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IWIMI IMKI'.cTDItl' Au A.BBOB CoxüASDiur, No 13 raeets flrst Tuesday of eacli moutb, W. O. Doty. E. O.; W. A. TolcharJ. Recorder. Washtknaw Chaptkk, No. 6, R A. M.- Mwts flrst Monday eacli month. Isaac Handy, H. P.; Z. Kuatli, coretary. BUSINESS CARDS. I.KU.KU IN CLOTE CASKETS, METALIC And Common Gofflns. Calis attented to Day or Nlght. Embalmlng a speclulty. Sto'.eruom on E. Washington streel. Resldeiice Cor. Liberty and Flftn. W. II. JACKSOW, ÜIIESIINIITIIIIISIITII. OFFICE : OTer Bach & Abel's Dry Good Slore. Entrance next to National Bank. ll.l.HTI HEKZ, Heuse, Bign, Ornamental and FRESCO PAINTER! Paperlng, Glazing, Gilding, and Calciminine, and work of every deCTii)tioB dono in the beet style, and warranted to giva satiefactlon. Shop, No. 4 W. Washington St„ Ann Arbor. ÏT. W. A A. C. HICBOLS, DE1TTISTS. Kooins Over Ann Arbor Savings Bank, Masonic Temple Blook. GAS or VITALIZED AIR Adminlitered for the iainleis eztractloa ! teelh. IOnI I-H BGKRV, The rraciical TAILOR M CÜTTBR, Of the late flrm oí WINANS A UKRHY, has located his place of hu-ineiffl at NO. 7 HURON STREET, WITII A mil L1NB OF Suitings and Trouserings, And would say to hls oíd Mead and new onee tht if they want a (OOI) FIT and a NORBY FIT tt REASONABLK PKICES, cali on hlra and ihey wlll be ure to eet one. CET THE BEST FÏRE INSURANCE! $29,000,000. Becnrity held for the protection of the pollcy holden. CHRISTIAN MACK Bepresenta the fullowine first-class compnntei, of which one, the Etna, hae alone paid $5ti,U00,U0Ü flre lome In eixty-llve years : J3tn,of Hartford # 9,192,044 Franklin of Philadelpliia 3,118,718 Germania, N. Y 8.W0, 729 Oerman American, N. Y 4,666,988 London Aüsurance, Lonclon.. . 1.416,788 Michigan F. & M., Detroit. . . 27.608 N. Y. Underwriters, N. Y 2,596.67? National, Hartford 1,774,505 PhflBQix, Brooklyn 3,759,036 Loste liberally adjusled and promptly paid. Polieies ssued at the loweat rate of premium. 1191tf LÏJMBERI LUMBER! LTJMBER! lf you contémplate btilltling, cali at FEROON Liihi ïiiiii! Corner Fourth and Depot Sta., and ge our figures for all kinds of LUMBER! We manufacture our own Lumber and guarantee AERY LOW PRICES 49-Give u a cali and we witl make it to your Interest, as our large and well Kraded stock fully usuini our asscrtion. Telephone Connections rij! KECH Supt. JAMES TOLBKRT, Prop W. TREMAIW, GENERAL Insurance wm OFFICE, OTer Casper Rinsey's Grocery Store, COR. HURÓN AND FOURTH STS.. North British Insurance Co., Of London and Edinburg. CaplUl, tl3.000.000, Gold. Detroit Fire and Marlnt Insnrance Co., Cash Aeeets t800,0U0. SprliitrllrM In. Co. of Massachiisetta, CahABeu f 1,81)0,000. Howard las. Company of New York, CMhAssete l,000,0(l0. Airrlrtiltiiral Ins. Co., Watertown, N.Y., CanhAssets l,i00,000. Ie;Lthsnlly Ad)nitel nd l'romptly Paid. CHAMPION CREAMEW FOB COSVBNIKKCB C Si of bandltnf Mik and mÊHmif í rr:uil ;t!i best rennlts, WTSS rirfï ]¦... tUC Tan. lil H'l i,m '-)r-ii..f'4rlll dMille k ï m m I n g mikÊu-iM'WtÊÉ0i,l utiuclimpnt. Urawinif ¦ - - l Vllk or Crt-am flrat a cleB ¦i'imi iti il ' 1 nu, r madefrom Uu it was awarded tho ÈM BF FiUST ITtKMIL W HB) a' 'l'rl-Atalv Fulr, 1, Fut Hrofk Nh.. r..r Uloh., iWf. H tienthe riiMl'ii];ia at icarlyeverjr State ralrwhireüihlIMti-.l DnrU S'rtnr fhiirni, Eurrka ttfui .VUtiuT llulirr W'irk'-r", TCrtbttt Ruiter Printer, Agenu want-d In cvt-ry county and town. Dttlry linplciuvul Co., JlWlowa FalU, V t. IIBIIIWI


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