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Michigan (Tentral M1iffllJ'illii'iiiiJiÉ i TTte Miagara Falls fRoute. Oaitral Standard Tlmr. Time table taklnu effect Nov. S8ih, 1 885. CHICAGO TO DKTROIT. """" i -!! S l! ! J H ó "á S. g cq 1.a. a. a. p. a. r. h. r.n. r. a. a. a. Chicago. Lv. 650 00 830 40 9 U6 9 66 SHcliiifMiClty 918 1111 617 62:1118 102 Nllea lu 38 12 15 6 13 7 6U-,12&K lío Kilamuoo... 142 723 2(JU 3 US 6 45 Bttle Créele. ¦ 2S U01 ISO S 60! 7 i Mí"1"11 }L;:":: :: lï'ïiiïi Albion p a. 382 8 3 3 43 4 40 I Jackaon 3 10 4 ÍS 16 4 36 5 9 ÍS OroíéLake.... 3 38 647 V belea 365 08 9 67 Deiter 4 12 „ 2SU01 Aun Arbor.... 4 33 5 3010 0 .... 5 46 40 10 28 Ypallanti 450 545 1021 .... 00 6 56 10 45 WayneJane. 5 15 6 05 11 0? .... ti ai 7 1106 Detroit.. „Ar. 6 00 6451115 TOO 8(0U46 DKTROIT TO CHICAGO. Í í .- = o A..O. Il ff ÍS S& Í I ? aa5w " 8 i s cw e á L J A.M. A.M P.a P M. P.M. P.M Detroit.. ..hv. 7 00 9 10 130 4 08 800 16.... WljmeJonc. 740 953 2 OS 446 840 966 Ypailanti .... 8 0110 18 2 20 5 11 9 05 10 21 AnnArbor... 8 l(i 10 28 2 3Ï 530 93 1038 Dnter 886 560 956 ChelBea 8 48 605 1009 GraasLake... 9 10 67 IOS! Jackíon 985 114 32 7 15:11 55 1206 ..„ Marhll 1038 1 42 82 1156 I lM . .! Battle Creek.. 11 03 1 7 4 40 8 52 ÍS 20 1 60 a m Kslanuxuo... 11 W 116 5 15 v 46. 110 40 4 46 Nilea 147 S46 632 SOR 4 13 8 40 Mlchl(?nCltj 310 457 780.... 4 tw W Chicago. ..Ar, 545 7 10 9 80 71 8U61U Ganada DItUIsb. Detroit TO Standard Time. ¦SU5 'S ; o Ï „AT.ONS. HpiijlJ I J fifi iirr u T. M. P. M. A. a. A. M. Detroit. ..Lt 7 80 1125 5 00 7 10 1 06 r.u gt.ThomuAr 11 10 2 45 10 30 10 45 3 40 A. a. p. if. Toronto...Ar 8 45 6 06 8 30 p a O""- pm625 4 38 a. h. Montreal 10 00 8 18 "Ijx-c A630p.a. A.M.220P.M. 8t.Thomaa.LT 11 15 46 1 (10 10 5513 M Welliii 153 5 17 5 12 1 W 6 28 all View 5 46 N. Kalln. Orl. 2 22 5 48.....".' 2 S3i'5 Satp'a Báite. 2 35 6 00 2 60 7 10 JCutern time A. M. a. a. p. a. p. ., p.m. Bnffalo L 450 8 10 900 446 ( (XI Kochealer.Ar 60 966 1100 45 1100 8yracue 9 30 12 15r 1 30a 9 80 1 SJun Utlca 1130 2 19 3 06 1135 3M Albany pa2 20 500 K 10 a ï 30 10 Troy r 235 55 65 260 26 Spriniffl.i! ¦ ... 6 30 ÍS 40a 10 67 15 10 57. W orceiter. . . . 8 28 5 0' 1 lHp 8 20 1 lKpm Bonton 9 45 8251 45 940 4.1 New York Ar 7 00 9 OOp 10 30a 7 30 ,10,SOam Phlladclphla. 10 35 10 35 7 06 . .W bupfalo To Detroit- Standard Time. - U a sil Y 1% io__ A3 A. M. p" J] Phlladera.Lv 9 00 p.a 8 JO New York... 10 30 6 00 .. .. j Bopton s:8 3U0 " "7 Worce-ter... 50 4S0 " 'g SprlnKÍeld. . . 11 35 05 .. .. '..' ' 10 Li Albany 8 UOpm 10 06 i f Utlca 5 45 lïïlam " Symcuee 7 40 2 00 7 j Koclieter.... 9 55 4 00 '.'..'.'. 10 00 Uuflalo....Ar 12 15 5 50 msp ¦ ni. a. H. BuOalo. ...L 11 30pm S30 U06 uo 11 S& Bmn'DB'd'ré ÍS81V é'io ' .'.'.'.'.'. 'ij N. Falls.Ont. 12 51 8 48 '[" u 47 Fll Víew 56 10 Wellaud 7 16 7 21 10 16 1)1 St.Tliuma Ar 4 10 9 50 11 15 1 10 4 36 yuebec....L 330 10 00 Montrtal n 00 y uo Ottawa 11 40 na Toronto, 80 H su St.ThomaaLr 4 15 955 256 lTs 446 Oetrolt....Ar 8 06am 1 00pm 8 45 5 20p 8 1o t Stopt ouly to let off passengen. t Siupn only on slenitli. O. W. HUQOLK8, H. W. HAYK8 - P TAeen' AKt.. Ana Afbor. Chlcaso. Toledo, Aan Arbor A Norih MickiKM Kallway. TIMB 8CHBDULK. Totake ertect at 12 o'clock, noon, on Sunday, September 27, 1885. (Southern Dirislon.) Tralus rnn by Standard Ttie. OOINO NORTH. OOIMG SOUTH f Si i - I "- 5 a S. ÜTATION8. rfloTiS.1" Qg gfl '¦ &S a. a. p. 11 a. a Leaïo. ArrtvelA.a ir.a.ipa. t 9 50 tS 40 7 06 Toledo 9 3o'ö 00.6 U0 9 54 3 45 7 14 Manhattau Janct'n 9 28 4 66 11000 352 7 2S Aleile Jnncüon 9 16 4 47 ..'. 10 07 4 00 7 35 Uawthon,. 9 1014 40.... 110 134 07 7 46 bañarla 00 4 30 10S5 4 111 8 06 Lu u. H 47 4 20 110 304 25 8 16 Mouroc Junctlou 8 4214 14.... 10:!7 4 331 8 30 Dundee 8 304 04 4 M UO 43 14 40 8 37 Macón 8 264 00 .. . 4.10 47 4 45 4 A.alia 8 20 3 64... til 00 (3,1! Milán .lunctlon 8 0U 5 4i Mi a.h, 500 9 08 Milán (1 OH 1 41 p a 5 m 22 l'rania 7 62 JO 5 2) 9 32 PlttíAeld Junetlon 7 403 5ÏÓ 9 50 Ano Arbor 7 27 3 10 6 55 10 0 L. land 7 I2!2 50 t 05 10 30 Woruen 7 06 2 40 _ JL 10 5 Sonlh Lyon 602 5 Usnnectlom: At Toledo, wlth rallrnad dlverfii).'; at Manhattan Jiinction, with Wheellng Lakt Brie K. Ií.; at Aleila Junctlon, wlth tí. V. K. EL, L. 8. M. 8. Rt. and F. P. U R. R.; at Mouroe Junctioo. with I.. 8. & M. 8. Ky at Dnudee, with L. 8. A M. 8. Ky., M. A O. Ky.; at Mllaa Jonctlon, with Wabash, 8t. Looi Jt Paclflc Ky.: at Pittufleld, wltta L. . M . s. Rt.; at Ann Arbor with Mlchigtn Central R. !(., and at Moulh Lyoa with Detroit, Lanrlnir Northern R. H., and Mich. A. I.. Di v. of Grand Tronk Ky. Train 6 and 3 rana between Detroit and Toledo, dally except Suuday, ria Milán Juurtion ; No. arrires at Detroit 12:00 noon. No. 31eaea Detroit at 2:35 p. m. Klaí station. t Daily, except Snuday. Traína do not Btop, H. W. ASIII.EY, General 8opt. W. H. BBNNBTT. Gen'L Pm. Ant. THE ANN AEBOB SAYINGS BANK, ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, Transacts General Banking Ensinoes. capitaLT$8O,ooo. Oreanlied ander the General Banking Law ( thla State, the stockholdora are lndlvldoallr Habla for an additlonal amoaut eq nal to the atock held by them, thereby creatlng a Unanuitee Fund for th benefit of Depoaitnra of $100,000.00. Three per cent, lntereat ta allowed on all Sarlngt Deposita of one dollar and npwardt, according to the rule of the Bank and lntareit componnded aeml-annnally. Koneyto Loan on tnincuaibered rtal catate and other good ecurity. DIRECTORS: llHrsTIAN MACK, Vi. D. BARRIMAM, W. W. W1NKS. DAN1KL HISCOCK, W1LLIAM DBUBKL, Wri.UKU B. 8MITU. DAVID RIN8EY. ÜFFICER8: C. MACK, Pre. W. W. WINB8, V'te-Pr. j. A. BISCOCK.Oaihier. Chancerjr Sale. Btate of Michlgitn, tbe Circuit court for the couuty of WHKhienikw, Ín Cliancery. ín llie iliereln p.-titllux, wherein Martha A. Hmltti, II Complaluint, and K.mlly N. S111HI1. Ari'htlmlii iI.Hinlth aiul KiiifHley Ualklm, KUiirdlnu of Arohlbald ii. smlili are defeuüants: Id purauance aud by virtue of a deretal order made Ín the above cauu 011 tbe ourth day of May, A. 1) 18HÍ, I xliall aell at publlo auetlon lo the hlgheot bidder at the eaat froDt dxr of the Courl liouae. Id aald ounty, on the2Sth dny of June neil at tea o'clock In the forenoon, the followlng decrlijril lauda aud prerulaea, to-wlt.: The wet half of the southeast qunrtcr. and the oiithwt'-l quartr of the northeant uuarter f xectlon eveu Ín tnwii one soulb of range ¦even east, contalnlng oue hundred and weoty acres oí land, more r leax. and belng n (lie towuKhipoí Salem, Waahteuaw county, iflchtgan. Dated, May lOth, 1S86. FRANK JOSLYN, Clrcnlt Court Commlaaloner lu and for WaahtenHW oouuty, Michigan. 'HAK1.UJ. líi nt, Uolicltor for Complalnmui 12WHM


Ann Arbor Courier
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