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POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powdernever varíes. A marvel of purlty, strengtb. and wholesomeness. More eoonomlcal t han the ordlnary kinds, mul cunDot be sold lu competltlon wlth the muil ilude of low tast, xhorl welslit, slum or pliosphnte powüers. SoMmily In e-Mus. Itoyal BulLlDL Powder Co.. 1OÖ Wail st.. X. V. Wllü "_ES I OlMIlBLOODHUMORSl RUMIMATiNG:Krupttout, Itchini; and BuminiL Skiu Ttirturrö, Louthfooie Sores, and cvtry poetes of Itchlnj?, Scaly, Ptmply, Inhurftd, ScrofuJour, and Cónt&glons Dlneasos oí ttc Blood, Sktii, and Scalp, uh Lont f Iluir trom Infanry to old ajre, are ponttvely cured by Cüiicüha the ifreattHrtnÓare. aud Cüthuka barp.ftn exgufHttü Skin l'tmtirtT, oxiorti.uly and t'ifTr UBa, RkYoloyeht, thu New Blood Purifter, luteraaJly COVERED WMH SORES. I have tweu afllicted since lust March witta h Skin dl was the doctoro oUled Eczema. My luce wan covvrcd wlth rcat)r'anil wriis, and the ïich.n and bnrolng wwe al mout nnboanble. Boeing your Ci.'ticuka Ukhkdiks bo hi),'hly recotnnu:nil'i. 1 coucluded to tlu'in a triiil, u-iur the Cuticura and the Cutlciim Soap extcriially, and licHolvent interiially. Tur four montlin. I calí niypclf curt'd, in ratitude lor whlch I makc thin pabltc etatemcut. MUS. CLA1ÍA A. FKEUKHICK, Uroad Brook, Couu. SCALP, FACE, EAHS, A'ü XBCK. I m alllicK'd with Eczema on the Scalp, Face, Eur ao'i Neck, whicli the Druïüiit, wliere I got your ptinedw?, pionounced or,e uf tlie worst casee that bad come undcr uotfee. He advlcd me to trv your l'i'ïicruA Kkmkdiks, and alter tlve djrs' use mycalj and part of ray face were ontirely ciireil, and I hope iu aimthir weck lo have mj neck, buis, and the other part of my face cured. HEKMAN SLADB, 13B. JthSt., New York. ITCHISU DISEASES CURED. Cullcuia stands at the had of lta dape, espoc:a:iy is i l thp cti-e "ith tUe Cutici:rasoap. liuve had an unvigually good cale thie eummer owintr to the prevalence of an aiafravati-d forui of Itch throiiL;h B'jmo localltios in the country, In whlch the Uutlcura remedien provüd eatimactory. W. L. UAKÜIÖG, DnunoisT. Union Town, Ky. CURE IN ETERY CASE. Your üuticnr Remadiuo outsell all other medicinen I keep for akín dlMMMi M y customers and patients say thuy have elTected a cure in every ingtance, where otber retncdlus have talU'd. II. W. BKUCKWAY, M. D. Frauklln FeIIk, N. II. CUTICURA REMEDIES, Are Sold by all DriiK!rlH(. Prlce : Cutici ra, 50 ('i.; Rkbolvknt, 31.Ü0; Soap, 2öcts. I'ottkb Dui-u and Ciifïiru. Co., Boston, bend for "How to Cure SkiQ Uioenx. a. ' W A TTTIlc'Y the ''omjilexion and Sïin by JjJLÜU usini; the (Tticuüa Soai'. CONSTITUTIONAL CATARRH. No Binóle difleaee bas entailed more puffering or liaateued the breuking up of the constitutlon then Catarrb. Tbe sense of mell, of tante, of aight, of heriüK, the hnmnn volee tbe mind- oue or more, and eometlme all, yleld to lts deBtructive iuflaeuce. Tbe polson lt dlstrlbutes throiiKhont the -yaieiu and liroaks up the moet rohust of conetitutiona, Ignored, becauHC but llltle understood, hy moit physiclans, impotently aëxailed by quacks nd charlatán, those Buft'orinR from it have llttle hope to be relleved of lt thia ide of the grave. It la time, then, that tie pouular treaimeut ol this terrible dUease by roBiedles within the reach of all paaix'd Info hand at once competent nd truntworthy. The new and hilherto untrlcd method apoptod hy Dr. Sand'ord in the preparation of hlB ItaSUal Cure ba wun the huarty approval of thou aands. Il i lUBtantancoll In alfordlnt; rellel in al. head cold, neeziiiK, iinflllni; and obstructi bmatbing, atid raplriiy removos the moví oijpres.Klve aymptoma, clearing the head, sweeteniiiR Uie brcith, renoring the seni-es ol mell, taste and hearinij, and neulralizinu the constltmional tendïcy of the dlsease towards. the lunt's, Mver and kidney. , , , Hanijkokd's Uaimcai. ( THE consista of one bottleof the Kadhai, Ci'kk, and one box ol CATIÍAKRAL, SoI.VKST, aild One iMI'BOVKl) Inhalkk; price, fl.UO. POTTÏU DRUG iND CHHltMlOiL CO., BoStOn. -tol Kidnoy Pains. rfc And that weary, llfelesH allRone, enf JB satinn ever present wlth thofe or lu I l flumed 'kidneyn, wenk back and lolns, JL achlng hip and ide, ovorworked or wom out by disease, .lehiüty or .llisi"l)1"'lai! relleved ín Olie inluute and Kwedily cnred hy the Ciitlcara Antl-Palu IMnHter, a new original, elegant and infallihlo antidote to pain and innmmatlon. At druirtrlt 'i.; Hvi for f 1 .UU; or poUge Troe ol Polier Brui and lirmlcal o., BOMton. scorre EHES10N OF PURE GOD LÏÏIR OU And Hypophosphitesof üme & Soda Al most as JPalatableas MIIWÏ Th only prspM"" of COD I.ITER 01L th ca b tu'n 'reilily aud tolci-atod for a loag tl K)-ÏÏiTiTt,l S AIKMT1IS. ANAKMIA, JKimi. v. (tTTTTTTs am thuoat AYFETñS, ml Sir TIMI mSOUDKKS ' rllil.l'RKN it i mum llniiK tn lt rMalt. treacrilieiaudiu.lorTed y Uw bea PUyaicüua tn tho countnas oL Lbo world. FOR 6ALE BY ALL DRUGQISTS. ñOTUMflCURED! Ma I n M 11 """¦ TK11L ""¦ nU I I Ilin rmcci th moil ïkfptlcil GERMÁN ASTHMA CUREr!;, mott violeat attatk: uisurci cuiuforUble alet-ii, effect cures whcre all othtr remedips fall. No wniltnn lor renult-t. li mlion ik iiiirtifdiatr, direct und nrrtuin, and a H MrmanvuUr cured me. Refer to mr it uj time." Bon. B. II. Si. Paul. JTteft, Wc ' ?" FxUnn, HamUton. Vhio. '¦Gcrrofto Attbmt Care (¦ lUrtu :im tbr IU lt nerr fUU " Prof. R v"n nngtrlin, Gr-nrtttt. 3. C. "Ut DhTitciui rooinaieodd Oennao Aithm Cora. U ourd me." Mr. M. L. Ttinck, iondomdêrrf. OWo. Th- w - 1 of dalUr Lettert M BI, Aak mj rvfbl ¦bout H. (.fimnn Anihmn i-ure 10 uld by 31 dmfr. uiwU at 5Or . al V 1 1 or f.nt by mail on rrceipt uf i.rti-o. Trial ickcm trw tu any addmiH for


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