chicago and Topeka, Chicago and Cedar Raplds, Chicago and Sloux City, Peoría and Council Bluffs, Peoría and Kansas City, St. Lou+s and Omaha, St. Louis and St. Paul, Kansas City and Denver, Kansas City and St. Paul, Kansas City and Omaha, For all points In Northwest. West and Southwest. ltsequipment is complete and first class In cvery particular, and at all Important points Interlocking Switches and Signáis are used, thus Insuring comFornTickets.' Rates. General Information, etc, reqardlno the Burlinqton Route, cali on any Ticket Agent in the United States or Canada, or address T J. POTTER 1st V.P. & Gen. Mor., Chicago. HENRY B. STONE, AsBT. Gen. Mor., Chicaoo. PERCEVAL LOWELL, Gen. Pass. AOT., Chicaoo. neynj NO FEE ! ! 1 ESTiBLisni-D mi. ) Merrill UNTIL BETTER ) DETROIT.MICH. Block. S #""S Tto S01"' Old-Established Ljtójj PHTSICIAX & SURGEON é SKILL AND 8UCCESS k V-.A.XJ XiYOUNG MEN MIDDLE-AGED MEN and all persons who by their own acts of Imprudence or FoIIy at any period of life have brought upon themselves, the evil effects following closcly upon the heels of tranigremion of the lawa of nature should consult the celebrrlted Tlr.Clarke at once. RememberlNervous dlseases(with or without dreams) or debllity and loss oí nene power treated scientirically by new methods with never failing success. ï"It makes no difftrence nhal you have taken or who lias faüed to cure you. a3-The terrible polsons of Syphilis and all bad blood and skin disensos, completer cr:ulicatcd without mercury. Kemember that tlii 0110 horrible linease, if neglected or impropcrly treated, curses the present and coming gencrations SA11 unnatural discharges curcd promptly without hindrance to busin s. .Vo experiments. iloth stxes consult conlldcntially. Age and experience important. A written fruarnntce of cure given in cvory case undertaken. ja-Sufferer from any chronic dlsease write HiBtory and Symptoma of your case - piainly. Cases solicitcd which others have failcu to cure. itfSend two stamps for colebrated works on Chronic. Nervous :ind Delicate Diseacs. You have an exhaustiva symptoinntoloKy by wluch to study your own case. Conaultation, pcrsonally or by letter, free. Consult the oll Doctor. Thousandg cured. OHires and parlorg private. You see no one but tb D"ctor. lïefore confidinï your case consult DU. CLARKE. A friendly letter or cali maysave future sufferinganu ghame and add golden 'vears to life. Medicines sent everywhere secure irom exposure. Hours, 6to 8; Sundays, o to 12. Addi F. D. CLARKE, M. D. MtnniLL DLOÜK. CCTROIT. Mie!l Estáte of (ífore Sutton. OTATE OP MICHIGAN.Conntyot At a Besalon of the Probute Conrt for the Oounti of Wa-htenaw, holdn at the Proba'e e in thi city of Ann Ar)or. on Tueaduy, the pcc ond day of Maren, in the year one Umusani elüht hnndrt'd and el(fhiy lx. Present, Wllllam D. Harriman, Jodffeol I'rohate. In the mutur en Mtata ol Qeorfta Sntion 2nd, incumpt'tenr. Sidíjwick Dean t'iii'dian ) eaid ward, uiucs into c urt and n: tint' In is iio-v prepared 10 rendcr lnc lliii amina acconu as o ch cuardirtn. Taereui'Oii it is orderod. Satunlsy, thi twenty-sevenih diy of .Mürrh 'ii-tant, -tt ten oVlnck in the f'ireïioon. bo aasliCBed for xsiDlnlnff and al lowi ' f; gnp.h .iccoun'. and thftt thö ii'-xt of kin ward, and all o'ht-r peraont lnterMtfld tn ald e taiearert'qiiircd 1.) apierai s'-i"M of suid conn then to hu holdnat tne oBicc, in 'hecity o Aun Arbor.iiiiii how cunee 11 un) there Ih', whi thi tu account choald not bfl al;ow -il : And II is luithir ordersd, that enid Guatdian glvi notice to the p. ru-i iDtereated in ald estatiof :hf fnd(;ncy of said aivount, anri tbti htiuin: Ihereof, oj oaoilng a opy ol thle order '. ' e pulí Hrtied in the Ann Arttor ryriie7%ii!icvnpiiii'r print cd and ctrculatlny in t.i 1 1 coiint, ttirce Kin uciKï. previoof to siid day of brarins. (A trut Wll.l.lA.M D. BARKIMAM, ,1 udge ol t'1 1 WM.O.DOTY Probate Beailtar. 130 1286 Sheriff ¦ Sale Notice is taereby giveo tbat byvlrtupol e oer lal d wrii tt Fien Facían Imaed ooi of and Budertbcaai "i cncun CoQrt. for the Coonty di Wasiiirimw. in lavorol Bedgwtck Dean anït Henry s. D6ad p'jntil itl, and au'alnst the goods. cballeïai, IvadJ uul teti inciits of Gteorse ilc-x, deienflani to nir dlraoted and dclfvered, 1 iinl on Uie Ülü dayol February Instant, U-vy Dpoo, scize and lak all of the rtiilit title and int-it-st cf t ¦ lAiü Oeorgc Wllccix in :iim1 ti Ibc followlfg le M-ritnd tanda, lenem Dtaand píbI eatate, tbal is tosKy, all that oertalD p ece 'ir paroel ¦! laod ¦Itaate in the towoablp t' York, cenmty i Washtenaw and tutc of Michigan, deacrlbed ;is followa : Thti st half of the soutb-weat quartt-r of aeotton iiuini it itiirtv-Kix, town loor snuth, raime slx t-ast, Btafee of Mlchlsan, all df wliioh I shall MpoMforiale t pnbllc anctlon or vendue to the blgbeal bidderal Ibeioath front door of the eonrl booae. in City of Ann Arbor In IBM colín ty (t hut belne the place of bolding the l'irruti C'uiiit fortlii'snid c-ounly ol Wiishienuw), on tin' 7th ily of April, a. I. 1888, at the hour of ten o'clock, In thf fori'iiooi) ol sald day. WII.I.IAM WAl.sll, sIieriflT. E. D. Kinne, Att'y for Plalnüll Dated tltis ÏTtn dny of Kebroarj', A. D. 1Í86. Mor (grage Sale. DEFAULT hitviug been maó in the con dltiona it a ciT ain indentareof ¦ nn gageexecuted by Mlchael Phelan anti Sar 1I1 i'in'lan, hls wite. of the Vlllage of bezter, Washlenaw County and of Mlcbtgan, to Patriik Uallaglier, ol the Township ol Wehster, 111 said c unty and statf. bearing date the 21th day of Ootober, A. 1). elghleen huiidred and seveniy-sevt'ii. and reoorded in the office of the Resistir 01 Deed tor satd counlyol Washttnaw, In UtberfJOof Mortgages, on page 1-03, and by whlob defaull tin power of sale containt'd in aald mottgage navlng t)ecinne rat 1 ve, iiul 110 sint or pro ceed mis ut laworln chanci'ry bHVlng been insllutel to recover tin aniouut d e on sald mortKageor lbo note acfonipan lnu the shiüi-, and tl hm r being now chilini'd tobedueoo lald note and mortgage the sum 01 six hundred a ml eigbt -l wo dollars and tblrtylght C6nia ($68), NolU-B la th. r bereby niven. tlnit the saiti mo.rtgaice 111 in lursoloai d on satiinliiy, the IBrh day ui Jutir A. li 1880, al ten oVdork in tin lort noon of thui day, hy a salea pabilo anoMon. 10 tde bigbaat bidder, Ht the Kast door I the OoQti Soiiae, m tincity of Ann Arb' r, In, toe ooont) aforraald, (satd Conrt House biiiiiy; tin plaoe t r holding the Circuit Con t for saiil county 1. 01 the luorUaged premlsi 8 dei rit" d In aid ilgage, or so rnuch tl ereof as niay ba Deoeaaary to satiKly theanioiiht ot p In lpal and interest reniaitiinu nnpaid upon said inortage wtth reasiinnhli' costa ml expcu.-ps togetber wlth an ntiorney fi'i; of twen t] tiv. dollars; which premlaea are deaorlbed ín said mortgage a lollows, to-wll : Belng loi ilz (6) in block tbree (8) in the Village oi Dezter aforeaald, aooord Dg to the reoorded plat ihi'iHor. and boandad northerly by thf Michigan Central Raüroad. Uated, Manh Igth 1886 PATRICK QALLAGHER, MOMTGAI ¦ K. 11. Kinnk, Att'y for Uortgagec, 1303 NERVOUS DEBILITATED MEM. You are allowed afrte trial 0 IMrty dav' of the nu of Dr. Dye's Cclebrati'it Voltafc Belt wlth Electrio SuRpeiwory Appllunces, for the ppeedy relief and permanent cure of Verrón IM bililu. losa of VUalUy and JUanhood, anil all klniln'd troubles. AlBo for mniiT other dhieaifs. Complcre rostoratlon to Hi'ulth, Vigor añil Manhood KUaranted. No rtk 1 Incurred. IllustratiMi pamphlet iuecaled mvelovr malled frep, bj addrt'sslnu VOLTAIO EÍX CO., Marshall, Mich.


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