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The Spring Monlhs Are uiidoiibü'clly the best in which to purify the blood and strenjfthen the system, becnuso at ttiis time the body is mott susceptible to the beneflolal effecti of a reliable mediclnoe llke Hood's Sxnap rilla. The feelinj: of debility. Jantiuor, and lassitude, c;uisim1 by the changiiifi season, is entirely overeóme, and scrofula and all huiuors are expelled from the blood by the powerful reviving and juinfying niluences of Hood's Sarsaparllla. Donotdcloy- Ttike Hood"s SarsaparilU now. It is made bv C. I. Hood & Co., ApotUecaries. Lowell, Mass. Sold by all dru:gists. 100 doses one dollar. Bucklen'8 Árnica Salve. The Best Salve in the world for G'iit, Bruiaes, Sores, üloer, Salt KIn-urn, Fever Bore8,Tetter, Ohapped Hands, Chilbhilns, Corns, and all Skin Eruptionn, and positlvely cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give ])rfect siitisfaclioi,, or money refunded. l'rice 25 cents per box. For Sale by Eberbncli & Son. WTien Baby was slck, we gave her C ASTOKIA Wlien uhe was a Chlld, stae oried for CASTOKIA When Bhe beoamo Mis, he clung to CASTORIA. Wheu she had Chüdron, ghe gare them CAST'A ' There are plenty of openlnn for poets of real jrènlnt, paysa writer. That is trae. This office, for instance, luis four windows and two doors.- So. Lyon Picket. HALE'S HONEY s the best Cough Cure, 26, 50c., . GLENN'S SULPHÜR SOAP heals and bcautifies, 25c GERMÁN CORN REMOVER ldlls Corns & Bunions, 25c HILL'S HAIR & WH1SKER DYE- Black & Brown, Bc. PIKE'S TOOTHACHE DROPS cure in 1 Minute, 25c. DEAN'S RHEUMATIC PILLS are a sure cure, COc BUY IT AND TRY IT Try it for earache, Try it for headache, Try It for toothache, Try it for baclcache. For an aehe or a pain Thomas' Eclectrft Oil is excellent.- Chat. F. Medler,box74, Schenectady, N. Y. - Thomas" Eclectric Oil is the best tuin, going, pa says. Cured him of rheumatism and me oí earache- two drops. - Master Horace Breoizer, Clinton, lowa. Try ït for a Ump Try it for a lameneSB,1 Try it for a pain, Try it for a strain. From shoulder to ankle joint, and for three raonths, I had rheumatism which yielded to nothing but Thomas' Eclectric Oil. Thomas' Eclectric Oil did what no physician seemed able to accomplish. It cured me.- John N. Gregg, Supt. oi Railway Consiruction, Niágara Falls. Try it for a scald, ' Try it for a ent, Try it for a bruiae, Try it for a burn. , Prlce 50 ets. and i.oo FOSTER, M1LBURN & CO.,Prop's. - ii v re aio. k. r. ' Hot aw5cW or pain in the Rhenmatic line have I had sinoe usinii ATHLOPHOROS two reara &go. It made a thorough cure in my case." Mus. Ella Smith, 61 N. Koster Street, Springfield, O. From all OYor the conntry come similar testimoniáis of (tui fiDunnnc '" curin ciency ofHIn LU rnUnUO rheuniatism and neuralgia. No other remedy has been discoTered that id a real core íor eitherof these terrible disensos. Athlophoros is "ot an experiment, it has been tried and its value proved by thousands of poople all orer the United Statee. No remedy has eTer been put on the market that has brought such universal relief to suffere from rheumatiszn and nenralgia. Athlophoros is absolutelysafe toUke and will snrely bring relief. If rou doubt iu morïta send for names of persons in your own State who have been cured by iu use. Ask your druggist for Athlophoros. If you cannot get it of him we will send it eiprens paid on ruoeipt of regular price- SI.00 per bottle. We prefer that you boy it from your druggist, but if he hfisn't it do not be persuaded to try nomutbiag else, bnt order at once from ns as directed. ATHLOPHOROS CO., 112 WALL ST., NEW YORK. MAÜAME WORA'S CORSETS. fT COMFORTABLE AN 1'KliH.l I i LTÏINO. l.'n-hitniüMjiy tht-y gtvtt iH-tter atlsCactloD tliai any corset li.v ui r aold. rrt:fniakon ecommend fortueirlUM tmpe. lannot brruk over m. jlrejpavtlculttrlrllkeifcf liesoffullliiruie. Tlio - TOUR" o"'l "AU)INE" have the PathstTkiple Back. Which covers tho open ipaca and ïirt'tfcta tliepptne. 3? TIn 1 V It 1 N F " yr hntho.V,pular'KFJl ry taoi.i Stifiji. wWch TT can be iintantly taken f Out. WITIIofT CUTTINQ OE kirplNO. lïfljidlcs. ok for M1AMK MORA'SCORk 8KTM. No it)H'i-a have the ' yC celebrated Frnrk Curvcd f ' ¦¦¦:'. ilund. Beware of lnnlatíoM m i xWagiiiism offered to deceivo the public. f) il WlllirBilii hj all 1,-ailin? doalf jen. Manufacturc-dby Madame Mora's Contour. L. KUArs CO., Madame Mora's La Reine. Blrmincham.r. db. =i1 CZ CENTS n rr._ 'rL I Vcopyoithh ' tfPvkiï BSpfSWÍ W ! Xí-ir" S9L1fï ililTi-r klniln. Alsuull ' ' Or.rf'U. ... Known Ruin oí Fllrll1 _1 Vr-i-V lian nli Slovt, PimmI, 5 V CP ÜJ'V HdkrtklilirJr. It 1 Aun) istiii-mon compleitwnrk Ww rti ()t kind ever pub!, .-- -iLISt IWied, s 1 Kifieen JHwl 1 " a sninple copy, aÍRO our s - - - - = prlce t Agenta ' r - anted cvcrrwkin. Ad. (HUERICAN PUB. CO.. 17 onk Tenlk tlml.nilid'a. Pi. :..,--. S1NCER Ci7 i;" HBeJ f? DAYS' TKIAL. BlHr#ni lA l-'all St of K tari lVl Atlachmenta. ' llVïlia WAKRANTED AftapA E. c. iiowe CO., H;3ggiaa N. etb SU, flills., P. ttUWXaAAü DRUG STORE So. 7 S. Main St. PURE DRUGS and MEDICINES Fine Toilet Mcles ELEGANT PERFUMES AND ODOR SETS A Spocialty Made of Physician's Preücriptiuns. Cali and sce us. J. J. Coodyear. TiTixrTI Send tx cenU for postare. II ƒ 1 1 andrcceive free, a coítly box KK ƒ H oí Koode which will help yon ¦LI"l-l-IXJiaEythlng etoa In (hls world. All, of elther (ex, succeed from flrst hour. The broad ruad to fortnne opens belore the workcrs, ahpolntily are. At once addrei, Thus Oo., Aognata, M1ce.


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