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A few weeks airo whcn Mr. .lay Gould u;i...

A few weeks airo whcn Mr. .lay Gould u;i... image
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A few weeks airo whcn Mr. .lay Gould u;ivc 8."), 000, unsolicited, to tlie aufferers rendered homeless by the great conflagratlon at (ilveston, Texas, we corainended his generosity. It was a rood decd. A few dayí since, wlien Mr. Gould agreed witb Mr. Powdeily to arbítrate the differcmes exiíting between hinisclf and the employés of his gouthwestem systeni of railroads, lie did another laudable deed; bilt whcn on the very next morning lie ked out ofhis igWCIBWft atthe dictationofsomeof his mean spirited umlerllngs, he did a deed that was most despicable. It lay U his hands to bring happtaeM or sorrow to thousands of homes. llis own impulses on whieh he lirst neted, were noble and manly ; but afterconsultatiou with some of his ollicials, he whipped about and resolved to bring xn the trouble and suü'.'i iiif;. lie should have LUtened to the dictates of his owm consclence, for it would have. been better for liiin in the end. President Cleveland h:ts withdrawn the name of O. V. Powers, of Kalamazoo, as associato justice of L'tah's supreme court. In this the opponents of Don M. ii'ivp won a victovy, and Don M. lias received his íirst political black eye. Don should beware, for troubles seldom come siugly. Tlie Detroit Evening Xews will {jíve a total of $15,000 for evidence proving who wrote the celebrated "Brenton letter,'' ihe content." of which made one Wardle, of Canada, insane. Some little exciteuient was caused .Mond.iy morninif by a strike of the printers In one of the Ann Arbor printing offices for 30 cents per thousancl erna npiateut2auu por rlioumd as bad been paid heretofore. The Colkiek having always been willing to concede the raise, and in fact having paid that price until recently, was not affected by the strike, all reports to the contary, notwltbstaadiDg. The Coldwater Sun says: "The fruit on the cast shore of Lake Michigan has liot been injured a partiële by the frost this winter, and there is no reason wliy the erop khoold lie anythinr but small. In fact fruit-growers expect a big harvest, hut doift worry about their not having anything to fret about it. ïliey have already discovered that prices may not rule as hiffh as tliey should to make it profitable."


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News