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"noxious Weeds."

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i nesunjeet lor conslderation to-day is "Noxious VVeeils." I have seen the detinItion of weed giveu as a plant out of place. Webster ives the definities of noxious as hurtful, harmlul, baneful, pernicious, injurious, destructive uuw-Uolesomc, eorftipting to mórula, feo. Noxious weods I sliould diline as tho-nwhieh uro persistent in tlieir growth and ar utteiïy MeteW to man or beasr, and uch u all good huibiyidincn would likc to extirminate. A man would not be wise wlio would purchase i farm upon which was a mortgage or tax title .vith constantly accruing interest tliat would finally take it from him without reinedy; and so noxious weeds have a mortgage upon all our farms, iind without constant visualice on our pnrt will eventually rob us ot the reward of our labor. I was attracted by that definition of noxiousgiven by Webster, eorruptínjf to moráis. 1 think it applies wilh full foree to noxious weeds. Who would expect to tind the young who are rearcd in g neighborlmod where noxloui weeds were prrmitted to jjrow without let or hindrance either reflned, intelligent or moral? Tfhal would be the and sentinients ot' a man who would make his home in a ?etghborhood wbere mulleras, burdock and thistles were luxuriating along the roads and fences and occupying the fields and dooryards. To allow weeds COgfOW, is not only setting a bad example but is working ín absolute ill to our neighbors and neighborhood. There is evidence of mach ignoraiicc not only with regard to wbat are to be KCarded as noxfoua weeds, but alaooftbe proper methods to destroy sucli as are kiiown. 1 siiw ¦ raoaoomenditton In ao airriciiltural journal to kill mulleins by cutting tlieui off and putting kerosene on them. 1 thought ol the old quiz 1 heard when a lail, to catch birds by putting salt on tlieir tails. Again, on two of the largest farms in my section, I saw the mulleins mown down alter they Iind gone to seed, and they were left to"scatter their seed where they will continue to spring up for years to come. Years ago I asked a good old farmer in the state of New York why he w ished to sell out and go uesl when ue had so nicea home. His answer was. wanted to get away from Khode Island plantain. Now I have seen on a most de¦irable farm lure the siound so occupied with it that little else could grow. To open the wiy for discussion I will name a few of the most common weeds which I COUlider worthy of our attention as pests of the soil: Muliein, eveuiiiíí priuirose, Hliode Island ]lantain, ragweed, ycllow doek, Canada tliistle, the i'iiiimrai milkweed or silk weed, sorrel, white daisy, shepherd's purse, purslane, knot-grass, catnip, Mayweed, wild buckwheat or bindweed. There are undoubtedlv iimnv otlierg, but I think this list ineludes uearly all that I have to contend against. L'ntii a few years since I supposed that the Canada tliistle was hardly known in this part of Michigan, now I hear of several small patehes. If they progress and spread as they did in New Vork, where I lived, they will be worse than a mortgage at 10 per ceut. About tliree years ago I was surprised to tind a dozen or so grovving lp the line fence between me and my neighbor. I did not walt to see whtthir It was his duty or mine to destroy them. My first eflbrt was to cut them oft' and treat thein to a dose of sulphuric acid. I thought surely aquafortis would destroy them, and I afterward saw a recoinmendation to that effect iu a paper, but they only increased the more, and before I got through with them there were a hundred. I thtai cut them with a hoejCMt belowthe surface every two weeks through tlie season, and 1 think there is not one left. I think they carne there by a neighbor ccross the river letting a small patch go to seed and the wind or birds earrylag the seed over. To do effectlve work In destroying noxious weeds it is needful that we know something of their habits and history. There are four planta that are of like habits that I have made a special purpose to destroy on my tarui for the past ten years. They are the muliein, the common thistle, the burdock and the evening prlmrotè. They are all biennial, that is, they grow from the seed one year, perfect their seed the next year and die. Now H is evident that all we have to do to de9troy them is to prevent their forming seed and they will die of themselves. Ooe will say that it is easy, just to krep them from torming seed for two seasons and the task is accompüs'ied. Buthere comes t'ie diftieulty. They have been growiug seed for time out of mind and that seed has been plowcd into the soil, and 1 think the seeds never die, but wait tlie time when they are again brouüht to the surfaee under circumstances favorable to their gerniiuation, when tliuy sjrintr into life. That they will grow for lü years 1 have good evidence, and I think they will grow just as well for 50 year9. Tlms you will see that the farmer who mowa hls mulleins after they h.ive gone to seed and afterward plows them into the soil, lays the foundation for a erop of mulleins to begathered by future generations. After cach plowing these weedi will make their appearance. Fourteen years ago I formed tlie purpose not to alluu one of these weeds to seed on rny farm. It is quite probable that a few have seedel, but I nm positive that mulleins and thistles continue to grow where none have goue to seed. There are two seasons in whichto destroy each plant. My plan is to cut them jusl bclow the surface of the ground wilh a hoe, and that destroys ttie plant, w hile if you mow it before it blossoms it will grow up again and seed and your labor is loit. To show that it is not an endless job, the last season I went over 20 acres and cut every muliein, thistle, burdock, narrow plantain, yellow doek and yarrow I could discover, in two hours time. I think it is not safe to Ieave the múllela or thistles until after blossoming. The thistle especially, I believe will perfect its seed after the head is formed, although the blossom does not appear. -


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News