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A Valuable Collection Of War Envelopes

A Valuable Collection Of War Envelopes image
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The ptesent city editor of tliis paper, Geo. H. Pond, if the possessor of two vuluable nieinentoes, or relies, perhaps wou ld be better, of the late war for the JbIoü, in the shape of twobound voliinei, ench one coniptinjt of about 100 inion envelopes," no two being alike. 'hese 200 "Union envelopes," as they vere called in tli"c days, were colleoltd j' hiiM during the years af the war, mosty Ín Aan Arbor, inany of tlit'in betng nrelmsed of Mr. A. W. Ames wiieti lie wned i newi depot In the Miildlug now ooupled liy Sed. James" marble workg, i-i of the postoffice on Ann street. Vlienever lie saw a new one he would mrchase t and put it away, aiul wheii He wai eloséd Ue had them bound in )ok ferm, as the best niethnd n( preserulion. None are defaced by superscrip001 OT po-tniuiks. On eveiy envelope is a patrloHc picture uotto or design of sonie mhI, u-ually rlnted lo blue and red. On one is a Ht Himy iiianliiii, and underneatli the ood ulil honjr, whose stralus are yet loul Ui ring, "We re coining Fathor Abraham, Slx hundred thousaud more." Aiuither bears the "History of Our i'lïijt, " printed in altérnate liues of red ml blue; the Star Spunglod Kanncf enre is ti'timl uuoq one of tbemj the )i ilaiiition Of Independence upon ea'le in lliifht.boivring tlie stiipes ml stai'8 in its beuk lms this verse undercalh: Woi', wt)t' to the traitoroui children oC Marn, Iki challtince üils nird, wuli liis Dihht or fUir: W' vi] tt-Hcti tlifin this lessou, thut truth anü llif rlght BW tiiuuiphaut, and must win the flght." The next one is au eagle with the slafl" eui-Jnx the Union flaj{ and liberty oap in me talon, having a mtllt'snake in hls eak and rending the reptil witli his ther talon, u torn rebel Hag atl.'tched to broki'n stail' heilig held by the coils of he snake, with tlii." inxeription : "The Bwlu shall beur the Rattlcenake in hl beak ad ruud iiim wiiu big ulou." The Goddess of Liberty holding aloft hc starry Union banner with this verse s upon anoiher : We must keep the flag whcre it e'er has Hfood , In front of tbu Free, tUf Wlse .ind the Goud ! ! And lulu and t'all at the Country' cali, To delend the ñ'íg 01 the l'eople ! A plumo, a snake and a skiill are aranged as "Seeession Ëuiblenis," labeled 'Vanily, Treachery and Death." A galows witli Jeil' Darla hanging thereon is abeled "The Wrong Man in the Right Mace," wliile upon auother the picture of Uen. Scott siirrouuded by his country's anuer is tenned "The Eiglit Man in the tlght Place.1' It will be renienibered bat piracy was ihreatened at one me, and the President of the Confedertey thotiiflit of ott'i-iing rewards for northf rners, alive or dead, so a picture repreents Jeft'. üavis upon his throne with uo piratet in front guarding a heivily shacktled boy in blue, and auother pirate dragging in a dead soldier. First lïrate to Jeff. Bavis .-"We want $25 for live Northeuer.1' íltcond Pírate (o Jtff. Davis .- "Yee, and I want 2U lor ibU dead oue.' A rope twined and looped so as to represent a deaths head is the "End of Srees rion." Incle Sam in the act of choking i luige rattlesnake on wlnch ís ínscribed 'Secession," and underneath the slang phrases of the day, "Or any other man," "Thatfi what's the matter." A greal spider'sweb clinging to a Union flag staff I rcprespnted as a "Secession web" witli leff. lavis as tlie tptdor. He hai secured severa! tiies, Miss., Fia., Ark.. Ahí., N. 'Car., S. Car., Gil, Tez., is in the act of devouring Virginia, and still ravenoua has an arm reuching out for Marylaud and Misouii hovering Daar; but they ncver walked into his parlor. Then there are pictures of Gens. Srott, McClellan, Fremont, Shields, McDowell, Hallock. Burnside. Blenker, Curtís, Lyon, et il., Cd. Andergon of Ft. Sumpter lame, the Umeiited Col. Ellnro'rth, CtTpt Dupont. mul Lieut. John T. GreUle, one if Ihe lust to fall, with his famous words below hls picture: I ncver dotlue, and when I hr the notes of the Rik 1 calling a retreat, Í utiall re real and nol before." Poor fellow, he never rotreated, hut brave Hfe went out whlle facins tire enemy. Upon om is a scene depictlng the dèath of Col. Ellsworth. with a tntatlon from Frank Brownell's letter to his t'.illii-i1 : "Fathkk- Col Kllsworth aa shot dpnd this mornlni?. 1 killed hls mumcrer. Fkamh." 'l'lie comic ones are numerous and latighable, but our space will only admtt qf notini oneor two. John Huil is representeil in n "IVrilou Feat of Horseinan-hip," endeavoriug to riilc, pfeudlna nprijfht tipon two hordes, the North md the Bonth, anil carrying a bale of cotton upm tri back. Aj a doublé bare-back cquestrian John was nota success. ".leff. Davis Going In," ia represented asa Beroe looUng pewonaire, bal turnina the picture ddewaya "JctV. Davis Coming Out" is a poor oki nuizzled mule. A picture of a southern planlation with ii si ave drlverin the foreground wieldlnj) a long IhsIi, and the negroes all nraninfl toward Fortren Biouroe in the dlitauce, wtaereGen. ISutler had Issued his famous order declaxing laves "contrabatid of war.'' The overscer yellsat theni 'Come back hert', you blaak racal," and a darfcle with his thunrb ti]) to his nose ïvratinff t''9 n'iijzcrs replies. "Can't come back, nohow, Massa, di? chile' contrahan'." lust, after the famous battle of rondada in llaiiipton Hoails, tliat raroluüouizec naval wnrfiire, Uncle Smn is represente! a standing upon the "ctteese box," as the lii si monitor was palled, and with liiithumh to his nose in the manner of tin darkie above, calis out: "No you doift.' ¦llow are you Mr. Merrlmacr" lint we inust our dew'rfptlona o tliiri iituiepting collection, for we coulc till sci-r:il roliiiiiiis. and then not tire It is needleM to add that the owner wil place mi inoiiey value on these two curi oui bookl. He can give you the historj of nearly everv envelope in them, atnl al so particular event tuut called it out. It is (loubtful if lli-rr mr inauy collec tioiiH of kind iu the country.'


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News