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Iw the Senate on the i:itb Mr. Platt spoke In favor of opon executivo wilt OBI Mr. Krye's rvsolutlon afralnst a commission to settlo the flsheries quostion bctweea the United States and Canada was adoptcd In the House the HurdRomeis (Ohlo) oontested election ia-e, In whlcli there ure three reports gubmitted by the Coininlttee on Eleetlons, the majority report, eoiinrmlnsr the ritrl'i of Rome. s to the seat, was coniidcred, bnt no action was taken. In the Sonate on the Hth Mr. Cullom explalned the provlslona of hls Inter-State Commerce bill. The resifrnation of Mr. Jack¦on, of Tennessoe, who has aceeptod theappointment of United States Judge of the Sixth circuit, was reoeived. Tho biil for the relief of oldlcrsof tlie late war lionorably dlscharired after six montlis' servloe who are disabled aoddependont upon Mwir owu labor for support, and of depende.nt pureutg of oldler8whodted in tho service or trom disabiUUus coutracted thcretn, was considerad. In the House the Hurd-Roineis contested election case was decidod by a vote of ltíH to 105that Komols (Rep.) should rotain his Beat. The Agricultura! Appropriniioti hill was passed and the River and Htirbor bill made the unflulshed business. Mr. Loqax jpoke In the Senate on the lfith in support of the movoment for open exeoutivo ses8lons. The Pension bill and the lntiiState Commeroe bill were iurther considered. Bills were reponed toestabllsli a sub-treasury at Lo'ulsTille and to organlze the 'lVrritory of Oklahoma. . . .lu tho House bilis were reportod: By Mr. Btnaletoo, to acicpt from the Vanderbilt heirs and Mrs. (irant certaln objeets of art presentad by foroiirn Governmimts to (ieneriil Criinl; by Mr. ( ulilwell, a Senate bill to flx the lav tor the n i Ingof elector of President mui Vtoe-Pre8ldent and to rejrulnte thfl ccnnitliiif ol the votes; by Mr. Hill, lor the oiirmilzatlon of the Territory of Oklahoma; by Mr. Cobb, ra peatiiiff the Pre-emption. Timber-Culture and Dosert Land laws. The Itiverand Harbor bil! was furthor itliomiofl, The Inter-State OomoMroe and Indlan Bcpredatlon bilis were lurtlier considered in the Senate on the lHtii. The latter bill approprlates (f,OUU,000 to compénsate citlzens for Iosbos uffered by ttaem throtiich Indlan deprodatlons In the House a Sennte bil! wa passed ter tbe establishment of twoadditional land dlatrlcts in NelirKska Scveml bilis on the private calendar weru considered, uud at the eveniiiü 8C9Sion lorty-tlve pension bilis were passed. DOMESTIC. The aged wife of Rev. R. ï. Sraith, a retirad Baptist minister of Le Roy, N. Y., eommitted suicide on the Kith by jumping into a well. She had long been in ill-health. As atterapt was made on the Kith to wreek the fast mail west on the Wulmsti road, two miles east of Wabasu, Ind. On a high eiubankment a dozen oross-ties had been piled, and the engineer of the locomotive only brought the train to a stand when the truck wheels had mounted the ties. Tuero was no clew to the dastards. The coroner's jury at East St. Louis on the 13th decided to hold tho deputy sheriffs responsible for the recent shooting affair at that placa. A larga nuniber of business men met in the court-house and set on foot a movement Lor arbitration of the strike between the citizons, the Kuights of Labor and the railroad. Trains were running and there was no diaorder. Tbe American Fisheries Society met on the 13th in Chicago with Vice-President Hudson, of Uartforil, Conn., preaiding. Thr late Ann J Morcer, of Phtladplphla, bequenthed an csuiHi and $100.000 in eath to establish a home for Inflrm Presbjteriin clergymen who do not use tolmcco. Two thousani) tailoi-s at Milwaukee struck on the because the employen refused to pay the same ages for eight hours' work as they had been pay ing for Mb A fire on the 13tb at Altoona, Pa., destroyed the flue-shop of tho Peunsylvauia road, throwing oue bundred men out of employment. Thk net gold coin and bullion in the treasury at Washington mi tho l.itli was 1158,890,868, an increase of 137,438,963 siiu-e July last. Tbe ainouiit of standard silver in circulation, out of a total coinage of t3U,MS,13t, was JS8,èB4,89 I. Mks. Thokp uud her littla daughter were burned to death on the 14th in a field at Paragould, Ark., their cloth.'.s catching tire from rrnrntng rtalkii It was discovered at lndianapolis on the 14th that a man named Johnson had swlndled nearly two hundred working girls out of twenty dollai-s each by promises to secure them work in San Francisco. The swindler had fled. A special agent of the I .and Office at Washington said on the Mth that ninety per cent. of the homestead and pre-emption entries in Minnesota were made as pretexts for obtaining the timber on the land with no intentiou of permanent settlement. The militia stationed at Rast St. Louis captured fourteen nieu on the 14th who were hiding in the swamp and who had sworn to burn the depot. The threats of incendiarism against the men eugaged in working for the railroads were being carried out. the house of Benjamin Frey, an engineer, beiug firad, but the family awoke in time to extinguish the Sames, The railroads were rapidly resuming traffle. Ok the 1-tth two flowing oil wells were developed in the Grand ralley district, ten miles from TitusTille, Pa., where producers were flocking in great numbers. Thk town of Coon Rapids, Iowa, was visited by a cyolone at 4:30 p. m., on the 14th, the result being the death of a boy and the destruction of forty or more buildings. At Atlantic, Rockwell City and Fonda much da mago was also done. A cyclonh swept over Jamestown, D. T., on the 14th, destroyiug sereral buildings and lereling trees and fencas. No one was injured. The pupils in a grammar school at North Columbus, O., struck on the 14th for more recess time, and left the school in a body. T. V. Powderlt on the 14th wrote to Becretary Turner, of the Knights of Labor, saying that a circular should go out at once to the order asking them to turn every dollar they could raise into the hands of the Southwestern strikers in support of the fight against the Qould system. A train on the Republican Valley road was wrecked on the 14th near Oketo, Neb., and a little girl was killed, a babe fatally hurt, and fourteen other persons were more or less injured. Tuk balance In the hands of Dr. Reilley, treasurer of the Irish National League of America, amouuted on the 14th to $11,283 67. Joseph H. Beale, president of the American and ia ir ving Association, issued an address on the 14th to "the farmers and dairymen of the United States," in which h afflrms that the enemiesof the dairy and of the consumera of butter are organizing to defeat the morement in behalf of honest industry and pure food. He calis upon the farmers of America to organiza at once, adopt resolutions, and bring their direct influence to bear upon Congress. A ctclose wept oor the towns of St. 31oud, Sauk Rapids and Rlce's Station, Miiiu., on the afternoou of the Hth, wreckng hundreds of homes and killing a uumer of persons. It was stated that at St. 21oud and Sauk Rapids thirty people wer iead, while the list of the injured etnaraced flfty names. At Rice's Station svery house was reported to have been deitroyed, and a number of citizeus wer killed or injured. The latest reports on the 15th from the lyclone disaster at St. Cloud, Sauk Rápida ind Rice's Station, in Minnesota, showed that the loss of life would reach nearly if lot quite one bundred, and the injured nearly two hundred. At the latter place, out of a wedding party of twenty-seven, ten were killed, including the bridegrooin nd minister and the mothor of the bride, and the othera were all injured. The path cut through the city of St. Cloud was slx hundred feet wide. A depot sign was blown flfteen miles from Sauk Rapids. Reports from Iowa, Missouri aud Kansas teil of destruction to life and property. Cai.eb M. Ouii.d, of Somerville, Mass., aged sevonty-six years, shot his wife, aged seventy-two years, on the 15th, and then killed himself. Jealousy was said to havo been the cause. The total value of breadstuffs exported during the first nine months of the preseut fiscal year was $82. 4(57,869, against a total of $121,879,875 for the corresponding period of 1885. The running of street-cars by eloctricity was begun on the 15th at Montgomery, Ala., the niaohinery working perfectly. Durixq a thunder-storm on the 15th at Louisiana, Mo., two men were struck by lightning, one being killed and the other fatally injured. The furniture factory of F. Mayer & Co., in Chicago, employing nearly three hundred men, was closed on the 15th because of a demand for twanty per cent. advance in wages and au eight-hour day. A OYCLOJfK swept over W'iso County, Tex., on tho ltth, dertroj m many houses, killing numerous live stock and injuring twenty persons. The Governor of Pennsylvania on the 15th urgod the AttorneyUerieral to prosecute persona who have boen systematically defrauding the Slat' in the soldiers' orplians' schools. Mu. Powderlt on the 15th issued a circular to the Knights of Labor calling for generous contiibutious to aid the strikers. In Kansas and Texas the strike was virtually at an end. many of the old hands having returned to work, as they said, for good. At East St. Louis order prevailed and trains were running. All the street-car lines in Baltimore except two were "tied-up' 011 the 15th by order of the Knights of Labor. A hckricane in Northwest Dakota on the 16th killed a nuraber of cattle and leveled large trees along the river bank. SwiTCHMENin the yards of the Baltimore & Ohio railroad in Chicago struck on the 16th because of the company's refusal to discharge non-union men. The milis of the Waycross Lumber Company at Waltertown, Ga., were burned on the 16th, causing a loss of $150,000. Four hundred persons were thrown out of einployment. Sthikes for shorter sessionstook place on the 16th among the children of several schools in St. Louis. Two lads in the Hodgen school were whipped by the principal. Camilo Goxzales, aMexican robber, was hanged on the lüth at Brackett, Tex., for the murder of a ranchinan named Peter Johnson, and Charles Gardeuer (colored) was executed at Newcastle, Del., for a criminal assault on Mrs. Ella F. Gardner. The outlook at East St Louis on the lüth was reported as more favorable to the railroads than at any other time since the strike began. A large number of trains were running. Tuk business failures throughout the country for the seven days ended on the ïeth were 155 in the United States and twenty-seven in Canada, as compared with a total of 215 for the previous seven days. The total failures in the United States this year to date is 3,639, against 4,281 during the same period last year. The defalcation of its cashier, J. E. Robinson, to the extent of $50,000, caused the suspension of the First National Bank of Angélica, N. Y., on the 16th. At St. Cloud, Mimi., twenty -three of ths victims of the recent cyclone were buried on the ltith, and at Sauk Rapids twelve were interred. Anna Belle Laxgax, the nine year-old La Crosse (Wis.) girl who had been on the 16th fasting for forty-seven days, was still strong and lively. She still had an abhorrenee of food and positively refused to eat a mouthful. She looked comparatively well and weighed about sixty-five pounds. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. Elevex more New York City aldermen were arrested and placed under bail on the 13th for alleged bribery in the Broadway Surface-railroad franchise. John H. Notes, thefounderof theOneida eommunity, near Utica, N. Y., died on the 13th at Niágara Falls. Ont. Ha was bom at Brattleboro, Vt., in 1811, and was a cousin of ex-President Hayes. Dr. J. H. Arxett, aged seventy years, superintendent of tlife American Express Company, died at Niágara Falls on the 13th. Thb Iowa Legislatura adjourned sint die on the 13th. The impeachment proceedings against Auditor Brown were postponed to May 19 next. The Ohio Legislatura on the Hth appropriated $35,000 for the erection of monumonts aud tableta on the battle-fleld of Gettysburg. The Michigan Greenbackers held a conference at Lansing on the 13th, reorganized the executive coramittee, and adoptedresolutions inviting laboriug men to join in their movement. The Ohio and Rhode Island Legislatureg on the 14th adopted resolutions complimenting Mr. Gladstone for the stand he has taken in favor of home-rule for Ireland. Dwioht L. Moodt, the evnngolist, will commenco a series of meetings in Chicago on Sunday evening, May 2, in the riuk where Rev. Sam Jones held his services. Mr. Sankey will accompany Mr. Moody, and they will be preceded by Mr. Sayford, the evangelist, aided by Mr. Towner, the singer. Dr. Jobm Caswell, of Chicago, has been appoiuted State Veterinarian by the Uovernor. The North Carolina Democratie State Executive ( 'uimittee met at Raleigh 00 the 15th and valled a State Convention to meet at Raldigh on August '3. Majokity and minority reports of the Payne investigating committee were submitted to the Ohj iouse on the 15th. Ths majority claka tuut the testimouy du"d f snfficlent to hare tb matter rettTT'd to tkw United Htatos Senate. aml tbs tmnority olaim tbs opposite. Spkakbii Carlislk, of tb National Houm of Rpientatives, on tha 15th appoiutad tb wllowing eommitte to Investígate tb causos and extent of the labor troubles In tha West: Messrs. Curtin (Pa.), Crain (Tex.), Outhwalte (O.),Stewart (Vt), Parker (N. Y.), Buchanan (N. J.) Tuk Governor of Tennesseeha appointed W. C. Whltthorn United States Senator, to succeed Howell E. Jackson. A9 A result of the new liquor law all the saloons iu Des Moines, Ia., were closod on the 16th. As the result of alleged mismanagement ofsoldiers' orphans' schools in Pennsylvania, the Governor of that State on th lüth demanded th resignation of the State Superintendent of Schools and summarily removed other officials iraplicatsd iu the scandal. TnE grand jury at 8t. Louis on the 16th Indicted Martin Irons and other leading Knights of Labor, besides a telegraph operator, on charge of eonspiring to ta] the wires on the Missouri Pacific road and secure messages paRsing between Messrs. Oould and Hoxie. FOREIGN. A Panama dispatch says that an explosión on the steamer Colombi, nearTomaco, killed flfteen persons and injured twoutytwo others. The Earl of Shaftesbury committed suïcide in London on the 13th. He shot himself with a revolver while riding in a cab. The ArgenMne Republic has requested the United States to rcall its Minister to Bueuos Ayres, Bayless W. Hanna, of Indiana. The Dutch Ministry resigned on the 13th because the Chamber of Deputies rujected the Government proposals modifyiug the primary education laws. Tue second reading of Mr. Gladstone's Home-Uule bill in the House of Coinmous has been postponed until May 10. AnvrcES of the 13th from Ouaymas, Mor., say that two skirmishes with Yaqui restilted in the defeat of the Mexican troops with a loss of three killed and eight wounded. Nine persons were killed on the 15th arí a nuniber werO injured at Ajaccio, the capital of Corsica, by the collapse of a mansión. The authorities at Montreal on the 15th began a crusade against the nude in art. Action was to be taken against on of th wealthiest gentlemen in the city for keeping in his house nude statuary. Thk fo gorged in the St. Lawrence river at Montreal on the lBth, the rosult being a sudden rise of flve feet and the flooding of low portions of the city. The loss wa very heavy. A largely-attended public meeting was held in Montreal., Can., a few evanings ago, at which rusolutions were passed indorsing Mr. Glad-one and nis Home-Rule bilí. The mayor and city officials took part in the demonstratiun. Cholera has bruken out in the city of Brindisi, Italy, on the Adriatic, where on the Itith thera were sixty -eight cases and ten deathg. Wholesai.b trading in young girls for immoral purposes by agents of disreputable houses in New York, Chicago, Boston and other cities ome to the notie of the authorities in Montreal, Can., on the lOth. It was said the business had been carried on for some time to an alarming extent, over fifty girls having been sent to ons Chicago house within a year. The Irish Land bill introduced on th Ifith in tho House of Commons by Mr. Gladstone proposes to free Erin from landlords by the issue of three per cent, consols to the amount of L180,000,000. Paris advices of the 16th from Senegal say that the garrison at Baket made a successful sortie, killing four hundred rebel. The Frnnch loases were seven private killed and one offleer wounded. LATER NEWS. At rw?nty-slx Jeading clearing-hou In the United States tho exchangei during tha week ended on the lTth aggregated $981,520 084, against 1916,738,074 the previous week. As compared wita the correeponding week of Issj, the incrouo uuounts to 17.0 per cent. The National Housa Commlttee on Labor troubles decided on the 17tb to cali before them Messrs. Gould, Hopkins, Powderly and McDowell. At Pittsburgh on the 17th, in the foundry of Singer, Nimick & Co., one thousand pounds of uiolton steel wer accidentally scattered among fifty or more persous, twenty of whom were severely burned. The Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Company adjusted its troubles with its Chicago switchmen on the 17th, and trafile wa resumed. The ice-gorge in the St. Lawrence at Montreal on the lSth caused the inundation of the greater part of the wholesale and manufacturing section of the city, the water standing in the streeta from three to eight feet doop. The loss was estimated at $2,000,000. Tue town of Stry, in Austrian Poland, was almost wholly destroyed by fire on the 18th, the numbor of houses burned being six hundrod. Over one hundred lives were lost, and a large number of persons were lof t destitute. By the explosión of an oil can a few days ago at Charles City, Va., the two daughters of James Marable were burned to death. At the cathedral in Madrid on the 18th, while the Bishop was ascending the steps, he was fatally shot thre times by a priest, whose motiv was revenga for being dismissed. A wind, rain and hail-storm, acuompauied by fearful burstg of lightning, passed over Shreveport, La., on the 17th. The damage in the city was slight, but trees were strippod of foliage and vegetablei and other growing crops scattered in every direction. Hail-stones covered the grouud to a depth of from four to twelve iuches. A fire on the lSth at San Luis Obispo, Cal., destroyed Andrew's Hotel, the postofflee and several other large buildings. Total loss, $125,000. A can of oil exploded at Pittsburgh, Pa., on the 18th, causing a Ure which destroyed flve dweiling houses. Several more Knights of Labor at St. Louis were indicted on th 17th for obstructing railway travel. All the roads were running trains as usual. The United States Snate was not in seision on the 17th. In the House a bill was passed to authorize the establishment of export tobáceo manufactories and to allow them drawbacks on imported materials. There was a spirited debate on the bill to appropriate $150.000 for the relief of suflferers by the overflow of rivers is Alabama, but no action was taken tbereoa.


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