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MOST PERFECTWADE Prepar&d wlth spocfal regard to health. No Animonlu, I-lmo or .Y1um. PRICE BAKINO PQWDER CO., CHIPACO. 8T. LOUIS. pgj ;T special TJ liiy EXT ff AU I b MOST PERFECT MADE Purost and stronest Natural Fruit Flarors. Va illa, Imnn. Oranje, Aimond, 1(. -,., etc., flATur as delit-ftteiy dri'i urtturally as the fruit. ¦nrfcjfc Prico Baking Powder Co. ST. LOl'iS. BH iruá CURES ALL HUMORS, from a common Blotch, or Ernptlon, t the worst Scrofnla. Salt-rlicum, "IVviT-ori," Seal) or Rougb Skin, in short, all discaaos eaused by bad blood aro eonquered by this powerful, purifying, and invigorating medicine, (reat F.atlng IIcer rapidly heal under iu benign hmuanoe. Especially has it manifested ita poU'ncy in curing Tcttcr, Roiie Ita)i, Hiiiln, Car' lii lic l, Sorc E y oh, S rofulouH Sorf and SwcllliiKH, II -.I l iu Kip.1 h-i , Swelliiig, Cioitre, or Thltk Ncck, and Eularged .land. Seod ten cents ín stamps for a large treatise, with colored platea, on' Skin Diseases, or the same amount foratreatise on Scrofnlous Affections. "THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE." Tboroughly cleanse it by usihk Dr. Plerce'. 4;olden Irlcdieal Dinrotor), and good 1 ijjesi i on, a fair akin, buoyant nplr il, vital HtreiiKth, and oiuidiictts ol oiixtilutloii, will bc establisbed. CONSUMPTION, whlch is Scrofulon Dlaease of the l.iiiig, is promptly and certainly arrested and cured by this God-g-iven remedy, if taken bef ore the last stages of the disease are reached. From its wonderful power over this terribly fatal disease, when flrst offeriner tb is now eet ebrated remedy to tho public. Dr. Piehck thouifht serion8ly of calling it his i4Coiiu m pt i on Ca re," hut abandoned tbat name as too litnited for a medicine which, from its wonderful combination of tonic, or strengtheniiiK, alterative, or blood-cleansing, anti-bilious, pectoral, and nutritivo properties, is unequaled, not only as a remedy lor consumption of the lungs, but for all CHRONIC DISEASES or the Liver, Blood, and Lungs. rif you feel dull, drowsy, deblUteted, hare sallow color of skin, or yellowish-brown spots on face or body, frequent headache or dizziness, bad taste in mouth, internal heat or chilla, iilicrnutiiiK' with hot flashes, low spirits and (floomy borebodings, irregular appetite, and eoated tongue. you are suffering: from Indigestion, DynpepHia, and Torpid I.iver, or "Biliuiu!Hi." In many cases only part of these symptoms are eiperlenced. As a remedy for all such cases. Dr. Pierce'. (.olden medical ñiscoverr has no equal. VorWfik Lnnii, SplttinK of Blood, SliortneHH of Breath, llroiu liitin. Severo Congha, oiixiiiiipiloii, and kindred affections, it is a sovereign remedy. Send ten cents in stamp for Dr. Pieree's book on Consumption, Sold by Druggist. nnipr ei nn or ( rnlut 3I.UU, for $o.oó. World's Dispensar} Medical Association, Proprietors, 63 Main St., Buitaxo, N. T. BfcYCe%S LITTLE lket puls. ANTI-BIIJOIS and CATHARTIC. Sold by Drugglsts. 25 cents a vial. ñ %j$500 REWARD h KÊjÊ is offercd by tho proprietors WÊf fWÊ Hl of Dr. 8agc'8 f'atnrrh Remndy m f'X for a case of catarrh which thoy mg f Am cannot cure. !¦ I f you have a discharge from MA jf the ni, offensive or (ithcrmPK wise. imrtial ioasof smell, taste, or hearing, weak eyes, dull pain or pressure in head, you nave Catarrh. ThouBands of cases termínate in consumption. Dr. Sage's Oaiaubh Kemedy cures the worst cases of Catarrh, "Cold in the Head," and Catarrbal Ilradacbe. 60 cents. MMUNITYfromANNOYANCE sÈi 1 l' ' Pat. 0ct.30thf 1881 Í jf ' ƒ xj Br Jf adc only of the fln( and bent qnnllty of Ulass for Itbstanding heat. Every good thing is Oounterfeited, and consumere aro OATJTIOITED against IMITATIONS ol these Chimneys made of VERY POOB GLASS. See that the exact label is on each chimney as above. The Pearl Top is always clear and bright Glass. Hitmifnrt nrt'ri OM.T ly GEO. A. M ACBETH & CO. Plttaburgh l.rad Olass Worka. FOR SALE BY DEALEBa „i -. CMVÜRSAL %LX m vr' d w"tfai aninit tb world. 'fcM C E - Sena ior circuUn. E. J. KNOWLTON, Ann Arbor, Mlch. A COMPLETE AKRAKNGMENT TOR Püjsician aad Families. Neiter aad Chsaper AND MOKI CO3ST "VEisriEisrT THAN A STATIOIfARY BATH TÜB, WITH NO EXl'KNSK OP BATH ROOM AND FIXTÜRKS. BERRY BOXESSSo tor llldtnliJ r.l.lüfuf . DRAIrT C.CoIbj k l'v.,BtutuD Bsrbor, Hlcfa. U HO i L I O


Ann Arbor Courier
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