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There are 22 Chelseaites d onegangon the M. C. II. R. The cliildren'g temperance school at Vtatiche9ter will be reorganized soon. Not an unoccupied house in Dexter, )ut lots of unoocupied people. - Leader. Manchesterites are tnlking)of eracting a )Uildiiig lor the use of their counciltliis spring. Geo. O. Merrinian of Manchester goea to Wlchita, Kansas, aoon to look aftor roperty there. Saline naid for 942 wanijïlin"i ......i,.., nst year, tlie ?uintr $141.05, or 15 ccnta er head. Cheap enough. Street cara pass througli Mil:in over the rVabush netirly every tiuy, froiu New iTork to St. Louis. - Leader. The eharper who takes advantiige of eople's iibsent-minilednesa in makinjr :hange, took in a victitu or two at Dexter nst week. The youiifr folks' society of the Milán Japtist church are to give a " Mother Goose " concert at their church Friday evening, the 16th inst. The proprietors of the Salino roller rink lave decided to have tbeir final closin; up on Friday evening, April 16th, in the vay of h grand masqucrade skate. - Oberver. Friday eveniug the 17th inst., Hon. R. }. Horr, of East to deliverhis ecture upou the labor problera before he alumni association of the Manchester ligh school. We took a large collection of views of flanchester and vicinity with us to Kansas City, and they ere vory much admird bet i for the beautiful scenery they epresent and their artistic uierits. - Enterprise. Another disgracefnl foot-race here last Friday between Briggs, of Eaton Kapids, nd Kyan of Chelaea. Wagers werc oublcd all around and some $2,500 Irinifi'd hands in a few Beconds of time. - Herald. The national department of agriculture t Washington, in exposing frauda and windlcrs, enumerates among others the great Bohemian oat scheme. Farmers who o lato that kind of business at this late ay know just what it is, and if they get elt they should stand right up to the rack without a murmur. - MUan Leader. Wm. Emmert, Jr., bas purchased the üaton Kapids Herald, and left on to day, o take possession thereof. Mr. Emmert ïas for !.iiini! time had a deslre to return o the editorial triport, whlch lie resigned n disposing of the Chclsea Herald nearly year ago, and leave bis mark on theands of jourualism. - Saline Observer, Ui inst. Prof. Chas. H. Chase, of Lealie, Mich., ias been in the city for a few days past irospecting for a location In which to esablish the business of manulacturiug telescopes. He has invented a method of grindiug leuses by which tlie price of telescopes can be greatly redueed. We bepeak the interest and generoua encourjfi-ini'ut of our business men to further he interests. - Ypsilantian. Twenty unmarried men of Howell proxae to enter a mutual puol, ana eacn jarty tliereto agrees to stand an assessment of $25 every time a member gets raarried for the benetit of the unfortunate who assumes tte marital yoke. The scheme is not adopted as the last resort to ecure a wlfe, but the idea is to give each inember of the association a $500 benefit vheu he most needs it.- Fenton Courier. Wool is slowly declining ready for the pproaching wool season. There is very lltle prospect of wool being much better bis season than it was Ia9t, Everythinf seems to be sinking down, and hard times eem to be the rule the world over. Proucers complain about the low prices, but very other business suffers quite as much as theirs. Ifwool bringg 26 cents next ummer that is all there is any prospect of now.- Chelsea Echo. Chelsea business men are bound to have he Stockbridge trade. Sinee they cannot rinr the trade here, they go to Stockridge and get it there. Geo. P. Qlazier nis a bank there with üilbert Gay for a.ihier and Gay has a Chelsea wit' e to take :ire of hun out of business honre; Glazier & DePuy hare a drug and grocery store; and Holmes & Dancer will soon open a tore there of general merchandise. All hese are Chelseans, and there may be ' more to fol low."- Herald. Mortimer Hendershott, for many years leputy postmaster at Manchester and a lefeated candidate for postuiaster, has received a postal messenger appointment. His run is between Detroit and Chicago, ind he began labor Saturday night. This ippolntraent will remove the ill feelingin he party in and about Manchester growng out of the appointment of Mr. Doty, ind Is a straw showing whither the congrcssional nomination is blowing.- An Ann Arbor paper. From what we have leard numerous democrats say a bitter èeling Ntill rxists and will continue until hey have their righte. - Enterprise. LKARNKI TOO LATE. The Detroit Tribune of last Friday has the foilowing in reference to one of Chelsea's business men: A case of peculiar Interest to bankers and business men who handle commercial paper was decided yersterday In the sujerior court. On Saturday, Auj;. 8, 1885, Harnion S. Hol mes, a merchaut of Chelsea, Mich., sold some live stock at the stock ards n this city to Charles Roe. The latter gave to Holmes In payment a check on Vincent J, Scott's bank. Holmes, insiead of presenting the check here for payment, carried It home with him and claiiiied that he deposlted it in the Citizens' bank of Chelsea for collection. The Detroit correspondent of the Chelsea bank, the Mechanics' bank, claimed that the check was not received by them until 1 o'clock on Monday, too late to have it handled at the local clearing house. Ou Tuesday the check was dishonored, as on Monday night Scott's bank had forever closed its doore. Holmes sought to recover on the check, but Koe's counsel contended that Holmes had been gullty of negligence in not using proper diligence in presenting the check at Scott's bank; that the rule of law was that a check onght to be presented for collection withiu two diiy after belng made ; that the transaction haying been made, and the parties both beiughere when the check was made the collection of it should have been made here direct; and further, that the clearing house is for the convenience of banks ani not for private individuals. Judge Chipman took the case from the jury and rendered a verdict for defendant The matter involves new phases in so fa as clearinjj-houses are concerned, as questions of tiieir liability on commercia paper may arme if delay occurs in hand liDK it. Mr. and Mrs. Vogt, of Chelsea, have pne to Fort Worth, Texas, to live. Mr. E. Nordman, of Lima, at the AVebter Farmer Institute, while referrinjr to he exactioni of the millers by the exorbitant tolls taken, mentioned a case where the farmers had devised a remedy whicli looks on tlie face of it, as if it might be a good one. The farmers in the neifihborhood signed an agreement to take tlieir work to the miller who would be content vith the legal toll, to the exclusión of othra. The patronage of an influential asociation of farmers would be no inconslderable item to the miller who would bfl eatiefied with his lawful tenth. It is only by corabining in some such fashion, or to ecu re legislutioo, that tbis exacüon can be ftbated.


Ann Arbor Courier
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