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MOST PLRFECT1WttJE aredwlth Bp d to hoalth. QlUEla PBICE BAJCM0 POl'D&R CO., CHICAUO. __ ST. LOUIS. SI SPECIAL J ll EXTif ACTS MOST PERFECT MADE 11111 '--"¦ Price Baking Powder Co. st. luns. Kt ' I Í ' 1 3 k ¦ rsl CURES ALL HUMORS, trom a oommon Blotch, or Ernptloii. tp tho worgt S roïula. Sal hru m. "lVT.T.Mir.'s"S-aly„p KoilKllKkin', in short, all dia i by bad btood are conquered Iy this powerful, pnnl'vinir, mul Invigorattng medicine. Great Daling lieer rapidly heal ander lts benign Influenae i spedaily has II manifested lts potene] li curtng Xetter, Roao Baalt, Böils, Carbuiiclea, Soro Eyea, Scrof nloua sores and Swellinn, Joint Biaeaae, tlltilo S el lint:, ioitrr, or Tliiek Neck, and Enlsrged Qlauda. Bond ten In siamps tor a largo treattee, wltb colorea platee, on; skin Dlaeaaea, ir tho snmo amount CoratrcntiBC on ScrofulousAffectlone 'IIIi: IIIIllll) s THE LUK." Thoroughly cleanso n by using lr. Plerce'a Golden Medical DlBcovery, and eood 1 gestión, a fair skin, linoyaut Nitirils, i tal sirenalli, and KoiiiidncsH oï oiisiiuiiioii, wiü be established. CONSUMPTION, WDlob i Serofiilous THsease of Ilio l.iiiiK-, is promptly mui oertainly iirrrau-d and curéd by this Ood-riven remedy, if taken before the] n acbed. I ¦'i-ciin it.i wondcrtul power over tbte terriblv tatal dtoease, when Brat offering thla now eel ebrated retnedy to tho public. Dr. IMkrch tlioiiKht serioualy of calllng It his "Con. ¦nmpttoii Core," butabandonedUiat name m llmited fora medicine whloh, from its wonderfülcombination of tonlc,orstrengthen'ng. '': r lilodd-eleansintf, anti-bilious i al, mul nutritivo nropertics, is nnrqimlcd, ""' only e a remedy tor consumption ot' tho lungs, but for all CHRONIC DISEASES OF THE Liver, Blood, and Lungs. F If yom fel dnll, (Irowsy, rielillitatod, liavo sallow oolor nf skm, or yellowiKh-brown spots mm 'or body, frequenl neadacbe or dizzincss, bad tasb In mouth, infernal beat orcbills, nlternatüiK with hut tlasbos, low spirits and gloomy borebodlngs, Irregular appetite. and coated tongue, yoa are sufferlng trom ImliCestloii.byspepsla, and Torpid Livcr, or "Blllouaness." in many casei only pan ol these symptoms aro experieneed. a a remedy for all sneh casi-8, lïr. Plerce's .hl, ii Medical Dlscovery has no equaL I -¦¦! Welk l-miL's Spiltinu; of RIood, Sliorlncss ol Iti-ealli, ItroiM hilis. Severa Conght, 'iiuuiiioii, and klndrod n') is a ooverciurn i Bend ten oenta in stampa for Dr. Plercea boiikonConsumption. Sold by Driigists. PRIPF tl fifi OK BOTTIES rniuc 4 i ¦Uu, !¦. $5.00. World's Dispensary Medical Association, Propriutors, C63 Main St„ BüTFALü, N. Y. , feVfcYCe's LITTLE 8VOV6t.S PILLS. t 11-1111 KM S and CATHABTIC. Sold by Draffimtm. m CMiis R vial. v i$5oFreward ¦¦¦ ÉaV 's offered ïy tlio proprietora War ?WbbWi "' '"- WÊ fai fórmame of catarrli whloh tliey If you havnadlsohargefrom IS'iA ir the nose, offenstve or othdrWff T; ise, pari ia I loss of Kille]!, taste, orhi aring,weakeye8,dull pain or preanire In head, you have Catarrb. TbouQs of i ases termínate In oonsumptlon. lr. Sa;-. 8 CATAKKH REMEDY CUrea tho worst cases o1 Catarrli, " Cold In tlio llead." and 'atarrhal 11-. adat lie. 5U cents. ' MMÜNITYfromANNOYANcT Y ) Pat. OoLSOth, (883i ' f ¦' "failoonlyofiiio finoit nnd bpfltqnal ily ofCUaH for uitliMluiiding bout. Evory good tliing is Counterfoited, and consumere are CAÜTIONED against IMITATIONS of these Chimneys made of VERY POOK ÖL ASS. See that the exact label is on each chimney as above. The Pearl Top Í3 al-ways clear and bright Q-lass. Muuufnctnrod OXLT by GEO. A. MACBETH & CO. l'lllslmriili I.eisil Glaaa Works. FOR SALE BY DEALERS. ¦!„' v I NHRSAL ft '"'#! v"P"r 'i wir- Í bbHbbbpIL atMhar' .t WTaaaMaaaalttMaitiMatfj-j:AiJaaaaaafl T1 - -K J' li"M ' " ï fc; " ii """' OW Rathi Rnvwed. ?L Stmif-rCimiUr. U KNOWLTON, Ann Arbor, Mich. A OOM ¦¦ i m;mi. r VO1 Pbjsician and Families. Ncater and Cheaper AM HOBI coisr"VEisriEaiTT TI1AN A STATIONMIY HATI1TUH, WITII XO KXI'KN'SI-: Off BATfl KMdM axi) Fxrui:i;s. BÊRRY B0XES;f--"-s' C.CoIhj n.,lt. iit.m H.irtuir, li.h. DAuiLl Ó


Ann Arbor Courier
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