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Tlie LaVe Shore depot gronnds nt Saline ...

Tlie LaVe Shore depot gronnds nt Saline ... image
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Tlie LaVe Shore depot gronnds nt Saline are beinr graded up and tixed up. The Saline council has rixed tlie amonnt of liquor boiuls at $3,000 the same as last year. Mrs. E. C. Glover of Saline, was badty injured recently by bení thrown out ot i carriage by a runaway horse. A new lamp has been put up in front of tlie town buil, and three others in different parts of tlie town. - Chelse Echo. Raphaal Koester, ot Toledo, Oblo, and Miss Jennie F. (1 luntlcit of York, were married April 14tü, by licv. D. J. Odell. The ladies ot' the Piesbjtexlan church will ííivc au Easter social at the residenre of Mrs. Katon, on Frlday evenlng, Apiil S3d. An abandant luppïy of Easter eggs will be included ainong the refreabmenn. - S;iline Observer. Thirty-tljree nèw Btudenta have been enrolled in the normal department of tlie normal this week, and twelvc in the model departnu'iit, muking a total of 8Ö0 enrolled durios thaprwent year, about 130inexcess of any prevlousyear in the hlatoiy of the itatc normal school. - Ypiilantian. Editor Woodrnff, formeily of the Ypsitantian, la as IdOcewful witli liis his newspapcr ut Cadillac as lie was at Detroit, and U now seekinj; another place to lócate in. The Reed City Clarion saya he was in that city recently pumrj!n{r the democrats ns to hOW mnch they would give to have his puper come Lliei and grind out democracy for them. JTbey were uot enthusiastic i't i sai I. IIK T., A. A. & N. M. II. H. Th üratiot Journal has the following in retcrencc to tliis rond : Tlie old bed of the Chicifro, Saginaw & Canada railroad between St. Louis and Alma is to be nsed íor the extensión of the Toledo, Ann Arbor A Northern Michigan, nortbvard from St. Iouis to Mi. Pleasant via Alma. It is andentood that satlsfactory arrangements have i'nnilly been peifected between A. W. Wrlghtana tlie Ashley Interest, tor the use of what is known :is the " Lamp road " now ironed from Alma to Bhepberd. 'J'he fact, therefore, that the abfndonéd bed of the 8. &C. road between St. Louis and Alma lias heen sreured, is evMenre that sucli a scheme has actually heen entered Into. It is now estpeCted tliai the Toledo, Ann Arbor tk Northern Uiehtgan will be running tbrough (nina frotnSfc Louii to Toledo about the lirst or middle af .lune. Thlí will entibie Grstiotltes to leave home in the mörning, reacb Toledo about noon, spend from three to live honra tlurc, and return the saine eveiiing.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News