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Casscfl's Family Magazine for April is briL'lit and charmlnji as usual pubilsoed by (Jassoll & Co., New York, at $1.50 per year. Mrs. Craik. ths author of "John H.ilifax, Gentleman." claims that it ispossible Cor a great novel to be written and yet not be a love story. Her readers will have au opportunity to jodgeof lier own suceeas in th:ii line in the aove], "Kiiijr ArthU'r; nol a Lave Story." whirh appears in the April Hurper's. She bates the u"f lier novel on maternal love. Two Rujrgestive toappear in tlie April Century are "Strike?, LockoatS aflti Arbitrattons, by Geo. M. Powell. and Mi i il on The Grant .Memorial. " Who sliull makethe Monument,?'' "What kind of a Strocture f" "The Qnestteo of style," etc. The issue of the new lit'e ot Longellow addü timellneM to a paper by Mrs. ames ï- Field, on GHImpaesof Löngfelow In Social Life," whlch is to appear in in' Mime number, aecompanytag h new 'ortniit of' the poet, eojifaved i ron au ambrotype taken in 1848. ('bulles Dudley Warner's, "Their Pil rrlraa(?(i" whicu beginsin llarper's April Mu::iine. niay be cal led a "Sunrtner HcOrl story." It will be a lively narr.uive F ini'ii!cjii and observatlon on a JonrMey moiiRtlie inosl pOuUf of American pi'isure resorts, with humorous dcliiieations I cliaiacicr and a tliread of romance rimilng through it. Fortress Kon roe, Cape May. and Atlantic (ütyaie visitoil in the nl two obapters. C. S. EtemJukTt i to Ilústrate the serial, and ten of hfl ilnuv, ngs accompsny the liisr part. "The Popular Sttenee Moutlily ' tbt pril will contatn theflwtof a series of rticles by Hon. Qayid A. Wells on "Au '.(ononiic of Mexico." Bedkles leinii the bc-t prepared uaiia, perhaps, in lic country to deal witli this subject by lis thorongh taniiliarity with the'priuriili-s of financia! scicncc, Mr. Wells lias ipeclally qualifled hlmselffor trHtlng it iy in v.- tifi -atiuij the cliMracter and reMTrces Of the country, the peciHhifHies ¦ I iis proplc, :1H th,' state of its instituons, tlnoiih carefuland comprehensive ibseivalions made diiriug il lesidence hert1 uu. Ier vcry favorable etrcumstnncs. Be throws a gréat deal of new lijfht upon the subject, and sllows that Ainerian- srenftrslly ave about as familiar with the social life of thelr neijrhbors, the Mexleftü, as tbey are with the inlnibitanla of Madagascar. The froiitispiece of the Magazine of Art for April is au admirable reproüuction In brown, of h head by Franz n DefreggOf; Miss Helen Ziinni.-rn wrltes a bioraphical and critical sketch oi this interi-tini; pain ter, Whleh is illustrated with reproductions from bis best work. The opening ppr of Ibe Bomben describes an olil Eulish mansión, and makes one envious of its architecture by the views that are ven of its exterior and interior. A cbapter on fire-plnces rives some excellent hints to builders ot' fine houses. An illustrated article, bv William Davies. takes us along the Tiber from Bagnorea to the Bouree and shows us the many altractions of thiR attractire river. A paper on the "Annunciation in Art," gives us not only the history of the subject, but si'vi -ral reproductions from the more fanious masten who have treated tliis subject. The most Interesting paper In the number la on "American Embroideries," by S. R. Koebier. Mr. Koeliler gives a verv careful account of the rise and irnwth of this art industry in the United States, where it h: attaiiied an importance not reached elsewhere. A paper on "Art in Phflpnecia" follows this and then we are giren a readable account of BoydelPa Shakespeare. Cassell & Co., New York, $;J..")0 a year In advance.


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