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MOST PERFECTMADI Preparcrt wlth spprial renard to healüi. Xo Annimniu, Linio or ,Ylum PRICE BAKItja PQWDER CO rmcAco. st. Louis. 3 --SPECIAL lm EXTRACTE MOST PERFECT MADE fnrvst nd ütrinir,.t Nnlurnl Fnilt Flv(irs. Vnullli teiSSiySiSïïii "' "lv"r - "'¦¦"¦ 'y CHHa.o. prlce Baking Powder Co. 8T. lucís. CURES ALL HUMORS. from a oommnn Blotcli, or ICru pilón, to ttie worst Scrofula. Sali-rlicnm, Kírver.sore,"Scaly or ItoiiKli Skin, in short, all (lisoasrs eauwd hy had blcx! urc oonquered by this puwurful, puriMag, aml lavigorattog medicine. íírent I aiini; IIcara rapully heal undor it Ik'Iiíkii lnnuenoe Knpeoinlly ha.1 it nranifestcd its potcncv In turtng Tetter, Koc UhnIi, BoíIh, nrhiincli'K, Soro Eyeti, Scrofnlons Sons íllld Mi I I i ns, Joilll li, ,:,,, Wliilc ShcHIiikm, .oiiri, or 'Ilii k erk, and i:iilart .1 i.iaiKU. St-nd ten oenta m stainps for a larjjo tn-atisc, with colorod platfs, un; Skin T)iscasps, or tho samn amount fora trcatisp on Sorofulous Affootimis "THE BLOOD ÍS THE LIFE. ThoroiiR-hJy clraiise it hy usiiik Dr. Pierre' i.omkii ii, in ai uncovery, and ijood ¦l ut'-Mon, a fair kin, biioyam nlrii. vital -ir. i.tili, and houiidiicsti oí . ¦'.i-liluliou, will bo cstubliühed. CONSUMPTION, '-- -irtich ia Srrofulous Dificaiie of the Iiiiirs, is promptly and certainly urrMted and curtid by this God-givcn remedy, if taken beforc the last stages of the disease are reached Jrom ita wondertul power over this terribly latal riiseaso, when flrst offering this now eet bratcil rernedy to tho public. Dr. Pierc tlioutrht seriously of ealfitifr it his "Con. xunipilon 'ure," butalmndoned that name as too Umiled tor a medirme whieli, from lts wonderf ui combination of tonie.orstrenirthpn. mg, altorative, or blood-cleansinff, anti-bilious, pectoral, and nutritive properties, is uneqiialcd not only as a remedy for consumption of the lungs, but ior all CHRONIC DISEASES or the Lïver, Blood, and Lungs. " ï,f 5"ou,fe?l lull. Jrowgy, debUitated, have Kullow color of skin, or yellowish-brown spots n face or body, frequent htadache or dizzines, bad tastu in mouth, intornal heat or cbills altornatins with hot flashes, low spirits and gluomy borebodiiiBo, irr'ff"lar apiK-tite, and coatPd tonjrup, you arp suffering from IndlBC1ïl?!"',Dy"1lIaand Torpld Mvor, or "BilioiiNiiCNs." In nrnny cases only part or theso symptoina nre txperlencpd As a remedy for all euch cases, r. Piereen c.oldeu Medical Discovery bas no For Weak I.imcs, Spittinjr of Blood, Shortiicxo of Broatli, Sroiuliitia, Severe onuii. Coiihu rapllon, and kiudred aflectious, it is a sovereign remedy pnd ten cents in stamps for fir. Pier's AukoaConsumptiou. Sold by Druggista. PRICE$I.OOf?KVêTSè: World's DispensaryHedical Association, Proprietors, 863 ïlaia St., Büstalo, N. Y. KYCe'S IITTLE lköe%ia pills. I yvi iiiilKd is and CATHARTIC. U ! ld by JUruüKlats. 25 cents a vial. t$500 REWARD jB R9B iü offerod hy the proprictors fVBkl "f Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy ff for a case of catarrh whiehthey im cannot cure. fiji Ifyou have a discharge f rom kA gr tho noee, offensivo or otber' wige, portial Iob of stncll, taBte, or hoarftlK, weak eyes, dull paio or procure in head, you have Catarrh. Thou-indg of cases torminat in oonguniption. Dr. Sairo'g Catarhh Kemkdy cures the worst rases of Catarrh, "Cold in the llrad," and C'atarrhal Ucadache. au cents. MMUNlTYfromÁNNOYAÑcE O Y & I "t 1 is E f Pat QoL3Qth, 1883. tl I K ¦ "I ' 'lailconlyofthc finont nnd bestqnal i I.y of . lass lor u II IrntaiMling heat. Every good thini? la Oounterfeited, and consumera are CAUTIONED against IMITATIONS of these Chimneys made of VERY POOR GLASS. See thatthe exact label is on each chimney as above. The Pearl Top is always clear and bright Qlass. fflaiuiia(uril OLT by GEO. A. MACBETH & CO. I'lttsbnrg-h I.:il UIium Works. POR SALE BY DEALERS. A Tl Tl T 17 Tl Seodall cents fur postagc. I U I L ""d reeeive fret', a coily box F II I P of'X"1 whicti ill hulpyoa I I II I J.tomorcniDni'TriebtHway tban X XLXLJJJlanylhlw dJ jn hj8 worW_ ¦ Uier .ex, nucrucd from flrst hour. The broad rtad to fortune open belon; the workers, ¦ly sure. At once addreas, Tkue & Co., ¦ Anjfixta, Malne. TUIS PAPER -- ,1 filU ¦ fil kil kowell Co-g Newgpaper Advertislufir Bureau (10 Spruca p Iffini tUing contract raay NtW YfiRK be maüo lor U lij Iibff I U lilla


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