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Mr. KrnestKruegr, former'.y a student of the Academy of Art, Dusseldorf, a noted expert in the Art Science of Fbotograpby, to whom has been awarded medals for uperlorlly at the Vienna Bxposltlon, aDd etght medals and eix diploma at the American Inititute, New York; also the medal of the Phlladelphla Kipoltion ofl87fl, and the hlghest award at the exposltlon at Cincinnati, glven by ihe National Photographer' Assoctatlon of America, 1S84, han engaged wlth Messrs. Randall Buraham, toe well known pbotographlc flrm of thl City. Mr. Krueger i recontly from the photographlc establishment of Lllentbal, New Orleans, where he execnted the composltlon group of the Mexican National Bnd, wkich wan presented to the Presiden t of Mexico, at a cost of 52.5. Thi wonderful phototraph Ís three by four feet Ín alie. Mr K. was engagcd two year with t-arony, New York, and has had the management of suveral leadlnL' DhotoKraphlc studio of that city. Th. conddeDCeHhc public have besiowed In the ecubllahraont of Messr. Kandall & Bornham, and thelr larire and increasing business, have indacd them to ecurc tbe services of so able an operator. We hiv. recently vUlted thls house and were shown a new flnishlDi apartment.whichvrivesthem doublé the racllities for turning out their work al(O a small el.vator and a -ystem of spcaklntubes and electrlc cali bell., whlch enaWc them to handle thelr material and transact baalness in the '"Cctrp'ofe'rTo'rwork .. al.owf o thelr etadio, and our cittaens may juatly Ulte priue In glviiiu tbem their patronage. CaJl aai se team at SU Xaat Baron Sireat. John Thompson, of thUcity, has bought irhat is known as the Tramper f.inn, on the Dezter road, about five miles out. In the twenly tive yeura of this papei'a existence not one peráon who has ke] t his subscriptlon pftld up has ever been bitten by a mad do;, or struck by lightning - a su re preventive - better try it. Ann Arbor cltlzens are flguring wltu tho Miolilaau central Ky for a new ia),000 depot. Tüey ueed il bad euough.- South Lyou Ploket. Well.we have linished figuring now, and will hrtve that new depot by 408 niajority. There are now 234 water tnkers, and the Water Co. has extended the Unie to July lat for applicants to be allowed free tapping of the pipe maiu and laying of pipe to the curb. Mr. H. C. Markham will make an exhibition at Randall's art gallery, opening on Wednesday of next week, of about 50 water colors taken from nature, in and around Ann Arbor, and executed byhitnself. His many friends and the public in general are invited to cali and see them. At the citizen's meeting held at Fireuian's Hall last Weduesday evening gpeeches were made by several of our prominent citizens, and a committee of one trom each ward appointed, whose duty it should be to appoint a committee of live f'rom each ward, to recommend nouiinaiious to bc submitted to a adjounied meeting tonight. Of course the columns of the Codrieu are open to everybody who desires to express an opinión upon current events or upon questions of interest, local or otherwisc. Tliis week several of our citizens have seen gt to avail themselves of th'i privilege. It would be very much better if every one writiug to h paper would 8i"-n their own name to their own prodnction, but we eau see good reasons why t is nnt alwayi done. Men in business or in the professions do not care to make opponents of tUeir customers and consequently keep tlieir own names, which would often add great weisjht and influence to ilieir articles, trom the public. It does not folluw by any mean that the Cockiku endorses wliat our correspondente say. "Ves." saya a frietul, "but yon c:iu exclucle anyüiing you choose trom the paper." Verytru.'-, but we don t. Any oommuuiCAÜon coming to us fiom any reputable c'uizcn is publUhed, providing it is tree trom peisuiialities and of a piopel nature to publish.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News