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Beautify Yonr Home. Finish the walls and ceilins wiRl Alahastine. You can dolt; inexpensive ; try it. White, and twelve tints. Cheaper andbetter than paint, kalsomlne or paper. DlsinfecU sBd preveiits diseases. Beautiful sample ciinl free. Iiy druggists, hardware and palnt déniers, $ Süi given away, Alabastine Co., 1290-99 Knpids, Mich. England's official hangman is a Mr. Berry. He belongs to the Choko-berry t'amily. Rheumatism It U an tstablUhed f act that Hood's Sarsaparllla has proven an lnvaluable remedy In tnany severe cases of rheumatism, elïectiiiR rcmarkable cures by lts powertul action In correctlng the acidlty ot the blood, which Is the cause ( the disease, and purifjring and enriching the vital fluid. It U certainly fair to (tamme, that what Hood's Sarsapartlla has done for others It wlll do for you. Therefore, II you suffer the jains and aches of rheumatism, give tlils potent remedy a fair trial. A Positivo Care. " I was troubled very nmeli with rheuma tisni In my hlps, ankles, and wrist. I could hardly walk, and was confined to my bed a good deal of the time. Being recommended to try Hood's Sarsapartlla, I took four buttles and aiu perfeetly well. I cheerfully recommend nood's Sarsaparllla as one of the best blood purifiers In the world." W. F. Wood, Bloomlngton, 111. For Twonty Years 1 have been affllcted with rheumatism. Before 1883 1 f ound no relief, but grew worae. I thcn began taking Hood's Barsaparllla, and it did me more good than all the other medicine I ever had." H. T. Balcom, Shirley, Mass. " I suffered f rom what the doctors called muscular rheumatism. I took Hood's Sarsaparilla and ara entlrely cured." J. V. A. Pkoudfoot, letter carrier, Chicago, Hl. We shall be glad to send, free of charge, to all who may deslre,abookcontainlngmany addltional sUtements of cures by Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold by all drnfrpiRts. (1 ; slx for s. Mude ouly by C. I. HOOU & CO., Lowell, Mass. IOO Doses One Dollar.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News