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HYMOVM DIKËCTOUÏ' Ann Akbor CoMitiDEKY, No. 13 meets flrst Tuesday ol e i 11 iimiilli. V. i. Doty, U.IV, W. A. Toh'ii irl, Beóorrti r. WASHTKJÍAW C'IIAVTKH, N'l. , It A. M - Meets flrst M'iHr eac-h mtmth. Is;iac HanJy, lL 1'.; Z.Houtli, Scort-tary. BUSINESS CARDS. m tin in CLOTH CASKETS, METALIC And Common ('offlns. Calis attented to Day ; or Nlght. KiiilmlmliiK a specialty. sto'eroomoii K. Washington street. Hi-sldecce Cor. Liberty acl Flftn. V. II. .1 KSOV DENT I S Tu OTFICK : Oror Bacli & Abel's Dry Good Store. Entrance next to National Bant . WILLIAM IIERZ, House, Sign, Ornamental and FRESCO PAINTER! !"¦[!¦ !¦¦ ffiMllI Oilding, and Calciminlnsr, nd ! work of every de-crintioa done in the bost style. and warranted to glve satlsfaction. Shop, No. 4 W. Washington St., Anr, Arbor. W. W. A 1. MCIIOI.S, K(MMiis (hor Aun Arbor SaïiiiL's I!unW, ! Miisonic Tcjnplc IMoiK. G&S or VITALIZED AIR Adminlstorcd for thi' iminUxextrnctlon "f tccih. .losi'.i'l! BEKKV, Tlio Pracücal TA1LÜR M CUTTEI1, Of tin' late flrm Oi WINANS BEKHY, hs kiciit''il hiB place al taalDWI at NO. 7 HURON STREET, TUI A 1 -l '1.1. T.INK OF Suitings and Trouserings, And woulü say to hls old frlonds and uu' ones that 1f they want a U0U1) FIT und a NUBBY FIT t KEA8ONABLB PK1CK8, cali on Dim and they will be a ure to Ret oue. CET THE BEST FIRE INSURANCE! $29,000,000. 8ecnrity held for thir protfctiun oí the pollcy bolden CHRISTIAN MACK Bepresent the f.1llowlne: flrst-cla cnmimim-, of which one, the Etna. has alone uaid $5,0(M),OÜü tire Ioks.b In slxty-llve ycars : JËtnt, of ltirtfonl ? ,19J,Ut Krunklin of Pliiladulplnu .,118,71a Germnnia, N. Y 2,700,729 Germán American, N. Y 4,066,968 Londo Assurunce, Lonilon... 1.41G.78S Michigan F. & M., Detroit... 27.008 N. Y. Underwriters, N. Y 396,679 National, Hartford 1 ,77 l.'.n". Phoenix, Brooklyu 3,730,030 Losses libcrally adjusted and proraplly pai. Politics ssucd at the lowcst ratcs of prtiniuoi. UBltf LVMBER! LUMBER! LÜMBEU! If yon contémplate building, cali at FERDON jJ'IKI Illll! Corner Fourlh and Depot Sts., and 'e our 1'p'ures for all kiuds of LUMBER! We manufacture our own T.umber and guarantee AERY LOW PRICES a-GWe u a cali and we will make it to your interest, as our large and wcll gradcd. stock lullj ustains our assertion. Telephone Coue.Uni rij1. KKECII Supt JAMES TOIBKRf , Plop w. trêmXin OBHERAIi office, Oyer Casucr Rinsey's Gmcery Store, COR. HÜRON AND FOURTH STS.. North British Insurance Co., Of London nd EdluburKICapItol, $13.000,000, Gold. Detroit Flre and Marine Insurance Co., CashAiseeta $600,000. Surlngfleld Ins. Co. of Massachnsetts, Cash Aet f1,800,000. Howard Ihs. Compaña of New York, Cuk Assem $1,000,000. iyrlcultnral Ins. Co., Watertown, N.T., CahAote $1,00,000. Losse:i.lherally Adntel and l'roraptiy Paid. CHAMPION ÜREAMÊRÏT , i';M{ ( DNVKMENI K r mi tMj 'ii Bm "r ti:ii:dll!ii; Milk and HHIBPBC ( reum witfi best resulta, l!ie Tan. Hm "! I tlutiiilo LI mm In e H "' " "¦_ '. .1, ;,t I i, limritl. UtVInhg ¦ 1 i ,f Milkor Cream flrst aa deIj i l ji hlr.d. .n ffar f tttliRa-M) aii mJH "í at. InittVr inadefrom Ml iÉlfll H was awarded the ,1 II I'IKNT PIIKMIIM ijl ., at 'lrl-Slnlc l';ilr, 3 "tH Toleilo, lH.r, Mlch. =U Fllrj IHS4IHX", Fn AtiHk Show fr Mlch., 1SH.1. It hfistuken the First Prkmit'M at nearly every State Falrwlii-rccxlilhlti-it. DarUSu Ing Chwnu, Kurrka and SJchnifr llutirr Worki r, ffeëbm Huttrr lrintert, if' . Auul u nul' II; . . y ( initlty nnd town. Uiry Ini.l. ia. ut Co,, l'iill, VI. Uw UM


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