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Michigan Central ( SEL '3. fc] The JJiagara Falls (Route. .iitial Standard Tlmr. Time table talcini; cfl'ect Nov. Mth, lKKri. CIIIf'AiiO To DETEOIT. TATIONB. ?T5. ZC Sd ÜP Ê" Hm ohtcgo..Lv. hiSó r8i P4(w T5; 'jie A'"' MichlganOityi 9IK 11 11 5 17 8KU181102 ï11," 1012 15 6 18 7 SU 12 58 12(1 ÍSLSL:::: 1% JS . Jg sis'? í'h,'on p . 882 88 343 4 40 8 aó .la.kson .... 3 10 4 15 15 4 85 5 25 5 OmssLake.... 3 88 . . S47 i hel,ea 8 ...... lm r Dexler 4 12 , .... 6 22 10 la Arm Arbor.... 4 33 530 1009 'stó 6 400 28 JPlnti 4 50 5 45 10 21 .... 6 00 6 55 10 WitvneJunc. 5 15 606 110"... 8 2U 7 47 1 05 n-trrrt.....Ar. 6 00 6 45 11 lg j.".. " 0 fojiiSs DETROIT TO CHICAGO. o.. t II gá _ . , A.M P.M PM. P.M. P.M. Detroit.... Lv. 7 00 9 10 130 4 00 8 00 9 15 ' WayncJanc, 7 40 53 208 4 45 8 40 955 "" T.piUntl .... 801 10 13 2 20 5 lï 905 1021 AnnArbor...; 811028 233 580 8Ï8 1088 Pter 836 550 955 „.„ "' ' helsea ..... 8 48 606 100S " (.taisLake..., 10 f,27 1033 ¦'?ckl" i'85 1142 822 715 1155 1208" Mrj.hall. 11038 Ii4f 4 22 822 115.5 1 lS BatleCrcek.. 1108 181 4 40 8 52 12 2(1 1 50 k m Kalama... 1152 215 515 V 45 110 4 40 i -tri Nlle 147 345 632 30fi 4 13 6 4U .M.chiKanClty 310 4 57 780 4 35 5 40 8 OS Chicago.. .Ar. 545 7 10 9 80 7 00 05 10 35 Canada División. Detroit to BpprALo. -Standard Time. Detroit. ...Lv 7 3() Tl 5"l)0 nc 12 05 p M Sit.ThomaeAr 1110 2 45 10 20 ! 10 45 3 40 Toror,t„...Ar A. P'5M05820p. h. "" pm625 ;4 38 a.m. Montreal Hi0 00 g i8 Ooebec... . Ami p. m. a. m 2 20 p. m. m.lhomae.Lv 1115 2 45 1 IK) 10 55 8 5 V,lla,nl I 153 5 17 5 12 15J6 28 JallsView...!.. .. 545 229 ... N. Pallj. Ort. 2 22 5 48 213 8 66 ï1',?'"'' 35 6 00 2 50 7 10 r. m. fll. ralIs.N.Y j , .._ E.'isti'rii time _ A.M. A.M. F.H. P.M. P.H, Buflalo....Lv 4 50 8 10 9 00 4 45 9 00 Kochester..Ar 50 9 55 11 00 6 45 11 00 SyracuBe 9 30 12 15r 1 ÜOa ! 30 1 30am V'LC USO 2 1 3 06 11135 SM A'bany p2 20 5 (N) 10 a 2 80 (i lo lr"y 2 35 55 6 25 2 00 Bïi 3prü)gttlo... 30 1240a 10 67 6 15 1007am Worcester.... 8 28 5 0. 1 18p 8 20 1 IHym ""ton 9 45 6 25 2 45 9 40 I I", New York Ar 7 00 9 0p 10 30a 7 30 .lOJiOam I'hi1ad;]phla. 10 35 10 35 j 7 05.. BürpALO to DiTRoiT- Siandard Time. is m shuSb : Ë_!Li_ft A. M. ,. „ Philadel'a. Lv 9 00 p. JO ew York... 10 30 0 00 .. .. " '95 Juiton, 8 30 3 00 " ' 7 X) Worceter... 60 4 20 " sa SprinKfleld. . . 1135 6 05 .. .. 10 6u Albauy 3 OOpm 10 05 ' ' 415, Utica 5 45 123:iam ..." ' 5,5 Syracuse 7 40 2 00 740 {ocheeter.... 9 65 4 00 '. 10 00 Buffalo....Ar 12 15 5 50 .'...!! 12 15p Buffalo....Lv 1130pm 5 30 605' 'oo' 11 35a N. Falle.N Y a.m nsp'nB'rt's;, 12 31 6 80 ....'.. i'ii' N. Falls.Ont. 12 51 6 48 ... 1457 F.llsViuw 6S6 ' Y ' i(i2 Weiland 7 16 7 21 10 15 1 33 St.ThomasAr 4 10 9 50 11 15 1 10 4 35 iuebec....Lv 2 30 10 00 Montreal goo 900 Ottawa n 40 12 23 Vo0' 8 J) 8 20 St.ThomaeLv 4 15 955 255 lis 445 )etrit....Ar 8 Ooam 100pm845 5 20p 8 15 t Stops only to let off passengere. } Stops only on signáis. O. W RUQGLK8, H. W. HAYES, G.P.&T. Agent Agt.. Aun Arbor. Chicago. Toledo, Aun Arbor & Xorih Michigan Railway. TIME SCHKDf LB. takc effect at 12 o'clock, noon, on Simday, September 27, 1885. (Southern DiTision.) Trolna rnn by Standard Time. GOING NORTH. QOING SOUTH -I 4. 2 13 6 ts "I N-" -ss 3-; S. s STATIONS. loa L a. m p. h a.m Leave. Arrlve a. t 9 50 n 40 7 05 Toledo 9 30 ó 00 5 00 9 51 3 45 7 14 Manhattan Jnnct'n 9 2614 56 11000 352 7 23 Alexis Jaucliun 9 IB 4 47 .' Ï1007 '400 7 35 Hawtbor.,. 10,4 40 ' luí.! 4 07 7 46 Samada 9 004 SO "" lOi") 4 1(1 8 06 Lu u. 8 47,4 20 ílO 30 4 25 8 15 Monroe Junctlon 8 42Í4 14 " 1037 4 33 8 80 Dundee 8 304 04 i'iÁ 110 43 '4 40 8 37 Macón 8 20 4 00 + 10 47 4 45 8 4 Azalia 8 20:8 54 tU 00 4 55 8 59 Milán Junctlon 8 OH .í 45 M5 a., 5 00 9 09 Milán 'S0Hí4Ipii 5 08 9 22 Urania '1 52.3 80 5 23 9 32Pittefleld Juuction 7 10 :i fl 6 35 9 50 Aun Arbur 7 27 I 10 8 55 10 Ui L. hm.i 7 12 2 50 t 05 10 30 Worden 17 06'2 40 1 g_20 10_45S___8oulh_I!yon_ 6 502 M Connections: At Toledo, with rallroadB dlvereíng; at Manhattan Junctlon, with Wheellne L Erie R R.; at Alexis Junction, with Sf. C. R.B,LS.Í11.8.Et. and K. 4 P. M. R. R.; at Monroe Junctinn. with L. S. M. S. Ry .; t Dande, with L. ti. A M. S. Ry., M. O. Ky.; al Milán Junction. with Wabaeh, St. Louls Pacific Kt at Pittsfleld, with L. S. 4 M. S. Ry.; at Ann Arbor' with Michigan Central K. R., and at South Lyon with Detroit, Lanclng 4 Northern R. R., and Mich. A. L. Div. of rand Tronk Ry. Tram (i and 3 runs betweon Detroit and Toledo dally exccpt Sunday, vla Milán Janctlon ; No. 6 arrivés at Detroit 12:00 noou. No. 31eaves Detroit at 2:;i5 p. m. Fine stations. t Dally, cxcept Snndaye. ) Traína do not etop W. H. BBNNErji-GeWnM.AptI!.LAlen?enera' íbnn nnn f? ?¦¦. n awav VIIM hcnd usSceutsposUge.and t. by mail yon Wilfgetr' a V'LJUiUUU Packatte of froods of Urge ralne, tbat ill etart you In work that wlll at once brinff yoa in rnony taster ;';n?lille 'e in America. All ahout ihe 3)0,000 in presenta with each box. Agent wanted verywhere, of either sex, of all age, f(r all the me, or spare time only, to work for us at their wnhome. fortunes lor all workern absolutely '".Don't delay. H. Uallktt & Co , PortBmathes there a man with soul so dcad Jho ncvcr to his wite hath said, I will a flower garden makc, ioth for my own and Ihy dcar sake. And sow with secds to come up quick, Which you, of course, will buy of Vkk '." a j"í 'h"c bct l V"? rcPn', And have an order quickly sent ' 1 hen swect tliy rest, l'm sure, will be And thy dcar wife will sm'le on thee. ' "heGutDH s ¦ work of 150 pages. Colorcd Plates, 1000 .histralions, with descriptions of the besl Flowers and c-Sctables. price. of Si-,-,1, .„„I plant,, aad how loerow lem. It tells you what you want for the Karden and OW 10 Bct ,t. Printed in Enriish and Germán. Price nrjr u cents, wUch mjiybedwkKtedfrom first order. irYONLTVKKssKKIN. AT HKAIXjrARTF.RS. JAMES VICK, SEEDSÍÍAN, Rochester, N. Y. ?ft, ._ , . , ƒ LBMmX 1-JralCI f -! Y I al I . f , SmfnKJLI A i.3ih'pn,r,,i ii,, Wfíp ry!::":::"í?;' "'¦¦¦¦ ¦SMlDOLLie I'lT,prlntiiii:nn.1 : itCVS L D im!."" "" "l.-r at ¦ , WfViflSION.M&ni-e for agenta t 1 1. ? B monev. Senil $ : .,r , . ¦¦IlL Tf.KHS VKRV I.IBKH.U.. UT Ï7i Uenry llill ¦„,. e.... -1E471131


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