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ABNER MOORE'S TONSORIAL PARLOR, ZHTTTIROINr STiaiEIET, Next door to the Farmer'.s and .Mechaulc's liimk. IIAIH CUTTING, BHAVING, SIIAMPOONING AND DYEING. The best of Workmon and Halisfnction Umuanli'i'il. A. DéFOREST. Fire Insurance, IPlate G-lass Insurance, Steam Boiler INSURANCE! Lowrst Ratos, Honorable Adjustmenis and Losscs Promptly Paul. REAL ESTÁTE RENTS BnCXAXi ATTKNTION OIVEN TO OOIXXCTtOK OF KKNTS AND M ANACÍ KM KNT OF ÜKAI. K.STATI INTIBBSTS FOlt NOH-RXSIDENTS. BMTIHK SATISKACTION TO OWNKHS Ul'AKANTKIil). A. DeFOKÍÍST. C. H. MILLEN, INSURANCE AGENT! No. 4 South Main St., Ann Arbor. The oldest agency in the city. Establlstied over aquarter of acentury ago. HepreKentin the followlQg flrst-class compauies, witli over $0,000,000 Ctipilal nnd Aueti. HOMK INS. CO., of New York. CONTINENTAL INS. CO., of New York. NIÁGARA INS. CO., of New Yoïk. GIRAKD INS. CO., of PUllnüelphia. ORIËNT INS. CO., of Hartford. COMMERCIAL UNION, of London. LIVERPOOL, LONDON aml GLOBE. WASHINGTON PIRE and MA11INE, of Boston. Ratos Low as tlie Lowost, Ioses Liberally Ailjiistcil and promptly I'aid. 0. H. MILLEN. Me. JAMES BAOLKY. nction foroman ü. A M. K. lt., Winklu, Okio, had nut dopt ivftiocTdiht for otop a year, hB rafferins: from Neuralgia waa so C real. Tkrt dooa of Athlophouob curad him. Nenraljria, though one of the mort coramon and nnht paiulu) of dibtTiWH, han b:tflJd ull iiuMi, &] skiii. una uutü ¦ tui nnu nnnfi s ,i- i! tbediscoveryof AlnLUrnUnUO ttf almost, if iidt quite incurable. Athlophoros 0URELY and guiCKLT curen it. Tliin ¦flimimt. tbuuKh ntrong. is warranted by the facts. ¦ Thousanda liave U-nted its valuó and roconuuend it na the ONLY reiuedy thut briiiKR relit-f. Wat kutief nubjcet to nouralKiü or ncrvoxiH licmlat-ht'H it is iiHliKjnsabl Athlophoros oontetoa no ophra niurphine, or othcr WKBtnmu blgTCdteii It íh abm.luti-Iy hannlcBH and untviTKi.Iiy raeomfol in tlie proiüpt 0Dn of Uiin rainful diHeaso. Ak your dniRRíst for Athlophoros. If jou oannot (jvt it of him wewill nnd tt ttiprwi paid on recoipt of regular pric(--SI.OO pW botllc. Wo prfor that ynu huy it from your druRKit. mt if he hiwm't it do not be persuadid to try MOMCblni else, butordor atonco from usas dirt-ctt-.l. ATHLOPHOROS CO., 112 WALL ST., NEW YORK. ¦fflNH CLEANSE WFXAtWinmYOVR SCALP V2oB WÊÈlA rf% Evcry Other Day wi th K1 jifW!fï9!Mf IjTHIS and you will bo K msurpriiiod at tho HBVIHminarkaMo rhanjfo. & i J B I _ M HemovcH Seurf and BHH disoaBos of tho Soalp. &2lelfl lt Imparta vitnllty VPB tothoroot-bulbs.miikI II M I] ll 41 intf boallby ttction. ¦VVH HKwÉÉHÉI CurOíl BaldnoBS, ¦V9P"wl lflH preserves the háár from C pH&ndísluxuriousforthc ¦¦¦H Katoilet. Q-ivoe a natural, glossy and Boít appaarance to tho hair. COoenteat i yourDnurgista. Porfectly Earmless. Isnotadye. Seníi stamp for treatise "How to have fino Ilair " J. H. & CO., BalUmoro, Md. Save $5. by mendinganythinff thtB brokeu.with. Procter'a Alwaya Liquid Oluo. Bold evcrywhere. "lí FlIRSiüI? - -2 DR.SCOTT.842 Broadway St.,N.Y. Mmnre money than t anythln? elue by tak Idr un anency for best Hclliny book uiit. lirf.'iriira sucrei'd etandly. None rail. Terra-, freo. Hai.lktt Book Co., Portland, Maine. TTT1T 11 'or People. Band lOcunta MI ) portal;'-, Hiid re wil] malí you Irte I p I r royal, valuablu ampie box ol K'ods JLIJJJLJX tnat ""' P"t yon i ii ihc waj of mata iugmoro monry in n few aajt than yon ererthnuKht poeniMcat nny biulness. Capí tal not requlred. You can livo at home and work Ín sp re time only, or all thu time. All ol both rxes, of all ages, e;rndly succcímlul. .50 cent to $.r easlly earned immiíiii;. That all who want work mar test thu bnsines-i, we mako ihis unparallel d off: Toall who are nol well utlsfledwe wül pend $1 to pay for thf tronbl (r irrltlng un. Full particnlare, dlrections, te, m'nt free. Immenfe puy a' solutely ure for all who mart at once. Don t delay. Addr Sti.níok A Uo„ Portland, Maine. Threshing Machineiy! I ara Htill ní.'i'iit for tlie H1KFALO PITTS, N1CHOI.S, SIIKI'Alil A os. und UI'TON A Cd's Tlireshlng Machlnery, th Oaboma i Oo'l 1 Btael Fíame Binder, iba Oanaioa Hullnnl ' I Huy Teddcr. the Kalanuuioo Spring Tooth " Ilurrow, Graln Drilli, Grand Detoarand KlyIdk Dutchman Sulkc.v PIowb, tho Tlger and other kind of Bulke; Hay BaJcea, Hay lliicks. All klntts of Field mul i larden i Any quatitlty of Beei Beeda, (rom th Lure Mangle Wortñl ilown to the Damnabia, Dlrty Dead Beat. Tbta Dead Beat, needs IMitntliiK !it a polnl beyoud any posalble chunco of Ueruilnulion. p o.,. M. ROaERS.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News