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A Remarkable Escape. Mrs. Maiy A. Dailey, of Tunkhannock, Pa. was RiHicted for six years witli Asthina and Bronchitis, during wrblob time Míe best physicians coukl give no relief. Her llf was deapaired ot, until in last October she procured a bottle of Dr. Kinr's ííew Discovery, when immediate relief wns felt, and by continuing its use fora short timo ibe was completeiv cured. gaining in flesh 50 Iba, in a few nionths. Frec trial bottles of thlscertain cure of all Throatand Jjung diseases at Eberbach & Son's drug store. Large bottles $1.00. Einma: Dearest Alfred, I will niarrv thee, even if we have to live on bread and water only. Alficd: All rirht, dearest Emtna. If you will provide the bread I can get the wat(r. The little one's 1 eautiful answer when asked, ''dn y.m kiss so 1 onicly a man as your papa?1' was: "Oh, apa is real pretty in his heart." " The best on earth " eau truly be said of Griggs' Glycerine Salve - a speedy curo forcutp, blUnes, acalda, burns, sores, piles, tetterand all skin eruptions. Try this WOnUer healer. 25 cents. Guaranteed. 'This is my sphere," said a happy wife. patttag lier bald-hc-aded hiisband 'un the pate. First farmer: " Do you feed your hogs In the ear?" Second Farmer : "No, in t lie mouth," Slok lleudadle. Tliousandg who have suflered intensely with sick hcadnche say that Hood's Sarsnparilln has complctely cured tliem, One ¦reiitleinan tlms rWieved, writee: "Hood's Saraaparllla is worth iti weight in gold." Reader, if you are a sufferer with sick hoadache, give Hood's Sarsapnrilla a trial H will do you positivo jrood. Made by ('. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass Sold by all drmgghts. 100 Doses One Dollar. A Vassar girl being refiifed peimission for a sleijjh ride, as the ruW's forbade going out with a írcnilemun unless ensraged to liini, responded Picase let me go ; Vil be ( iiuaged wlifn I returo. Those are Solid Facts. The best blond purifler and pystfm rejr ulator ever placed wlthln the réach ofsnfferiiif; hiunanity. truly is Electric Bitters. Inactmtyof theLIver, BlHoameM, Jamodice, Coiistipation, Wk Kidneys, orany dlsease Of the uriiiary organ?, or whoever requiies an aopetitzer, tonle or mild stiinulant, will ahvnys find Electric Bitters the best and only certain cure known. They act iurely and (iiickly, evcry bottle iriiaranteed to giveentire satisfaction or mime; refuiided. Sold at lifty cents a boltle by Kbcrbach & Son. No one Bbould delay when thcy have a cough or cold, when a 50 cent bottle of Bigelow's Positive Cure will prompdy and safely cure thi'in. Dollar size cheapest for funiily use or chroulc cases. HALE'S HONEY is the best Cough Cure, 25, 60c., l CLENN'S SULPHUR SOAP heals and beautifies, Mc. GERMÁN C0RN REMOVER küls Coras & Bunions, 26c HILL'S HAIR & WHISKER DYE-Rlack & Brown, 60c PIKE'S TOOTHACHE DROPS cure in 1 Minuie, 25c. DEAN'S RHEUMAT1C P1LLS are a surc cure, 60c AQTUMA cured! IX ii I H m IX SIULE TEItL ron nUl I III II nnroi the most skrptiul GERMÁN ASTHMA CUREXriL moBt Ttulent ittack ; insures cotufortable sleep; nffecta curen where all other remedies fall. No wailinff tur resultu. Ita actlon la Immediate, ilin-ri and irtulii, and n core In rrTrctt-din all TU A KIK ( '.Mis "lt permftacQtlr oured au. Rcfer to me Kt aoy time." M Bun. 3. AM, St. raut, Ii. "I arn rntirtly rtitcred to betlth bj Germán Aitbma Care." Tfiui. Fitten, Uamiiton, Otiio. - "OermaD Aitbmt Cure le tJi Toa clftlm for lu It DeTtr - M1H." Prof. B. Von Ftnftrltn, OrEtnMli. 3. C. l "Uj phrflciftD reoommeoded Oermfta Aathmt Cure, lt A curefl me." Mrê. M. L. Tetrick. Londondtrry . Ohxo Tkoüiud f ilBllar Letten om Ie. Aak u; driRlit baat lt. Oertnan Aalhtnn Cure Isioldbrmll drng. rliU st ö()c . snd 1 , or sent by mail on receipt of prlco. Trial jisciaira frre to any adttamafor - sUmp. K.HOIIIKFMAN. Ml)., Kl.l'.ul.MInn. H


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