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A little daughter at the home of James M. Stafford. Mrs. V. G. Doty is visiting friends in Manchester. Robert Vertier is stil confined to the house by sicknees. H. J. Urown was ilown to tlie city of Detroit Monday. Mrs. C. S. Millen, is expected home frotn Chicago, Fiiday. Mrs. Dr. McLachlan ia expected homa from a visit at Ilolly soon. Miss Anna Ladd has returned from a few week's stay at Detroit. E. B. Hall and E. W. Coddington left yesterday for a southein trip. Hon. E. P. Allen was shaking hands with his friends in Ana Arbor last Monday. Mr. and Mr.'. Louis Stauch, Sr., of Town Taylor, Wayne Co.. spent Sunday in tüe city. O. B. Gray and wife of Detroit spcnt Sunday with the Rev. Mr. Kainsay and wife. Mrs. Jnlina Bcmis of Bennington, Shtawassee Co., is visiting at Mrs. II. E. Church's. Mrs. Prof. Payne went to Centerville last week, to the bedside of a brother who is very il 1. Jay Keith, of Dexter, Scio's popular town clei k, was in the city ycslerd.iy, visiting friends. Mrs. John Ross and nephew, Will Duncan, went to Adrián last Friday, to vlsit the former's sister. Mr, J. T. Jacobs h down to the farm laying out flower beds, atidgetting things in fhape for mering thereto. Mrs. M. L. Gay will remove soon to her nc.w residence corner of Hurón and División st8., purehased of Dr. Maclean recently. Clias. H. Richmond, Jr., started ! day morniog for Keokuk, Iowa, to take a ! position on the survey ot' the A., T & S. i F. R. B. i Mrs. Callajruan, of Chicago, formerlj ' Mi8.- Mary Donuelly, is expected home this weck for a few day's stay with her i parenu. , Miss Sherrard of Milwaukee, is the guest of Mrs. J. J. Knowkon of Huron 8t. Miss Sherrard was in the high scliool here last yenr. The reception given Uev. Dr. Alabaster at the M. E. chuieh Mon.hiy ovenhijr after the Cocker League entertainment was a very pleasantaflair. Rev. A. F. Bourne8 and Prof. T. J. Wrampelraeyer have rented l-iof. PatteBgill's house, corner of Ingalls ant) North sts., and will remove thereto at once, Mr. Yale, the man who lias puiehased Boughton & Payne'l news depot, hu rented the dwelling of Mr. A. Kearney, corner of State and E. Catharine sts., and will soon move hit family here.