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POWDER Absolutely Pure. Thlspowdernever varíes. A marvel of purlty.strenitth and wholesomenes. More eoonomlcal tlian the ordlnary kinds, and cannot be sold In competltlon wlth the multitud' of low test, Bliort welght, uluni or phoaphate powdern. Suiii only In chiih. Rflyal Haklnrr Ponder Co.. KMI Wall at.. N. Y. iiflMiirifTi To Oiitfeura Remedies I Owc Mr Hi-iiKli, My ll.ipiiiiiiss, and Mi Life. A day never p:i--.- that 1 do not ihink and speak klndly cf the Cutlcura Kemeilia. Seyen years no all of a dozen lumps foruied ud uiy neck rnn;ini; io ölze froni a cherry store t) an oiunge. The large ones were fi ihtful to look at, and painfal to bear ; people luinrd astde wlicn they saw me, in dU(rat, and I was asbátned to bc on the street or In Boclety. l'liy.-icUn and thuir trentment and all medicine! failed to do uny rood. In a moment or degpair I triedthe CUTICLRA KBMKÜIK8- CuHrura, the great kiu cure, and Vuticvra Soap, an exqulsite Skin Iifiutifli-r, exu-rually, and C'aticura Retolvenl, the new Blood Partner, internally ; the xiuall : inpH (hs I cali iN'in, LT.idiialiv disappeared, and the large OHM brok'1, in a bou? two weekt), dischargidg larK'' quantities of matter, leaving two aliirbt suirt iu my neck to-day tu teil the story of my aufferliif;. My weight then was one humlred nd flfteen sickly poui.ds ; U is now one hundred aod gixly-one solld, henil hy pounds, and my height ia only flve tent Uve inchcs. In my travel I praiaed the Cuticura Remedie, North, South. JL-st and West. Totuttenra tíemedief I owt My Health, My Ihipinmss and My Life, A prominent New York DraggUl'd me ttie otber day, "Do you Htill usu tbo Cutlcitra Remedleë you look to be lu perfect hcnltli." My reply wa, "Ido, and h] always. I nevcr know wbat sickneB in since ï commt'uced usni(r the Cuticura litmfdirt." Somet)aM 1 mi laui,'hed at by prniniinr them to people not acqnninted with their meritf1, bat sooner or later thoy will come to their eensee and belleve the same aa thoie ttit uee them, as dozens have whom I have U'ld. May the time come when tbere shall be a laree Cuticura Bupply House In every city in the world, lor tbe bent-flt of bumaniiy, wtiere the Cuticura Jlemedies ehall be sold only, eo that there wil) be rarely a need of ever entering a dru;; store. M. HU8BAND3. 210 Fulton St. New York, N. Y. CUTICURA REMEDIES, Are a pooltive cure for every form of Skin nd Blood Dixeaxci), from Pimple to dcrofula. iSold everywhere. Prlce : Coticuba, 50 Cts.; Cuticub anip, 25cts; Cuticdra Kksolvïnt, tl. Prepared by the Potter Dkuo and c"iikkai. Co., Boston, Mes. Sind for "How to Cure Skin Dlaeases." Meud lor "llotv to cure Skin DUeasea" nrill'LES, Blackheads. skin Blemifhes and Baby X 14 Humors, use Cuticura Soap. Saeezing Catarrh., The dtstreeelng sneezt', sneere. pneeze, tbe acrid watery dlschurges from the eyes and noe, the painful inflimmation extending to the throat. the welling of tbe mncous llnlng, causlnj; chokiDg sensationB, congh, riiiginf; nolsee in the head and eplitting headaches- how familiar :hese eymptom are to thonsands who suffer periódica! from head colds or influenza, and who live in ignorance of the fact that a single applica loc of Sandfobu'8 RADICAL Om kok Catahbii will afford lnttantaneou relief. Uut this treatment in cases of simple Catarrh gives but a lalnt idea of wliut thla remedy will do ïd tbe chrouic forme, where the hreathing la obstructed by choklng putrid mucous accumulation. the hearing effectcd, sniell and tate tone, throat ulcerated and hacklni; cough gradually fastenlng iioelf upou the debilitated system. Then it ! that the marvellous curative power of üandor'i Radical Cure manifests itself In instantaneous and gratelul relief. Sure beglns from the llrst application. It is rapid, radical, permanent, economical, and eaie. Handkokd's Radical. Cube consista of one bottleol the Kadicai, Cuhk, and one box oí Uathakkal Solvknt, and oue Impkovbd Imiai.kk; price, tl.UO. PoTTgR Dbuo nd Cuhemiual Co., Boston. ACHING BACKS. w uk Backs, Pain, Weaknesa and Inf9 fltmuiatlon of the Kidneys, Shootlng J 1'alns through the Lolns. Hip and 81de, SJgAl Puin Lack of Strenüth and Activlty reI 9tS ii,-voil in oie minute and ipeedWr ily cured by the Outicurs AntlPalu PlaMter, a new, original elegant and inrallible antidote to pain and iuflainmatlon. At iruggist 125c.; Uve for $1.00; or pottage free ol Potter rux and Chemical o.. Bostas. SCOTT'S EMULSIÓN OF PURE COD LITER OU And Hypophosphites of Lïme & Soda Almost as Palatabloas Mill The onlr preparatlon of COD MTEB OIL tt caTbo Uken and tolérate íor ft loff U "".'rT.rVr.v ron roMrmPTiW, g-,in i.(H s AiKMIlO.Ns. AAK1A, KSkkai, DuTTiTrr. cok.iis am tiikoat Atj-KTlONS n-l all '-'IMI 1ISORPKK CT III I.IIRV N it is tiiinilloiis in II r.nnlll. ProscTibeU Hii.l ..lowd by the bo i'hyaloUin In tbo countnes et tlio world. FOR SALE DY ALL DRUGGI8T8. HOI lllninr„tk..tik.ptlal GERMÁN ASTHMA CUREIS. most violent tu k uisurei comf orUb iImp. effecte curen 11 nther remdl faU. N wnllinx íor mulla. lis KCIloa la Imtnediate. direct and rertain. and a r"r" Ih rtfeJt.d in all CUKABLKCANE8 ¦I, ,.=7 cl .JU, -J-J. 'I m enUr1r rwtored u ielib bj Onu AtUii rore 7%o. FiHon. Bmmtltm. Vkto. O.rmn AflliD Car la aU to claim tor IW 11 n.. fallí Pra. S. Toi AirH. Or-nwilU. S. C. ¦Ut pliTlioli reoonnuoae a Qrmo ili Cm. Il ourirt ! " Mr,. M. L. Tttritk, ionjoni.rr, . Clio tUuuli oí lmllr Utt.r. . ai.. Alk -I tnW bont It. Gennnn Amhma Cure li old by all drn. (nut t .ïite. aiul I . or Bent by mail on roceipt of i.rice Trial uarkatce free to any addrenB for BUm" kn"iJikk3an. au.. w.rui,iii,


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