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Chaucery Notlce. The C. reuil Court for the Uouutyof Washtenaw, In Chancery. Neltle Burbach, Complainant. ) V8. Williara Burbach, Defendaut. It satlsfactorily appearing by affldavlt. to me. Circuit Judge in and forsald county, that thesaid defendiint, Wllllam Burbach's last known place of reBidence was in this State and that bis present place of residence cannot be ascertained. On motion of E. B. Norria, of counsel for complainant, lt is ordered that sald defendant, Wllllam Burbach, cause his appearance lu thia cause to be entered within ni. ni i lis In mi the date af thls order, and that in case of hls appearance he cuuse hls answertothe complalnant's blll to be flled and a copy tliereof to be served on the coraplainaiil'K solicltor within twenty dayu aftcr service of a copy of sald blll and notlce of thls vrder, and in default thereof that sald blll of complalnt be taken as confensed by siiiil defendant, Willlain Barhach, and lt is further ordered that within tweuty davs the pald complalnatit cause thls order to be publlshed In "The Ann Arbor OOÜBII and that such publicatlon be contlnued in such newspaper ut least once In each week for aix week In successiou, or that ahe cause a copy of thls order to be personally served on the aald defendant, Wllllam Hurbach, at least twenty daya before the timeabove preacrlbed for hls appeajance. üated, March íid. A. D. 1S6. C. JOüLYN, Clrlt Jsdge. S. B. NtHMi, Bol. tor Oompi't. Uï-üti A very precise person, remarking upon Shakespeare' line, "The good men do is oft luterred witli their bones," careftilly observes thnt this interraent can tfeneraily take place without crbwding the bones. Bucklen'x Arulca Malve. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruiseo, Sores, Ulcera, Salt Rliemn, Kever Sores, Tetter, Cbapped Hands, ChilblHins, Corna, and all Skin Eruptioiia, and poaitively cureg Piles, or no pay requircd. lt is fruaranteed to jfive perfect satist'action, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For 8ale by Eberbach & Son. ArREtTO.ll. rnêColmdlminTluorik. Oli S Is Phllidalphl, hare tba lm lodf in N. Amarte ws rgkoiad. AUo Urfa 11luatratad Ctulofttaof Mftaook booUutl rooda wlih botwm prica. Alaooffar of flrat-clua bnilaaaato F. A.H Baw.raof apulouwurkj. RKDD1NU CO.. Muvilic lvitllatian Ml MuWMwtli.1 J) n,Jy,Nt Tmk.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News