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P. Kalmbach of Sylvan recently lost a 515Ü horse. The Dexter boys are exercislng thelr ii úseles on base li.ill. David Cody of Pittsfield is haying built a large horse barn on his farm. A total of 300 lbs. of butter per Uay ík made by the Mooreville creamery. Tho. Chitmberlain and faniily have moved froin Dexter to Battle Creek. Harrison Hadley and Miss Goodwin ylark, bothof Lydon, married recently. 'l'he Observer say that considerable om about Saline wil! have to be rvplantd. It is rumored tliat anotlier hotel will be tarted at Kavanangh Lake, by Mi. West. The G. A. R. post ol Saline proposes to observe Decoration Day with appropriate ervioes. The masons of Manchester will decórate he graves of thelr departed bothers next Sunduy, the 30th. Saline's patriotic p. o. now lias a llag taff on which to ÜOiit the starry bain. er n public occasions. Vm. Wal lace of Lodi recently purchasd a 1,600 Ib. 3 yearsold Clydesdale stallon, trom Toronto, Out., parties. Next Sunday will be quarterly meeting or the M. E. church ot Dexter, and Preiding Eider Joslyn will conduct the serv ces. The Manchester Enterprise recently mblisheri a masunic directory tor that lace, which is being sold tor 10 cents a iece or 3 for 25 cents. The North Lake lyceum at a recent meeting resolved that the United States hould limit immigratlon. That feeling s growing rapidly. Thë cominon councilnf Manchester has rdered the village marshal to enforce the aw In relation to theclosingof saloons at 0 o'clock at night and on Sundays. A base ball undertook to go both sldes of Chan. Milieu the other day, bnt He aught lt on his nose and now ba knows ïow it is hiniself. - Manchester Enteririse. The first load of wool of the season assed through town for the Chelsea inartet, last Monday morning. Wlmt II tinnatter with our Dexter buyers? - Dexter ..eader. Tbe revival at the M. E. church continúes right along. There were a number who rose for prayer last Sunday evenfng and two professed conversión. - Ypsilanti Commercial. The Cholsca (ïrand A.rtny boys have lave mudo nll the necaaoait arrmigumenis or the obseryance of Decoration l)ay next Monday. Rev. J. A. Mcllwain iíl lel i ver the address. Conrad Naumaun and Jacob Knnpp are elegates t'rora the Manchester Gemían Workingmen's society of Manchester to he state society that meete at Niles on the tli, 8th and 9th of June. One of Unadllla's youngjkids who tips he beam at 3,520 ozs., sucked 24 eggs within six minutes on a wager, recently, and wanted to bet he could suck 24 more n 15 minutes. A terrible sucker he. Astronomical news trom the Saline Observer : " If it is DOt too inuch of an exerlon.get up about four o'clock in the mom ng. and letyour gaze wander towaid the northwestern heavens where two cometí are visible, providing it is not too cloudy." Some of the Chrlstian young ladies of he city have formed a prayer meeting society, the meetings to be held one hour bebre the church prayer meetings, Thurslay evenings. The society will be com)ofed of members of the different evan;elical denominations. - Ypsilantian. Peter Cook is the owner of the whole city of Urania, on the T. & A. A. road, ;rain elevator and all. He relates a story ibout a traveling man getting off the cars here and inquiring where tlie town was. ¦'eter told him that he was in the heart of lic town, and the lots ranged froni 80 up o 400 acres. - Saliue Observer. A debate was arranged to come off at 3exteron Saturday evening last, between wo of General McClellan's frieuds from Ann Arbor and two of the Chelsea boys. l'he General's frieuds seem to have the same disease as their iavorite hero. They 'ailed to come totime. They didjust what the General was so expert at, viz., "Played a piece of strategy, and made a change of base." - Chelsea Herald. The farmers, we understand, are about three weeks further ahead with their work this year than they were last year. Thé piuBjjci.iB iur me '"nuil!; si-uon are oí me urightegt character, as the wheat erop never looked better than at the present time, while the weather is all that c;in be de8Íred for ollier crops. As for fruit, the trees have been loaded with blossoms, promising an abundant erop of apples, pears, peaches, pluins, and berries of all varieties. - Milán Leuder. In the southwest comer of Augusta township, Washtenaw county, IivesJohn Edward Cecil, born March 10, 1795, and 8usun, Uta wir'e, who was born August 3, 1792, in London, Enghtnd. They were married June 22, 1814. They carne to Michigan iti 1855. Thirteen children twffl been bom to the aged couple, all but four dyiiiL.' in their infancy. The eldest, if living, i 71, and theyoungest 56. They have 13 grand-cliildren and 14 great-jrrandchildren. The rife is quite strong, has neither aclies nor pains, makes her own drcsses, does not use jrlasses, and until witbin the past two years has done her own liousework. - Detroit Tribune. Clark Cornwell and C. K. Whitnian irrived home froui tlieir business trip to tí;m Francisco Sunday morninj; (16th inst.)Althougli inucli inipiesstd with the pleturesque beauty ot California icenerj Mr. Whilman returns convlnccd that Michigan is by far the more desirable state in wliich to live. He la enthusiastic, however, over the prospecte and ppuibUltiM of Texas, liis route lo tlie Pacific takina him tbrough that state; WMdisa'ppolntea in the cowboy, who doesn't wear long hair and is entirely peaceable and Imrinlcss; and was flllcd witli astonishinent itnd ;iue iu pissing thiough the great gorgVS and over the mighty mouutains ilmt intecapt tlie patli of the Southern l'uciiic.- Yyklantian. For sonie time past Mcs-rs. I'.ilinei -A Son, proprietorsot thel-xler vooTeo anc saw-inills, have bt-uu at work on t machine whicb, to those '' uot ontn tin scheme," was a mysU-vy, bnt wliicli tumi out to be designed for Ule niainitactuie of berry boxe.. Tiie machine s so mude that the boxes are nnuiufactuted out pi the crude material, and when turned oyer to the purchaser íack onlv thé turrics. Judging from the present outlook this pioiuises to be quite a lllUllM- . nuil lr soon as tho necessary supplio, n tlie hápeof tacks and steamin apparatQi are secured, it will be ruu full blast, and give employment to from 15 to 20 " nailUè," and as maiiy inoro as may want work. The baskets made are superior to anytliing of the kind we have vet seen, both in the line of ilurabllity of material and tor the preserving of the fruit. We understand i luit the flrm have how on hand orders for about 30,000, and more coming in. Tliey have our bust wishes for the Mi. t oi tlicir new enterprise. - Dexter Leades. At Manchester the Coinstock Post, No. ¦Ïi2, G. A. K., ha been organied with J7 charter meinbers. Tlie followlng offlers have beeii inst;illed: Commander- Jas. Kelly. Senior VIce Cominanrter- Wm. Severance. Junior VIce 'oinmander - E. Ix)Kan. Chaplaln - T. F. KusUton. Adjataot-Sacn Davis. QnitrterniHHler- Ed. O'Nlel. itli"ir-of Uic-iluy- H. L. Ilosi'. c HMVci '-oi-thi' KiKird- Snin Hherwood. liimrtfrniustcr surgpnt - Wiu. Frceman. The uiuster roll is as follows: S. Dmvís. Co. G lst Mlch. S. S. lui. E. ],ogun, Co. B 2tU Mioh. Inf. Jas. Kelley, Co. B tb Mloh. Int. A. A. Htringham, Cu. Il Ui Mich. lul. II. L. Roce, Co. K lst Mlcli. Inf. N. Wliltmore, Co. K lst Mich. Inf Tlios. F. Kusliton.Co. A lst Mlch. inf. .!. E. Teeter, Co. I 137th N. Y. Inf. A. J. Lee, Co. G 4th Mlch. Inf. H. H. Kellows, Co. I Hth Mlch. Inf. (jfo. NlBle, c. K 15th Mich. Inf. jUberl II. (r.-.ii. ( o II Srd )lno Cavalry. Wm. Benson, Co. E 2nd F. Y. heavy artll'li.W Hiiilcy, Co. (;:rd Mich. Inf. (i. I! BherWOOd. Co. ] lllh Mlch. Inf. Burdctt Gooden. C. I 68h Ohio Inf. Etobert M. Teeter. 21st N. Y. Cavalry. M. llinmii, Co. A Vitli 111. Inf. Bd. ü'Nelll, Co. H -Mtii Mloh. Inf. J. Zimmerman, Co. I 112th 111. Inf. Win. T. Severanoe, Co. l) lMth Ohlo Inf. John Tripp, Co. E Jth Mica. Cavalry. Wm. NeehlliiK Co. A 9th Mlch. Cavalry. Daniel M. urch, ('o K. Jth Mich. Cavalry. Wm. rreeman.Co. P üth Mloh. Inf. Bam. K Shi;rwood, Co. D 2Hih Mich. Inf. T. J. Farrell, Co. D 28th Mlch. Iuf.


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