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The City Election

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The yearly selection of municipal offlcers has been gone tkrough with once again, and the result is quite sntisfactory to 8ome and quite the reverse to others. The republicana placed in nomination an exceptlonally good ticket, and our democratie breturen not to be outdone did the same thing. The resu t was that the people quite lnrgely threwaside party aftiliations and voted nccordlng to their likes or dislikes, veiy many joining in with the popular tide as they judssed it to be running. One thing Iscertain, the attempt of a "new party" to step in and díctate to the old parties what men they should nominateforofflce,and whatcourse they should pursue, waseminentlyunsuccessful. This paper is more fully convinced than ever before that the place for reform is m the preüminary meetings of the old parties. Good people sliould attend the caucuses and see that the right sort of men are nominated. It they will not do that, they should not growl at camlidates put up or measures adopted. "Keform" should come from wiihin the old parties, not from a coterie of dissatistied ones who band together to destroy the old oigan zations that have stood for so many years. The following Is the vote taken from the üflicial returns: MAYOR. Kyer. Koblson. Campbell. Rep. Dein. til lírii. l8t ward.... 141 l7 7il 2d ward 52 Is w 3d ward 105 171 24 4lhward... 65 177 4K üi ward.... 41 mi ¦ tu ward.... 77 u 51 Total 481 885 2:15 Plurallty for Roblson, 404. KKC'OKDKR. Pond. O'Toole. Dnuglas. Kep. Deui. Cltlcen. lstward.. . 211 135 71 2d ward 124 1JI 18 8d ward 150 1 :3 18 4ih ward 118 l.i; 4U ¦ii 1 1 ward ... lutt 4a 8 til ward.... 91 81 II, Total 800 04 m Plurallty íor Poud, 196. JU8TKIM. Clark, ñau. Beunett. Pond. Kcp. Dem. Kep. Oum. lstward... 1U0 172 172 241 2d ward K7 mi 85 las 3d ward. ... 130 l.'.l 14 127 4thwarë.... 122 144 153 139 Ui ward 88 75 90 ?ü BlU ward 125 35 91 72 Total.... 742 740 739 8UJ Plurallty for Clark, 2 ; Poud, 64. Bonjaiulu J. Coarad recelved 5 votes in the 3d ward, ando In the 4th ward, and Mlcliael J. Martín 5 votes, for justlce of tlie peace to lili vacaucy caused by removal oí M. 11. UrcuiiHii. Mr. Conrad recelved 7 votes Ín tlie Btb wurd fnrjusticeol the peace for Ule term expiring July lst, 188M. 3 ¦ I 83 "1 ga ga bj " o b 5 lst ward. .. ill 2(il 21 ward 110 120 lid ward 299 4thward. .. 289 SU ward 158 Bth ward ... 147 Total.... 854 321 588 305 Mnjorlty for Gardner 33. In the two other dlHtrlcts O'Hearn and líiu ts were upon bota tickets., ALDKRMEN. lst ward, Qeo. F. Allmendlnger, R., 52 Oottlob Luick, D 180 Ambnwe V. Itubistiii, K., 199-108 Patrick O'Brlen, D 3 W. W. Beeman, Cit 110 2d ward, Wm. Herz, R 152-49 Kred Beslmer, D., IOS 3d ward, Milo . Pulcipher, R 139 Wm. Nelthaminer, D 23 4th ward, Wirt Cornwell, R 117 John M.Swlft, D 66 5th ward, Eax Ware, R .. 49 Oeo. W. Weeks, D 57 6th ward, Jo-teph B. Steere, Cit 105-43 Hudson T. Morton, D tiü CONSTABLE. lstward, Nelsou Sutherland, R 296-180 Oeo. W. Browu, V 1 li 2d ward, PaulSchull. D ííi-209 John Neuiuaun 4 Scatterlng 17 3d ward, JaHlinus.K 287-223 Scatterlng 14 4th ward, Dudley J. Loorais. R 170-70 Christopher Omítanle D. 1(10 5th ward, Daniel 8. Millen, R ' 50 Georiíe K. Bull, D U 6th ward E. B. Gldley ít; ; NOTES. It was easier ruuning Monday, than walking Tuesdny. Wm. J. Clark feels verv proiul of tlie gram! run he made for Justice, Woiula . The polis opened and closed by standard time, wliich s the U-ital álate and city time. John W. Bennett recelved a liandsome vote Monday and teels thut liU fiiemls did well bv hiui. The blizzard of yesterday waa 11 cauaed by the freezeout of the citizeii's ticket. So it is said. Mayor elect Robison, and Alderraan elect Swlft of the 4th ward were seré iiiuied Monday evening. How'8this? The Dstroit Free Press Df Tuesday classilied Alderman Steere, of the 6Üi, amonr tlie demócrata! ! The best feeling Gorman in Aun Arbor 8 our genial friend, Alderman Wm. Herz ot the 2d wiird. lie got ther Ín good ahape. Election isn't over yet. The council now has the city treasurer and city marshal to elect. The aspirants for these "honors" are plentiful. The kindness of Supt. Keech and the telephone peoplein transmitting tlie elcctlon returns is very ffnitifying to the newspaper men of Aun Arbor, and they fully apireciate favors shown. The city editor of this paper, doff his hat, crooks h!s elbovv, and makes tlie handsomest bow to the public he knows how to niake. All becaut-e of that nearly 20Ü mnjority which oonfirm him as city recorder for the coming year. Tlie boys indiilgeil in a big bonfire Monday nirht in honor of tlie snccessful candidatos. Onecomniendablc thinsrabout the boys g their larj:e-hc;irted disinterestedness. No matter who is electa! their entlmsiasm never wanen. John W. Bennett's best frienda are congratulallng hiin upon not beingelected - because they believe he has tlie ahility and making of an A No. 1 lawyer, if he doesn't have any set back - :ind thcy tíolieve the justiceship would be a set back. The Hurón band turned out and ferenaded Aid. Ware upon his ro-election in the 'th w:iid. The boys feit so good over the event that they had to irivc their enthusiacm a lirrle vent. Mr. Ware mide n prood offleer and is to beconfratiilated upon his re-election.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News