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THe L niversity Dramatic Club willend its flrst season, on Friday, the 2Hth, vvith two new, brifrbt little plays, wliich cannot l'all to please. The ürst piecc is entlWed "Cut off witli a Shilling," wliich aboimda witli comic situations, aud is bright and sparklinjj all through. The secoud play is of a more Bcriuus cast, entitled "More Preclous than Gold." The club have been so verysuccessful in their appearances before home audicnces that the play s certain of success. This evening, Uie Ladiea' Aid Society of the M. E. church gire a social in the parlors of the cliurch. All are Invited and a good time is expccted. On Friday evening next the liidies of the W. C. T. U. glve an ice-cream and strawberry festival in the old Biptist curhch, from 4 to 10 p. m. TirK MESIAH-HAN"IKI.. Of all the componer there Is probnbly not one so closely ldentllled wlth the Engllsh spirit and Ideas as Handel. Andyet bewas a (ierman; bom at Halle, in 1885, soa of a pliysician. lie siiw hls flrst efTortsscornedand forbldden by hls father, but he persevered and ucceedel, thrimgh a fortúnate clrcnmatiince, to inake hls fntlier relint and allow lilni topursuehls lncllnntlous. Handel dld not gtay In Oerraanjr Iwik; he traveled through Ituly and ilually ivac.lieü KnjjiMnd m 1717. He took n llklng for tlxat oouiita he had been so enthiislaatlcully TeoeTved.Tknd flnally settled there In 1720. lle began witli a large number of operas, cantatas, pastorals and church mutile, but, whether on account of a rlvalry between hlmself and a favorito Itallan composer, or rather, we tliink, because llke Qounod after hl m. he did not il ml i n the llmited and nurrow scope of the drama the expansión wliich hls genius wanted, he gave up operatic mustc to devote hls energles to tbe sacred oratorio muslc, hls lirsl production belng the oratorio of " Esther." Thls style alforded In all tbe essentlals the muslcai equivalent of the eplc ; aud we flnd In all of llandfl's works the bread th and depth of the eplc poetry. In this line, the master work of Handel, hls summum opus. Is Tuk Mkshiaii, whlch Is snld to be equivalent to Mlltou's ' rinihsc Lost.'1 The work is dlvlded into three parts, ns follows : ist. CnnUlning the prophecics conrerning: the coininjf of a Kedcinptor and the scène descriptive of the event attendin his birth. 2nd. Descriptive of the niission ol' our Saviour, his teaching. ÚU persecutions of his enemies, the faith of his lollowers and his death. 3d. Tlie rejoicings of tlic tiiithl'ul that the Lord has ristrii ;iij:iin; the faith in the promise of a future lite, and end witJi the magaiticent chorus ol' prniseand gloritication, llatlciujah.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News