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In the Senate on the -¦uta Mr, i.ojrin reinroduced his blll to inórense the oil.nency of honrmy. Mr. Ihitler Introduood a hill uuEhorlztog the President to retire oertaln army iSoen in the House bilis werelnlrodooed: Br Mr. Storm CO grive honoraMy-disrharged loldlera the preferonoe in public appointniciitH; bj Mr. ('oilliiB, 10 tix tlm salarles ol the Dnited smte Dlstrlot Judffes at ."..ihK): bv Mr. Wel Imrii. tocieute thootHcoor Asslttant Commiialoner of ludían Aifaln Mr. o'Knni.iin the Commlttee on Bducatlon, rpoited the Sonate bill to providtrforthestudy in ci-rtain schools of thu etlect ol alioliol on the human system. The Uiver and Harbor bill was turther coosidored. IS tlie Sonate on the 21st a Urge numbor of pan! nnd prlvato rollef bllli wero passed, alao tho blll authorlzlnii the sale of tmil'iron cortaln laudö raeanred for the use of the Menominee trlbo of Indiana In Wisconsin. The nomlnation of Wllliam C West, of Kentucky, lor Governor of Itah, was cooQrmud ...In tho House bill wen' reportcd: By Mr. Morrill, to peDtlOO Union solel ir - who irere prlaoners duVmif the late war; by Mr. Townhcnd. to limit the Jurlsdlctlon of Unltad Statea oourts In patent caaes. The Uivcr lid Harbor 1)111 was turthcl eongid¦reA. A nn,r. was roported to the Senate on the Kd by Mr. Morgan to Inderanify the ('hlueso fot the losses and damiifrf Intlieteil upoü Hiein by rinters ai Book Spring, Víy. T., in Beptemberlaat The Inter-Stato Comraeroe bilt and the meuure t make rallroad land irrants subject ti taxatlon wcre oonsldered. AdlotiriK'il to tho -lith In the House the Senate Electoral Count liill was made oonUnuingr gpeolal order fbr May i The Uiver umi Harbor lüi wal turthor oonildeaeQ Sksati ¦: not In ses3lon on Hm IN - In tho House the PraMdaot'a meaaare on tho labor qaesUon was diocussed and thr li.vcr nnd Harbor blll waa fnrthcr consldered. At the renJsf MBiion slxty pension bllls wcre )assed. OOM EST IC. Kruis MooitM.w (colorad), who asiaulteil aud robbod a white man, was lynched the other night at Axton. Va. Tin: graad jury in New York City on the th indicted thirteen men on the charge of uoycottins aud auuoying Mrs. üray, who Cftëpg u buUory. Mus. Uoi.i.iNr. Kii and her mother were inirniHl to death iua prairie fue on the 2Üth ut I.vons, D. T. EbzTI iuiiil8 in the South Boston (Mus-;.) public schools struck on the 90th tor a single session, and stoned one of the teaohom. l.rwRoTH. a domestic. was burmul to it SI Lonll on the-20th whilü trying to kindie a fire with kerosene oil. A 'iiKi'i rv siificiff at Littlo Rook, Ark.. who was badly beaten by the strikors while g, iarding property of the Iron Mountain road, received Jay Gould's check for $500 on the 2Oth. Defalcatioxs amountin? to $20,000, togethor with a numbor of heavy loafta, CMiaed th suspension of the City National Bank at Williams])ort, Pa., on the 2'M. Stafford ei Svuckaxt, dealei-s in hides and leather at Hostou. made kii MSigilaaent nu tlio ','üfa. owing í!0i),U K). Snort weiv tin"! nt sfiitric- in the East St. Louis railway yards on the 'JOtii. The ¦oldlen retumed the compliment, but it wal not known that anybody ¦ hurt. Tui: lentenosa of fivo Indlan Tm-ritory onirdarera, to hare been hanged In a Cew days, wero on the 20th commuted to imprisonment for life. As open switch wrecked a freight train near Uarmai-rille, Pa., on tho 80th, and three men were fatally injured. namii il. CBOOKBB, ths California millionaire, was probably fatally injured ia New York City on the 30tb by being thrown froni nis earriage. (í foivst tires were prevailing on tho 20th in the monntalni near Tamaqua, Pa., and tho air wal dünso with smoke. Tuk Secretary of the Treasury on the i ¦ cal) for three por cent. bonds to the amount of Í10,UOO,OJO, maturing June 1. Tue street-car striko n Nuw York City came to an end on the 20th excopt on two branches of the Third Avenue lino. Tue village of East Lee, Mass., was inundated at six o'clock on the mornlng of the 20th by the giving away of a dam at Mountain lake. Eleven personi were drownod, and several fattories were wreeked, Including two paper-uiills. Abol'T seventy-five furniture manufacturers of Chicago, employing tour thousand men. met on the '21st and organized to recisit. (Icriui n,i; bv ïvorkinen. sist aemanas Dy worenran. Tui; explosión of a lamp caused a fïre the otherday which destroyed the Merchant Mili, valued at $150,000, at Harrisburg. Pa. Lioiïtnino struck a school-house on the 21st at Freeland, Pa., killing an eigut-yearold girl aud probably fatully injuring threo other girls. Strikehs ditched a freigbt-train near Fort Worth, Tex., on the 2lst. ïraffic had been generally resumed on all the linus in the SSouthwest. The fifteenth annual convention of the Presbyterian Women's Board of Missions of the Northwest met at Indianapolil on the 21st. ïhb annual encampment of the Grand Army of the Republic of the State of New York began at New York on tho 21st, with 592posts representad. There was an increase of 9,000 in the membership tlie last yoar. A portion' of the building known as Libby Prison. at Richmond, Va., feil on the 21st, causing a loss of $100,000 to the storaga coni]any which occupied it. Six tiiousand sugar renners in New York City struck on the 21stfor higher wages. A boat containing two men and a boy ¦went ovor the dam at Hadley, N. Y., on the 21st, and all were drowned. Some twenty-five servant girls at Tarrvtown, N. Y., struck on the 21st for higher wages, leaving tneir mistresses w uiauag affairs as best they could. A 8TRIKB on all the street railways in New York City was again ordered on the 21st, to continue until the companies took back aü the former strikers and diseharged all non-union men. The river suddenly overflowed its banks at Trinidad, Col., on the 21st, destroying many dwellings and driving the occupants in their night-clothes to seek places of Bafety. One man was drowned and much property was destroyed. Tuf. line of the Third avenue road in New York was guarded on the '21st by live hundred policemen. The directors had resolved to yield to none of the strikers, but to run their cars at all hazards. The Chicago Typographical Union on the 22d decided to advance the rates of compositiou from forty to foity-five cents on morning papers, and from thirty-seven to forty cents on evening papers. The union also reduced the working hours from Beven to six. Tuk ministers of Cleveland, O., headed by Bishop Bedell of the Episcopal Church, worii on tuo 'J'2d preparing to boycott the Bimday secular newspapers. Tuf. lovnoon tbo Mississippl rÍTer, sixn Tiiiles below Heloiia, Ark., broke on ihe 'd, ttooding a milHon acres of fine p ton land. The loss would le very heavy. t Is obedionoe to an order f rom the Knlghts jf Labor five hundred employés of the Missouri Car & Foundry Company at 8t. r Louis stopped work on the 23d. r An unknown man wrecked a train the a other niRbt by placing a tie on the track near Sil ver Creek, Ga., one man being killed and another fatally iujured. :1 Wiiii.k Mrs. Albert Neff was planting l vegetables in her garden at West Newton, f Pa., on the 22d the house caugut flre, and before she could rescue her four children. who were sleeping up-stairs, they were ' fatally burned. TflE rifle and sewing-machine flrm of K. c Remington & Sons, at Ilion, N. Y., on the 22d placed its affairs in tbe hands of receivers. Jat Gould, in opening his testimony fore the Congressional Labor Inquiry ' Committee at Washington on the S2d, statedthat the Missouri Paciflo road has fit tb is time no difforeuces with its men. He said that after the strike last Marcli the Kuights of Labor took forcible possession of the railway and of eight cities on tho line. He declarad that he had always been in favor of arbitration, and had given no secret instructions to Vice-President Hoxie. The furnlture manufacturera frotn Illinois, Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, .Mmnosota, Missouri and Kentucky met in Chicago on the 22d and concluded to adopt the eight-hour system May 1 and raise the price of f urniture ton per cent. at once. i Thb strike of six thousand men in the sugar reflnerles on Long Island was ' lowed on the2Sd by ariot at Oreen Point, in which three policemen were injured. Sevrml wagon-loads of sugar were dumped iut tho streec Tbe strike of the Lake Shore freight switchmen in Chicago still continued on the Nd, and no freight trains were running. The last stone in the líartholdi pedestal at New York wal laid on Ae 894 The inauguratinn of the statuo wifl tuko place Si.., it .. f i ii . r '.', (September !¦ All the street-oars iu New York City were again running on the 23d except the Tbird Avenue line. Whii.e attempting to cross the river at Doüunoe, O., on the Üid Frwi llillman and liis wife and two children were drowned by the eapsizing of the boat. Near Keyport, N. J., the insano wife of J. Monroe Smitli, aged forty-throe years, took a dose of rat poison on the SM, and then attacked her children with an axe, killing a Iittle girl aged four yoars, and mortally wouuding a boy of thirtoen and a girl of eleven. The business failures throughout the country for the soven days ended on the 38d wore 109 in the United States and 25 in Canada, a total of 194, against a total of 1S2 for the seven previous days. A.BBVI8EB list on the &id showed that the recent cyclone in Minnesota resulted in seventy-one deaths. Tuk strike in the I.ake Shore freight yards at Chicago ended on the 'SM through a compromiso, and all the switchmen rosumed work. At a meeting of Socialista in New York City on the 23d Herr Most said that the time for revolution had come, and that wmkingmen could only protectthemselves with arins. He said they must seize tha armories and arsenals and uss them iu their own defsnse, so as to put down the capitalists and politicians. Teleghams on the33d to Sradstreet's f rom leading trade centers ahowed moderate gains in the movement of general merchandise. The general industrial sjtuation was more aggravated, thero being at least 4.1,000 strikers reportad, against 31,000 the previous week. The grand jury at St. Louis on the 23d indicted nine boycotting bakers, charged with conspiracy, blackmail and robbery ; also nine deputy sheriffs for manslaughter in killing Thompson in the railroad riots. The gallows at Fort Smith, Ark., was on the "3d used for the seventy-flrst time in the execution of James Wasson and Joseph Jackson, two murderers. Bobert Fowler was hangod at Morganfteld, Ky., for the murder of Miss Lydia Burnett, who had refused to marry him. It was anuounced on the 23d that the owners of cotton and woolen milis in the New England States had perfected a league f(ir liomRstic nrotoction. and to assist ufacturers who were unfairly treated by employés. DuniNQ the last war T. J. Fuller, a wealthy íarmer noar Jackson, Tenn., buried $1G,ÜOO iu gold in his front yard. He allowed it to remain there ever since for safe-keeping, but diseovered a íew days ago that it was gone. John Boyd (eolored) was arrested on the 23d for the theft. Feah of a cholera epidemie induced the Ohio Legislature on tho 23d to créate a State Board of Health. Geoboe Dagt, of Philadelphia, in a fit of jealousy on the 23d fatally shot his wife and then killed himself. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. Jülian S. Rumset, who died in Chicago on the 20th, had been a continuous resident since 1S35, held a Board of Trade membership since 1&43, was one of the founders of St. James Church, and was mayor at the outbreak of the war. He was in his sixtythird year, and leaves a wife, three sous and six daughters. The National House Committee on Foreign Atfairs on the 2üth instructed its chairman to report favorably a resolution appropriating $147,748 to indemnify Chinamon for losses sustained by violence at Rock Springs, Wy. T. Municipal elections took place in many Illinois town3 on tbs 2Oth, and in the majority of cases where the contest was between license and no license theformer was victorious. The Congressional Special Labor Committee held its flrst session at Washington on the 2üth, and had Mr. Powderly on the stand, ho stated the grie vances of the Knights of Labor; declarad that nothing of a violent nature was ever counseled by that organization, and thought he should soon be able to suggest legislativo remedies for existing evils. Chables Mitcuell, aged eignty-three years, father of Maggie Mitchell, the actress, died in Troy, N. Y., on the 2Oth. A convestion of representativa liquordealers of Indiana has been callad to meet at Indianapolis May (i to discuss the efforts being made by Prohibitionists in the State for high licenso or total prohibition. Tuk bill repealing the Broadway Surface railway charter passed the New York Assembly on the 21st. It had previously passd the Senate. AT th second session of the Labor InTestigating Committee in Washington on the 21st Williaui O. MeDowell testifled


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