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i- - -- - p- - - ¦ THI LINI ILIOTID V THt U. S. OOVT TO CAHRV THE FT_WA1=- _ . It it the only line wllh lis own track trom CHICAGO TO DENVER, Either by wiy of Omaha, Pacific June, St. Joseph, Atchlson or Kansas City. It connects In Union Depots with through traint trom NEW YORK, PHILADELPHIA. BOSTON and all Eastern polnts. It Is the principal line lo SAN FRANCISCO . PORTLAND & CITY OF MEXICO It traverses all of the slx qreat States of ILLINOIS, IOWA, MISSOURI. NEBRASKA. KANSAS. COLORADO with branch linea to all thelr Important citles and Trom CHICAGO, PEORÍA or ST. LOUIS, H run every day In the year from one to three elcgantly equipped through tralns over lts own tracks belwaen Chicago and Denver, Chicago and Omaha, Chicago and Councli Bluffs, Chicago and St. Jotteph, Chicago and Atchlson, Chicago and Kansas City, Chicago and Topeka, Chicago and Cedar Raplds, Chicago and Sioux City, Peoría and Council Bluffs, Peoría and Kansas City, St. Louis and Omaha, St. Louis and St. Paul, Kansas City and Denver. Kansas City and St. Paul, Kansas City and Omaha, For all polnts In Northwest, West and Southwest. Itsequlpment Is complete and flrst clast In every particular, and at all Important polnts Interlocklng 3ltilie nd Sígnale are USed. thuS Iniurlng comfort and satety. For Tickets, Rates, General Information, etc.. reqarding the Burlington Route, cali on any Ticket Agent inlhe United SUtes or Canada, or addreia T. J. POTTER 1st V.P. 4 Gen. Mor., Chicago. HENRY B. STONE, Amt. Gen. Mor., Chicaoo. PERCEVAL LOWELL, Oí. Pw. AOT., Cwcaoo. NOFEEII ) ESTABMSRED tsit. ) Merrill UNTILBETTERJDETROIT.MICH. ƒ Block. f TÜÜTl The LcKn1' Old-Established Ljj PHYSICIAIÍ & SUBGEON V5JsKILLAND8UCCE88 YOUNGmeh,middle-aged men and all persons who by their own act of Imprudence or Folly at any period of üfe hvc brought upon themselves, the evil ffects followine closely upon the heels of transgresión of the law ot nature, ihould consult the celehrated Dr.Clarke at once BememberlNervoui dlwaiKi(h or without dreams) or deblltty and lot of nerT power treated scientificaliy by ncw methods with never failing success. irlt makes no difference whut you have taken or who has f ailed to cure yoi. ¦a-Tlie terrible poiaon of Syph"1 lni " bad blood andakin diaeasr, completelv cradicated without mercury. Bemember that bisoñe horrible dlaeae, if neglccted or improperly neated.curaes the present and coming gencr mom 49-AU nnnatnral discharges cured promptly wuhout hindrance to business. No expenments. Both sexeseonult onfldcntially. Afe nd eipericnce Important. A written (rorantii of cure glven in overy cae undertaken. jO-SnlTerer from any chronlcdlseaaiewrite nitory and Symptoms of your case - plainly. Cases solicited which others have failed to cure. 53-Send two stamps for eelebrated worka on Cftronlc, Siervous and Oelloate Distases. Yon have an eihaative ymptonoatology by which to study your own case. Consultation, persooally or by letter, free. Consult the old Doctor. Thousands curod. Office and parlora private. You see no one but the Doctor. Refore confiding your case consult DH. CLAREE. A f riendly letter or cali roay save future tuffering and 1 thame and add golden years to life. Medicines sent everywhere secure from ezpoaure. Hours, Bto8; Sundays,9to 11. Address, F. D. CLARKE, NI. D. MERRILL BLOCK. DETROIT. MIch Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT havlug been made in the conditions of a certain indeuture of rnortaeeexecuted by Mlchael Phelan and Sarah ttelan. hls wife, of the Vtllage of Dexter, VaNhtenaw County and State of Michigan ¦j Patrick Oallaglier, of the Towushlp of Vebster, In sald county and state, bearlng ate the2llh day of October, A. D. elghteeu undred and seventy-seven, and reeorded In he office of the Register of Dewls for sald ounty of Washtenaw, InLIberSOof Mortgaes, on page 10:!, and by whlch default the iower of ale contalned iu sald mortguge avine become operativo, and no sult or proeedingHat law or In chancery huvlnt been nstituted to recover the amount dne on sald nortgugeor tbe note accompauylng the same, ,nd there belng now clalmed to be due on suld lote and mortgage, the surn of sli hundred .nd elghty-lwo dollars and thlrty-etght cents K82.3), Notice is therefore hereby glven, nat the said mortgaae wtll be foreclosed on iaturday, the lilh day of June. A. D. 1886, at en o'clock in the forenoon of that day, by a ale at public auction, to the higheat bidder, it tbe East door of the Court House, in the :lty of Ann Arbor, in the county aforesa d, sald Ooorl House, belng the place for ng the Circuit Court for said county), of the nortaaged preralses descrlbed in satd mort¦ age or so much thereof as raay be necessary 'o sntlsfy the amount of principal and Inter;st remainlng uupaid upon said mortgage ivith reasonable ccwts iind expenses, together wlthau attorueyfee of tweuty-flvedollars; ililch premlses are descrlbed lu sald mortage as follows, to-wlt: lieing lot six (6) In block three (3) In the Vllage of üexter aloresald, accordlng to the ra¦orded plat tliereol, and bounded northerly jy the Michigan Central Hallroad. Dated,Marchmh..GALLAGHERi MOKTOAQïE. E. D. Kiwne, Att'y for Mortgagee. 1MB Real Estáte for Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of WaihIn the matter of the estáte of Benry Colclzer, deceased. , NOTICE is hereby glven, that In pursuance of an order eranted to the underslgned ttdinlnlstrator of theestate of said Henry Colclazi-r by the Hon. Judge of Probate for the Uounty of Washtenaw, on the I6th day of Man-b, A. D. 18S6, there wlll be sold at public vendue, to the hlghest bidder, at the east Irout door of the court house, in ihe city of An Arbor in the County of Washtenaw in sald State, on Satarday, the lst day of My, A. D. 1886 at 10 o'clock In the foreuoou of tliat day (subject to all encurabrances by mortgge or otherwise existing at the time of the .leiUh of said deceased the followlng described Heal Estáte, to-wlt: All thatcerutin tntct or prceJ of land lyltiï ana beln" the city of Ann Arbor in the connty of Waihlenaw and SUtn of Michigan, known nd described aa follows: Four ere of land to be taken from tbe north end of the east half of the wem half of the outhwet quarter of Section Number Twenty, in town two, eouth oí range sli east, bya line parallel with the North line of ¦aid lot and eixteeu rod south thsrefrom. Alo thewest half oi the weet half of thesoutuwentqutrterolsectlon Number Twenty, in town (2) outh of range lx (6) est, containtng forty acre of In4 be the ame more or lest, exceptinu and rwenrlnt; therelrom about elght aerea of laud in tbe coutnwest corner of the sald forty acres heretofore deeded hy Hlerome Goodspeed and Wllllain Jone to Klnneth Uavul-.m, and alao exceptlng and reeenring one acre of land on tbe tast ide of iald Uavidaon's elght acres. old and convejed by Am. gail C. Goudspeed to Joseph Wilson, aubject to all riehta and privlle-jea of a road or hlfrhwaj on the east sido of the ald piece of land granted to Wllllam Joues by Abigafl O. Ooodapeed byherdd. Dated.March6t.Vl886.iAMw WHEDON( 1290 7w AdmlnUtrator. Chancery Notice. The Circuit Court for the County of Washtenaw, In Chancery. Ni-i Burbach, Complalnant, i vs. Willlam Bnrbach, Defendant. It satlsfactorlly appearlng by amdavlt. to me. Circuit Judge in and for said county, that tlienaid defendant, Willlam Burbach's last kuowu place of reldence wa In thls sute and that hls present place of resldence cannot be aseertalned. On motlon of E. B. Norrls, of counsl for complalnant, It is ordered that ald defendant, Wllllam liurbach, cause his apnearance In thls cause to be entered wltUlu live ruonths from the date f thls order, and Ihal in case of hls appearance he ouuse hls unswer to the complaluant's bill to be flled and a copy Ihereof to be served on the complalnant's sollcltor wlthln twenty days after service of a copy of sald blll and notice of thls erder, and in default thereof that sald blll of complaint be taken as ooufesned by sald defendant, Willlam Burbach, and It Is further ordered that wlthln twenty days the sald complalnant cause thls order to be publlshed in "The Ann Arbor Cohrikr and that suob. publlcatlon beconllnued In uoh uewspuper at least once iu each week for six weeks in enccesslon, or that uhe cause a copy of thls order to be personally served on the sald defeudant. Willlam Burbiich, at least twenty days before the time above prescrlbed for hls appeajance. Dated. March '2id, A. D. 1886. Q. iOsLYN. Clrlt Jdue. E. B. NRR1, Bol, for Oompl't. W-W inrit Tf WAMTFn 'or dr. scott-s I LH IV HnltU beoü(ul eieotrlo Illiril lACoraets. Sample lre to tboM be. HU LH I U cominu renti. Ho rlik. qxlck talw. 'Irrrltory rlTtn.utUftcüoa guruul. AddraM DR.SCOTT.842 Broadway St..N.Y.


Ann Arbor Courier
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