J. T. Jacobs leavea to-niglit for a visi at Columbus, Ohio. Mrs. Henry W. Rogers has returnec from a visit to the gouth. Mrs. Raywalt of Dexter was visiting a Mrs. H. E. Church's on Saturday last. Mre. Pomeroy"ne Jonnle Mcintyre, i visiting at her father's Hon. D. Mcln tyre'. Aid. G. Frank Allmendinger expectsto leave Ann Arbor Friday, foratwo week' racation. Jogeph Prlce, ol thia city has (tone to Worden Station to help put up ome new buildings. Mr. Doig attended the annual conven" tion of the state W. C. T. U. at Manlstee tliis week. Dr. L. H. Thomas and J. J. Reed, of Chicago, are in the city to-day guests of Chas. E. Hiscock. Capt E. P. Allen, of Ypsilanti. was up to the county capital shakiujf hands wlth hls oíd f rienda yesterday. Mrs. Harding neCarrie Cook, of Sault 8te. Marie, is in the city visiting friends. From here she will go east. Miss Soule, daughter of Treasurer Soule of the U. of M. is home froin Minnesota where she has passed a successful year in teaching school. Mr. and Mrs. Traver, and Mrs. Groat, of Wheaton, 111., father, mother and sister of Mrs. Q. A. Turner, have been visitthe latter during the week. Frank O'Toole, after an absence from Ann Aborof flfteen year?, has returned to the old place for a short stay. Frank has roamed the world over eince leaving here. Prof. E. Baur returned from Pittsburgh a few days since, where he had been attending the meetings of the Harmony Society. He reporta a general good Urne. Mrs. Miller, of Florida, formerly Miss Fannie Weil, of Dexter, and Miss Hattie Keith, of Dexter, are visiting friends in the city. Kvart Scott has another boy in his family. With one girl and three boys he aays In rezard to the last draw thal "three of a kind beats two pairs," E. J. Morton raturncd Trom the Pacifíc coatt last Friday, glad to get back to old Michigan once more. Ed. is not in lore with the "golden land." Ed. A. Dygert, who has been with Wints & Worden for the past five yeara, expects to go to Omaha to lire in about two weeks. Ed. will be missed by lus many friends in this city. E. O. Dewey, of the Owosso Times was a pleasant caller at the Courikr office laat Saturday, having just returned from the Niágara Palls editorial excursión, which was a grand success. Maj. H. W. Soule, John M. Wheeler and John Rosebrough, are in nttendunce upon the annual convention of this diocese, in session at Detroit to-day and tomorrow, aa delegates trom St. Andrew's pnrisli. T. A. Wetzel, who has been with H. J. Brown for the past five years has receiyed the appointment of preacription clerk in the Calumet & Hecla hospital, at Calumet, and leayesto-morrownijiht place. He is one of the yuung men that succeeds.
George Frank Allmendinger
Evart Scott
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News