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Short advcrllsements uot to exceed three iinea, of Lost ana Found, Houses for Sale or Kent, Want, etc.. lnserted three weeks for 1ÍS cents. Situatlons wanted. free. ARM FOR SALE- Oood solt, good bulldlngs and water. Large npple orchard of cholee varletles. Addrt'KH, Win. H. Kandall, Box 973, Ypsllantl, Michigan, i 95 A B ARGAIN. FOR SALE- The handsome plece of land on South glde of Washtenaw avenue, corner of Bitldwln avenue. Oppsile Kev. IJ. Day's. Euqulre of Hall Bros. tf FOR SALE- A Complete set of Abstract Buoks of Washtenaw County, Michigan, froiu Qoveruaaot to present date. H. 1. Beunett, Hurou utreet. 91-9ti WANTED- A Orocery Clerk, one who understunds the business, none other need apply. J. A. Brown, State Street. 91 T)OOMS TO RENT- over Bllss & Sons JewIV elry store on Main street. Enqulre of Wm. McCreery. 1LW FOR SALE- On reaaonable terms the property known as the Old Henrlques Mansion, ou corner of División and Bowery streel. Zlna P. Klng. I70R SALE ÜK RENT - House and Lot . wlth bain. Terms reasonable. Zlna P. Klng. GUIÓN STEAMSHIP LINE - Passengere booked to and Irom European ports. Zlna P. Klng. WHO WANTS A FARM? Twolmproved Farms lu N. W. Kimsas, and two fruit farms with H.onO fruit trees on East shore ol l.nke Michigan, lor snle or BZOlasaM lor n-nl estáte in Ann Ai hor. Knquire of J. Q,. A. noMinm. National Bauk Block. Ann Arbor. I.OUNÜ- A sum of Money. The owner can ' have the same by provlng property and paylng for thts notlce. C. G. Darllng, M. 1) WAN1 KD - Compotent Olrl for general HoUKt'Work. l'.nquiresl No. 'i-. ¦riici il h iiii.l Williams Street, A nu Arbor, Mlcb. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGË FOR"('!ly property. The farm of the late Jas M. Smitb. ofSuem, on the T. A. A. N M B R four inlleKKOuihorsoutli Lyon- 1U acres sood tor elther stock or rain, and well tlmbered. App'y to Ktnsley ('alkins Ksq., South Lyon, or Miss M. A. Smith. o4 Kast Unlverslty Ave., Anu Ar-nr. 486 A GOOD house and harn with b ut three acres of good land withln the city limite, suitahlt Tor Kardenint! and mail trnlt, for sale cucap. Kn qulre ol Adam Mager oi Z. F. King. 4w föhTsale ! A Iloase and Lot on Thompson Btreet (No. II), Good location. Fine Nelghborhood and a BARQAIN. See W. W. WHEDON, or J. E. BEAL LOANING-Money to loan on flrst-class Real Estáte Mortgage at Current rates o Interest. Katlsfactory arrungements made wlth capltall.sts deslrlng sueh lnvestments Kvery conveyance and transactlon in ab stracU of titles carefully examined as to lega effect. Z. P. KINÜ. Ann Arbor.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News