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PSORIASIS iml all Ttclilng1 and Scaiy Skiu and Snilp DIsoases Cared by (uticura. PSORIASIS, Kczema, Telter. Rintrworm, Uchen Pruriti.e.Seald Hed, Milk Cru-t, DandruiT, ïurbert' Haker.-' í rocera' and Washerwoman'H Itco ml every species of itchiitT, Burninjj, Scaly, l'iniply Huniorn of the Nkin and Sralp, with Mi of hít are poslfively cured by Cuticura, the great kin Ture, and t'uttcura Soap, and t-zquini e Skin Beautlflffer externally, and Cutlcura Heeolvent, the new hlood Purifier Intemally, when phytñcian and alt olher remedies fail. Psoriasis, or Scaly Skin. I. lohn J. Caee, D, D. S., having pructked denUtry Ín thle county for thirty-flve ytar and beleg well-known to thousand hereaboutt, with a view 0 helpauy who ure afllicted ae I have been lor the wwt twelve yeare, testlfy tbat the Catíourt Remelles cured me of PeorianiH. or Scalv Skin, ín elht lys. after the doctore with whom I had un-ulted [ave me do help or encouragement. Newton, N. J., JOHN J. CASE, D. D. S." Distressin Eruption. YourCutieura Kemedl-H perforiued a wondrfnl cnre last summor on une of our cuxum'i, an oíd gentleman of seventy yenre of ge. who inffereawliha fearcnlly dlstVetelnK erupilon on hii and face, and who had trled all remedies and to no pur;oM Texarkana Ark. J. F. SVITI1 c CO. More Wonderful Yet. H. K. Carpenter, N.Y., cured of Psoriasis or Leprony, 01 rwenty year-' atituditijr, by ('uticura UfmedJ'ee. The most womlerful cure on record. A dustpanfttl of aculen feil f rom him lally. Pbuiclaní and his friendo thought he nm-tdio. ('urt; Bwom to bel'ore a juatice ul iheieaceand iieudcrson's mout prominent Qlttoess. $2OO For Nothing. Wm. (iirdon, f7 Arlintrton Ave., Cífiarlestnwn, Mans., writes: "HaTina paiil bout tixl toflntcla doctora to care my baby, wHhout cucct'R11. Ï tried Ihe Cutlcura Remedies, whlch completely cnred, aftcr ukíiik three pacltnne." CÜTICURA REMEDIES, Soldby alldruelt8. Prlce: (VriruK, SO C's.; Rüsolveht, $1; Soap, tu. Preparad by tlit Pottbb Drdo and Chemical Co., Bostou, Maf. Sfud fur Phamphlet' Nrnd for "Hoiv to rurr Hkln IHneas" ÜT7 A TT "FY the fomplejcinn nnrt Slcln by .CuiilJ iiinR the COTicnRA Roap. CATARRH _ , miIE liroat Bnlíanilf Dlstfi?2: . -0 1 tillai ion or Witch Hnzai, SMtíZ'' 'í American Pino ünBaila t'ir, .,. " Wt) Marllfold.Clovfr Blowonn )- Ofci-'' f etc., called Manfortl m ¦ ') Kadirnl 'ure. for the ¦ rXÉÍ relief uk! itX, W5 manent cure ot every foim S T (jl Crttarrh, ironía simple 'f- Cold in the Usad loLoi"ol " Smi-11, Twlr ai d lleurlnt;, Congh and Catarrhul C'dtiptimpHen. Complfte trcalinrut, rotmlf ttnc of onc hottle Kadical Cure, one box Sulvent andone tmproved ínhaler, In one jiaokape, may dow be had of all DruxijmtK for $1.00. Ank lor SANFOKD'S RADICAL CUHK. Complete Treatment with Inhaler, $1. The onty absolute speclflc we know of." V 1 Time. "The bent we huye fonnd in a Ufetime i BiifferitiK."- Her. Dr. Wéggin, Boston. "After a long troKKle with Catarrh the Kadk'Al C'dk hap conqueredV"- Rer. 8. W Monroe, Leivinburg, Pa 1 bave not foand a ouc that it 1id not relieve at once."- Andreui Let, Matuüietter, Maft. Potter DrnK and rhrmlriK'., BoHton. " MUST OIVE UP, I cannot bear thir. natu; l ache all over,aud nothtefl Ury doe me any good." Buck-ache weaknts, 1 '¦¦rinu palnr, Sorenei-a Lamenepp. Hacklnfr Couph, Pli-uri and chept paiue cured by ih:it new, orlg inal auu elegant antidote to pain and inflammntion the Cïmitka A.nti-Pain Pi.astk.k. E-pe clally adapted o ladlep by reason of Itp delicate odor and eentle medicinal actimi. At Drnnrlii 45c.; flve for fl. Malled free by Pottcr Driu and CmiitiAL Co, üoitton, Mmbs BEAL ESTA1E ANII IXSÜRAN6E AGENGY. J. Q. A. "SESSIONS, ATTORNEY AND NOTARY PUBLIC Real Entntn sold or rentcd and rents col leoted on renBonuble term. None but old and flrst-elnss Insnrnnc Companles represented- with insurimii' Hk] Ital of $10,U0U,U0il. Haten as low as any othe luHurtitioeoompunyand loHeg promptly pul( otriiv In Nationul limik Ulocli, Mam streel Auu Arbor, Mlcli.


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