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RINSEY & SEABOLT'S HIGH AND Flour and Fe... image
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RINSEY & SEABOLT'S HIGH AND Flour and Feed Store. We keep conctantly on tumi, BREAD, CRACKKRS CAKES, KIT., For Wholesale and Retiill Tmdc. W liaJI iiImi keep a eupply of SWIFT & PEUBEL'S BEST White Wheat Flour! Delhi Flour, Itjc l'lour, Buckwhcut Flour, Corn llcül, Fced, Elc, AtWholesale and Rotall. A general stook 01' GROCERIES anfl PROVISIUNS Conslantly on hand, whicli will he old on as reaHonal'U termi ft at any Other honse In thi1 cit . Cash paid for BUTTER, EU;-, and COUNTRY PKODUCK genurally. (ioods dilivcrc-d U any part of the city without extra charge. RIN'SEY & SEABOLT. A. DeFOREST. Fire Insurance, flate G-lass Insurance, Steam Boiler INSURANCE! Lowest Rates, Honorable Adjust monis and Losses Promptly I'aid. REAL ESTÁTE RENTS Special attention givento Cii].i,i:cnnN of Rmna and Managkmknt of Kkai. EsTATK INTRKKSTS FOK NoN-liKSl 1JKN I s. F.NTIUK 8ATISFACTION TO OWMiltS Gl AIÍANTKK1. A. DeFORKST, ANN ARBOR SHALL FRUIT FARM! Strawberries, Gooseberries, Rspberries, Currante and Grapes, veiy clieap. Retneniber these planta aro strmij; roclimateil. Ra-spborry Syrup, $2.00 per gi. Raspberry Slirub, $2.50 poi :il. Genuine Grapu wine trom f 1.00 tq $1 .'."i per gal. Improvcd Plymouth Koek-: per sittiiiir, $1.00. Extra Choice Plynioulli Rockfi por siit!nor, $2.00. Agenta of EllWRnjfer & T?arry, of Rocliester, Xew York, for all kinds of Nur-oiy stock. E. BAUR.W. HuronSt. lMB-tf "INSURANCE SEAL I0STATK ajid LOAN At.KNCV A.W. HAMILTON Office, No. 2, Klrst Kloor, Ham 11 too Block. Parties tleslrlng to buy or scll Real Estáte will fiml it to their urivantage to cali on me. I represent löllrst-clasN Kin' Insurance Compan es, liavln an áSgroyatG 'aiiitiil over 131),W)(l,0)0. Ilates Ijow. I,osses Illn-raliy itdjustril aiul promptly paitl. I iilso Issue Lift and invcstmont Folíeles in tllü New Vork Mutual LlfB I usviranci' ('oinpatiy, Asnett8. S55.000. Persone dealrlng Accident IiiBuranne, can have yearly pcilicies wrltten for them orTraveler's Coupon Insurance Tickets i8sued at Low ratea in the A.OO1dent Insurance Company of North Araerica. Money to I,oan t Curreut Rates. OfBce bonn f rom 8 a. in. to 1-2 m. and -' l' p. in. ALEX. W. HAMILTON, Hamilton Ulock. FZTZASS XTOTXCE! THE HAIOSTEBFEÊ IC2 CDMPaST Will furnlsli Ice, dellvered to any part of tbe CJly for the Heason ol 18H0: 2T Ibs., Daily, exccpl Sundayt'2 00 pi-rmontli j Ibs , 4 limes per wuek 1.75 per monf h M Ibs., ttmee per week L5Ü per montli 2T Ibs., i limes per week 1.00 ]ier inonth Hotels, Restaurants, Butchers, Etc, Will be Inrnishi'd by special contract. A. F. IIANGSTERFKR, Manager, Ófilce, 28 Mnln Street, Establlshed in 187 A. F. HANGSTERFER &. CO, Caterers and Confeotlonera. Ilavlngtnacip xtenslve arrangement! wlth .wo lar crearaeries for the oomlug seftROD, A-e uro from thls date prepared to keepooBüantly on liand aiul fUrnub l'n'sh Creain, aa veil ai Ice Cream, (varloua Bavora.) JTuiil 'ruiil, Charloltede Russe.Waler [om. Vaaortd Kanoy Cake. Wal. -is, Maoaroona, l.ail.v Hogen, ('riKini Rlwes, eto., and al rednoëa ¦ rifes. Catering in all lU branehen. A large iHsortraeut of Kancy Ice Cream JIouUlsjusi ecclved. , F. Hangsterfer &. Co., Caterers, KO. 28 S. MAIX STREET I'. S.- Sunday Orders ühould he giren thí lay prevlouH. ANt Akhor, March i, l.s-. ABNER MOORE'S rONSORIAL PARLOR, ÏÏTJK-Olsr STEBET, íext door to tbe Farmcr's and Michan Hank. v 1AIR CUTTING, SIIAVIXO, ', PüONINa ANL DYKING. 'he bost of orkmon and Satlsfnctinn J Uuurantool.


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