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HON, CYRUS G. LUCE, of G-ilead, and HON. GEORGE l SMITH. of Hillsdale, and others will ADDUESS the UEPUBLICA.NS Of 'W-.ishtenaw county, on WEDXESDAY AFTERNOOS, JUNE lOth, 16. A general invitation is extended to every one, of whf.tever political persuasión to be present. Our farmer friends are especially invited to come out and hear them. The art club exbibition will positively close on Saturday night of this week. There were seven persons baptized at the M. BL church last Sunday morning. The raad to happloÁM: Atteiul Ann Arbor's Fourth of July celebration on the :(!. In Michigan Hiere are 40 duilies, and IM wi rUirs. ;m increase of 30 over last year. The tuition money this year in the city schools was $5,779. This is $300 more than any previous year. Win. Jacobus &Son have taken the contract of building a $28,000 block at Toledo, Ohio, for Israel Hall. J. B. Hull of this city has composed a piano selection entitled " Drifting." It is a meloüious ruvery with much sweetness. Th Knighta of Pythki may have a grand demonstration in this city, July 3d, to add to the attractions of the celebration. The bicycle club will turn out at nine o'clock Friday evening for a grand Chinese lantern parade. Look out for something striking Mmulay evening the bookstores of the city rommeneed doaing at 8 o'clock p. m., and will continue so to do until next September, You will regret it to the day of your death if you don't make arrangement to attend the great Fourth of July celebration at Ann Arbor. At the meeting of the school board Tuesday eveniiiir J. M. Wilcoxson was appointed school enumerator, to ennvass the city and find out how many children there are of school age. The meeting to be held in this city June 16th, for the purpose of ratifying the constitution and by-laws of the repubpublican club, and hearing some good speeches, should not be forgotten. Miss Lottie Hall and Mr. Sydney C. Eastman, of Chicago, were married at 12 o'clock to-day, at the residence of the bride's father, Israel Hall, on Washtenaw avenue. Mr. Eastman is a graduate of the University, lit, class of '73. Next Sunday will be Children's Day at the M. E. church, and the morning services will consist of song?, recitations,"respontlve readings, etc., by the children, wHb a slinrt sermon by the pastor, Rev. W. V. Ramaay, appropriate thereto. A trip about the city the other day disclosed the fact that there were bout one hundred dttvlliiij? hoi.cspitheriii proces of construction or iinished this season, ¦ome of them quite elegant and elaborate. Besides this there are a few brick business blocks of good pretentiona. This looks some as if Ann Arbor was still on the upgrade. The Kiiiüht Templar Commandery propose to go in a body to attend the Conclave at St. Louis this summer. They will have a special car with banneri, etc, all of which will niiike a good boom for our University (üty along the road and at 8t. Louis, for it is generally a recognized fact that where there is n good live Commandery there is a good live town. The Savings Bank elected the following directors Monday afternoon: C. Mack, W. W. "Wine?, W. D. Harriman, Daniel Hiscock, Wm. Deubel, W. B. Smith, and David Rinsey. In the evening the directors inct and re-elected the followlii" officers: President, Ó. Mack; vice-president, W. V. Wines, rasbier, Chas. E. Hiscock. A semi-annual dividend of 5 per cent. was declared. About the most contemptible thieves- and some of them are from respectable families- are those who slide into people's -ar.N and pick flowers. After week's of careful attendance you begin to enjoy the beautiful blossoms, when some evening or mominy i miserable thief will rob you of them, and quite often pull up the entire plant by the roots. üue or two examples will probably Boon be made of this class of thieves. The art exhibition ot the Ann Arbor Sketeblng Club, now to be seen at Randall's art gallery, Is worthy of notice. Some of the pictures show real genius, and are worthy of much greater attention than they will tecaive here. When we Stop to consider tlmt only a few hours of one day each week have been spent upon this work, it is quite a wonder that so much has been accomplished. If you have not seen them airead; it will pay you to drop In and fbaat youi eyes for a time. The exlubition will close Saturday. Emma Benaleck, of Dexter died, June 7, of spinal fever, agcd 1% years. The Savings Bank paid out $4,200 in city warrants during May. Quite a handsome little sum. Wool is coming in freely, and buyers are plenty. Mack & Schmid hare taken in 125,000 lbs. already. The General Fund Committee advertise in another column for bid for lightinjc the gasoline lamp of the city. Morning service at the Unitarian church next Sunday ut the usual hour. The evening service is discontinued for the summer. Miss J. Cannon received the ad intelligence of the death of hr father yesterday, and left on the evening train for Willlamston, Livingston County to attend the funeral. Abner Moore has atarteil a barber shop at Whitmore Lake and put Mr. Wagner in charge of the same. Will Wansic takes Wagner's place in the Huron st. parlors. Alex. Schloupe, got full on hard eider last Sunday, carne to town, was arrested by Chief Sipley, and Monday morning paid $5.25 hito Justice Krueauff's court for the fun he had. Died, June 5, at 7 a. m., of paralysli, Mn Emily Connett, widow of Capt. J. W. Connett, late of Chicago, III., aged 72 years. Burial in Tecumseh, Michigan, Monday, June 7, 1888. Next Sunday being Whit-SumJay, there will be a communion service at 7 o'clock a, m. at 8t. Andrews church. On Tuesday p. m. following, there will be a special children's service. Daniel B. Appleton, of Northfield, died June 8, aed 78 years T mos. He had been a resident of Northfield for 54 years, living all the time on the same farm where he died. He was well known and greatly respected. i ue ury goous cierta or tina city have organized a society with a ineuiberahip oí '2, liaving for its object the securing oí an early closing hour. The following officers have been chosen: President, L. C. Goodrich; vice-president, Chas. Richards; secreUry, Miss Nettie Gregg; treasurer, R. Lutz. The following gentlemen were elected directora of the Farmers' & Mechantes' Baak last Monday: R. Kempr, A. Kearney, E. Dufl'y, Dr. W. F. Breakey, Wm. N. Stevens, D. Mclutyrs, W. A. Tolchard aad John Burg. The directora will meet soon and declare a semi-annual dividend of 3K per cent. Misa L. D. Giles, of tuis office, has received a copy of the Springfield, Mass., Hepublican of May 26, contatnlng 18 pages of matter pertaining wholly to the 250th celebration of tliat city's founding. The paper contains much that is of great interest, and the stories of the past are vividly portrayed therein. Evart H. Scott will have the annual report of the State society ready for distributiott at the next meeting of the county pouiological society on Suturday. Sec'y Baur says bring in your "Jewels" and your old and new varieties of atrawberries to the exhibit. The meeting will be au interesting one. The "My8tlc League" is sending out blood-red cards on which is printed a skull and cross-bones with the words "beware," "lst warning," or "2d warning," printed thereon, to some of our respectable citizenR. Such missives are probably serious things to receive down ia Mississippi, Louisiann, etc, but that gort of truck don't work in Michigan. Do you know I've bought a cow ? Shö'n daUy T Not another, I allow- Keep It haiy- That gives butter-milk, ice cream, Dutch cbeeae that'a luit a dream, sweet and our milk and curd- But I cannot find tbe word To describe unto you now Tliis wonder-worklng cow. Jas. B. Saundx rs. Mrs. E. E. Royer of this citjr the superintendent of iupplies for the W. H. M. 8., reports that since last conference 59 boxes of clothing and comforts have been sent by the society to various points where they were needed, principally in the northern part of the state to the poor churches. Their value was $1,223.58. Eleven boxes have been sent from Ann Arbor to the value of $167.20 ; Ypsilanti sent three boxes, value $133 85; Saline, one, $13.29 ; Chelsea, one, $29; Manchester, one,$20.50. This is better work than to send embroidered pocket handkerchiefs to the Zulus. Tuesday being the lOtb anniversary of the ordination of Rev. Fr. Fierle. of St. Thomas church, the occasion was made a happy one by members of that congregfttion. Fr. Baumgartner of Pontiac, Fr. Muir of Manchester, Fr. McManus of Dexter, all of whom were ordained at the same time, and Fr. De Bever, of Ypsilanti, were invited here, and by some means Fr. Fierle was called away from home in the afternoon. During his absence the parsonage was taken possession of by the ladies, tables set In the yard and house, and when be returned about S00 invited guests, members of his congregation, were there to greet hiui. The Chequamegons discoursed music, and happiness reigned supremo. Aftr refreshnients Fr. Fierle was preseoted wlth a hondsome cassock by the ladies, and otlier presenta were also made, Rev. Fr. DeBever making the presentation speech. Lust Friday morning Chris. Donnelly delivered a very nice looking box to Geo. W. Millen, la D. F. Schairer's store, and collected the usual 25 cents expresi charges. George feit a little proud over the box, coming as he supposed, from the west on the Chicago expresi. VUions of a lovely pair of slippers, or a "crazy tle," or some other beautiful piece of feminine handiwork floated through George's head as he hied hlmself to the rear end of the store to unravel the mystery. Some way the boys in the store each gave a knowing wink to the other, and ior a moment all customers were forgotten as each oue took a line of march alter George, and about the time he had got the box open they were all there to help him admire. But what was our hero's surprise upon opening the box to flnd a card readiDg: "Compliments of Mr. and Mrs. Grover C." Taking off a layer of fine batting, there was disclosed a piecu of cake, two cold potatoes a slice of toast and a hunk of staie bread. This was too much for George's nerves, and his hand shd listlt'Hsly down In hls pocket for a half dollar or two, while ther escaped from his pale üps these significant words: "Boys, let's have some soda water to ent with this ! " A rumor soon spread broadcast that some of the presidental wedding cake had come to our young friend, and the crowds that came to get a nibble were astonished. One of the editorial fraternity, after taking a half-sectioa of the cake remarked that he "couldn't see as it was any better cake than his wife could ui.-i kf ." while another pronounced the toast very crusty. The boys luid lots of fun over It just the same.