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He Couldn't Call It A Miracle

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Col.Micliai'l Boland, of Kentucky. wcently reluted to u reporter in New York a story wliicli illustiates the icady lrisli tODgue. He was witb the guanl otSliiwiden in the yallcy of the Shenandoah. The soldien ín his comtnaiid became engaged in a close-quarter lijrht in the wooils. They rnn out of iimmunition, and lie went back and brought theni new ivpplles. As lie was dealing It out the bullets were flyin uncomfortHbly aronnd hiui. One ball strnuk a man natned Kelley, u native of the Green isle, just as the colonel was h mdin liira soine cartridges. He was knocked senseless, and Boland tbougbt he was dead. But there was somuthing about his appearance that made Boland run his hand dtvn where the bullett had struck. The toucli .-howed that there was no blood flowing and the colonel pursued the investigation further. The noise made by the itrlklng biillct was as it' it had hit a button. Inside the maii's breast (pocket he found 1 set of three-card-monte cards. Tliey had the bullet imbedded in theni. Kelly befr in to come to and was soon able to Bit up. The colonel kuew hiin fnr an old sport. He hamled the man the cards and showed him the bullet, rematking: "The carks saved your life." The Irlshman looked duzedly at the bullet for a moment, and Uien, as his mind becaine clearer, he replied in great excitemeut: "Ileitven help me! if It had been a prayei-book it would have been a miníele."'- lï. Y. Tribune. Co-operaMon 19 a part of the creed of the Knlghts of Labor, and out in Minnesotu, it seeros they Intend to put it into practlce, as the following dispatch in Sunday's Tribune will show: The Minnesota Knights of Labor have puichased 600 acres of land In Crow Wiug county and will establish thereon a co-operative colony. Tliree families go out at once and others will follow rapidiy. The land Í9to be held in commoii forever, bui tlie prolits are to be divided yoarly among tue workers. In tliis latter feature the coiiniiunity will be wholly unique. Tlie object is to orgauize agiiculture and furnUh a refuge vvhere nieinbers of the order who are forced out of employment in thecitlescan besupported w il iiout expense to the order. Tlie plan includes one co-operative store, one dairy, one stable, and in general a centralization and unitication of each branch of agrlcultural industry. A villaje will be alatted and each colonlst allowed to hold one lot in fee simple. All the land is inalienable. The Northern Pacilic railroad company trom whom the land was bought, have agreed to hold hu entire township in reserve for the order for a casonable time. Farmers read these sensible wordsfrom the Indiana Farmer: "How are you to induce the boys to stay on the farm? Kakfl it more attiactive to tliein than any oulhur place by supplying it with all the books, papers, magazines, music and pei indicáis thatthe various ïnerubers of the faniily demand. Beautfy the surroundlagi oy planting trees, slirubs and tiowers; uiake walks and drive-ways, and above all plant fruit trees and berry vine, so thatthe family eau have abunclauce in theii season. llave a lisli pond; Morkfil with ffood lisb. Give the boys a holiday, on which to rest and see the sights in the cily. Lay out your work with these things in view. If you should at the end of tlie year not have quiet so many dollars in your pocket to buy the adjoining farm or put to your interest account, you will have more joy in your souls." Mobs in Asia appcar not to be dreaded, and apparently are not dreadful. Rings ncver dream of proliibltiug them, and tht people are not in the least afra'd of them. All over Asia, from Constantinopie to Shanghai, vast mobs continually assemble for woiship, for jollirittation, for eurio8ity, and nobody interferes. Tne Kings do not apprehend revolt f rom them. tlie pólice do not look for riot, the people do not li'.ir accident. In India, bunnali, Ceylon. Arabia, China, ImmeOM crowds contiuually assemble without distiirbance of any kind, without endangering public peace, and without disaster, save when, owing to the consequent breatih of aanltary laws, soine devastating epidemie is occasionally generaled. A true "mob" of a hundred tbousand persons Is a constant pheiioincnon in India, and isas little reaarded by the magistrates as a crowd of a thousaiid would be in London.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News