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Short advertlsemenls uot lo exceed three ilnes, of Lost ana Founil, Houses for Sale or Kent, Wants, etc.. inserted three weeks for ÜS cents. Sltuatloii8 wanted. free. FOR SALE.-Two khhI Building LoU-on E. CaUuurlne Slreet. lnqulre of J. C. Howley. 6-S FOR SALE. 3GOOD HOU8ES ANI LOTS, well located on Main aud Madison slreet. Also other property at a bargaln. Enquireof I.. E. 1 l' . . i - . FOR SALE- 2 Mares, 2 Cows, come In In May 6 Pigf, 7 mouths old, 20 good Hens. Apply to J. S. Manu, 1'. ü. 111. 95-3 "ITHJR SALE.- New two story house, ten J; rooms and batb-room, witu tlrst class iurnace, etc. Also oue vacant lot. Both deslrably located between High school and Unlverslty. Prlce reasonable. L. D. Wlues, An Aruor. 95 tf H AVINO sold my Bees, I wlsh to dispose of my flxtures such as Hlves, Extractor, Honey-knife, Supers, Sectlon and Tenement Hlves and other articles, very cheap. No. 13 North State slreet, N. A. Prudden, April 18, 1888. Ann Arbor. 5-3w WANTED- By a young man ïsyearsold Sltuallon In private fauilly to take care of team, etc, accustomed to gardeulng and farm work. Emiuire at No. 33 N. Fourlb st., Ann Arbor. 95-3W. "ITT HO WANTS A FARMÍ Two farms YV wltli 5,000 fruit trees and excellent soll for general farmliiK wlth 20U acres Improved. and 2U0 acres good wild land. In Ociana Counly ou Kast shore of Lake Michigan; and two farms In N. W. Kansas, are otfen-d for sale In pareéis tosult buyers, cheap for cash or exchange for real estáte In Aun Arbor or vicinlty. Also 43 acre good land one mile north of City at low figures. Enqnlre of J. Q,. A.Ses8lons, Office over American Express Office, Ann Arbor, Mlch. lïW-tf. A BARGAIN. FOR SALE- The handsome plece of land on South 8lde of Washtenaw avenue, corner of Ualdwln avenue. Oppslle Kev. li. Day's. JOnquire of Hall Bros. tf FOR SALE- On reasonable terms the property known as lhe Old Henrlques Mauslon, on corner of División and Bowery streeU. Zina P. Klng. FOR SALE OR RENT- House and Lot wlth baru. Terms reasonable. Zina P. Km:. GUIÓN STEAMSHIP LINE - Passengere booked to aod lrom European ports ZinaP. Klne. F O TaTXjEI A House and Lot on Thompson streel (No. 11), Good location. Fine Nelghborhood and a BARGAIN. See W. W. WHEDON, or J. E. BEAL. LOANINO-Money to loan on Ont-Olaa Real Estáte Mortgage at Current rates o Interest. Satisfactory arrangements made wlth capltalists desiring such lnvestments Every conveyance and transactlon In abstracts of tltles carefully examlned as to legal effect. Z. P. KINU. Ann Arbor.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News