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BOO KS foR-The. M I LLI O IM Complete Novéis and Other Works, by Famous Authors. Almost Civen Away ! trjBstvsffsssriJfftsi tïïizvj es zzz TCssa. il .,.. ., ... n. eeoh. taca büok U oom] lata iu ít-elf. 1 The Wldow Itidott l'apir. IkUtottlaMk ia. At the World'e Mrrrj. A Novel. By Florence avVr hl-h vour ¦ raiuliuotlien Inuéhi-d UU tliej crled, Hl Tuta, of " The IIsuh on the M.rih," etc. IU.jutl.Jfum.. II. Mlidrod Trn l'.nloo. A Novel. By " The Duch2 FalU'V Work for Adorniutlit, r, „„,,¦„, ,r of " M..ll llami." te. tlre'lv uewwork iipou tliU ¦ubjeet, couulnlui ee.) m,d 18 lrL, 1J . Koel. Bjr Huh Coow.j, anthor tirV-tiol Instructl, Tor lilèkll ¦ ¦' ¦-". " of ¦ CHled BmÍT' e. potèu brukcK ' 19. Th M.l, rj of Ihc llolly Tree. A Nevel. flr'í,íi--:[."í!il1r,'MorLrorth. Y.u,.. The Vüïdïw. 'Jlu.!.' A Novel. Br B. L. F„. „,,t o 'T..", "ir' si ..,, ..:,¦.:. nL rtaohUleeu, eetlieret ¦¦ Br.-mJ.od-CbM M-Klm," ete. A 1 udv at the I iikt'. 'lv sir Wal u-r Sontt. nuthor of " Mrv Hartón, I U, "Th7ívo?l."L'' .,r.';,. ,,,.,, ,„.1.1.11 22. Th,. Kro.l. 1K-1-. A Novel. By Wllkl. Colllü.. ke rkj ef Bootl none Ia m i rllilathor ef " The Womeii In Whlto," aee. 5 Manual of '¦¦ ilnun. 23. Ked Courl Krm. A Novel. Bj n, HentJ ulde to iii.litL-rtet au.l K' t trLediu. gniná rule oí Wuo'l, authnr oT " I av '.nni." etc. ISSrnèuaaem to ¦ M. In Capld'a Ñ A bnL Bj .b. Authorof Dor. 6 The, Ktundurd l.rtl-r Wrlt-r f..r Ladlaa nd Ttaorne." „ „ Ontl.."u ,"""'¦:- I 16. B tollu-Old Home. A Novel. H, M.rJ Cecll nluln dlrtttiom lor the ooinpoelllon nier of ever Bar. euOur op' Hl U01, Verilir e. liad, ith iDUmerehle I 26. John lt, rl.L' Ife. A Novel. By Mí.. I Wlntrr Kv.nlnir li , riBllon", l"8' eollectlou Mulock,.uthor ot ¦ .K. ..11 llulirmx. (i'Stlcmen,' etc. eocl.l i4theiiniii. prívala iheatrleala, and eveulva al ..,hor rf ¦ Dor. Th.rne' elo. home: illiwr.l.-.l. 28. Ju-per IMmrV .ret. A Novel. ByíIlM.l. e niuloimm Hccilullonr. nn.l Ifiu.llne. 1' Braddon, auther ei "Aurora, ïlovd, ele. .nd oheloaciUiotloï Ir - o ad 29. MI. A By iluy tecll H.y, .uthor of """l'arlor"'! nn.l liciiil.„l I vr,rlm.nt-, "'"(bVliT. Harrias. A Novel. By Wllkle Tollloi. a book wht,:h tolu h... ' itiiuili'S author of ¦ N,. ,1 - . magie ud 1 -llh atapla :n. 1U, ld II nnt. morel By JlrtAnn S.Slepheo., ¦ ,i,t, of " PMhlon "nul Knnttne." eto. 10. The Home Col li,.,.L "! l.m.ll.v I'hyaln, iteuplnii the W!.lrllnd. A Novel. By M.r, flnn. "m.iiiiiiK Í- ' ¦ ,,:,! MI,Ullrt..n'.Mo„ey,"etc aiidliinu te heuaaaeei lludlrr i Uon. A Novel. By Sli.ï M. .. Brrf. mon -lil-i'ents by Ktepl don, .mhnr „f " Lady Audlejr'l Secret." etc. 11. Miinncraaiidt'ifl ¦n.iln Fa A.wai ;i, Kn.lci; ex Tya .iiï o "''¦'"?¦. a TerrliltereallDI and Itl '' No.¦l liv I tV r. .¦. aullior of'The Birth il.rk. ete. Ing the peculiar iin Balaca DWaV A Novel. By tbe .ulhor ol aaonla of larelcn oonntrlee ; Hluitreled. ¦ Der Thoriie." eu „ u 12. Hlxu-rn .1.1 'tortee by Popular A uthor., M. Valerle Fata, AKoveU By Hra. Aleiuider, aahraolof leva, rumoro e, alorlei el Mborof"TheV aiCt," aea, Ule, of advontur.-, ol rerv lan. Mater RaW. l Novel. Bj TTIIkle Collln., eulhoc lercttlne. of -iThe W,,ma„ in White," eto. II The ltudcrt. of U I' Iluitior ml Fuu, r. lrce 3„ Annc. A Hevel. By Mn. Heory ood. .utbor of eolWcilou of ÜM rttnui and Jok that have beau 'r; ülna'ted. . Tke Laarel Baak. A Novel. By Ml Mulook, 11. I -,ful KaowlcdKJ lor Illc Mllllon, hat.dv ;1„,ior of " John Hallfax. Oentleeun." eM. kook ..f 1, .:.,! i„r..r:.m',.,., I ¦ dl, uin manj and vario. (o. Amo. Brtt-ri. A Novel. Bï (irrr Kilot, utber aableoU; Illanraled. of ¦ Bede, ne Jlillonthe Kloa," ew. IS. CalK'd Back. ' i,, ,-,, anüwr ef '¦ D.r DttVi,"" etc. min Miirnil Ut' ! nrrrB. "" l d anv fo„r of tl,e hook nd oor ctalogTie, cor,t.lnin IMO


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