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W (PioYAL ij j B POWDER Absolutely Pure. ThlH powdemever varíes. A inarvt'! of pulty.streuKth mul rhoJeaomenCM, Moro ecoíomlenl thnn th6 ordinary kinils.und eanimt 10 sold ín conipetlüon witli tlie multltiide oí nw tosí , &lmrt weltiti aluni oí plinsplinte wwdera. Bold onlyln cana. Itoyul líakliiír loaer COm 1OO Wall st.. N. Y. O I 1 1 IBLOOQHUMORSl Kl MlUATiNG ErapUone, ItebJng and BnriiinL' Skin Tortnros, Lnathaonie Boros, and evtfry npeciea of Itihiiií;, BCftly, l'linjily, IiiIht ti'ii. Scrofaloap, and ContActona DlHeasesol tic liloud, Skln, nuil Scalp, with Los ot Muir Irom in fanoy to oíd age, are poéltlvely corad liy UmioTUkA [he ignAt Skin Cure, and C'uticuka oxoaliite skin bcautlner, externally and Cutictjba, SaVOLOTaM, Ihe Niw Ulood 1'unfiiT, intcrnally COTEBED WITH Sültrs. I have boon afllictrd aince laat Marea wilh 11 Skin dloeue tbe doctora called Eccema. My lace wat comed with tcaiHand finos, and the lích iiland burnlug were almoat aDbeanble. Boalng your CtJTICTJRA RBMEDIKS so liifhly looonimendod, I coudnded to íive tbem a iria], umíhh tlie üutictira and the t'utlcura Soap oxternally, and KiiHolvunt lnti'rnally, for fonr monthe. I cail iiiycoll cnredi In ratitudo l'or wtiich 1 niake thin public statement. MUS. CLAKA A. FREDBUICE, Broíid Brook, Conn. SCALP, FACE, E1US, AN1) NECK. l wa? afllicUd with Eczema on the Scalp, Face, Eirs and Neek, wnlch thc Drnirsist, where I tot your remedies, pronnnnccd une of the wornt casee that liad come niicUr hts notioo. He advised mo f trv your ('UTIcriiA Kkmkiiiks, and alter Uve days' une my ecalp and part of iny face were entiroly curad, and 1 hope in anothir week to have my neck, earn. and the other part of my face ciired. 11K(MAN SLADB, 12 i E. -lthSt., New York. ITCHINO DISKASES CURED. Culicnra tand? at the hoad of lt clase, eepicia'ly ií ti in the cae with the Uutlciirasoap. lluv!had fin uniífiially ood eale thin eummer owint' to Ihe preralence of nn ai;ííravati;d form of Itch throiiL'h orno locallHea in the country, in whlch the Cntloara remedlea provod witiHlactory.. W. I.. IIA1SDIUU, DnuooisT. Union Towa, Ky. CURE IN EVEKY CASE. Toar Ontlenra Remedlea ontMllall other medicines I koep Cor skin dlseaiee. My ontomer and patieiiix Kay thoy liave eflectod n cure in every lnBtüice, where other remedión havo t'ailed. 11. Vi'. BHOOKWAY, M. D. Franklin Falla, N. II. CÜTICURA REMEMES, Are Bold hy all Dragtrllts. Prlce: Ccmcrit. 50C.; Krbolvknt, í 1.00; 80AP, SSCtS. 1'ottkh l)Kl!il AND ClIKSlICAL C'O., Jlo-lon. Selld for "HoW to Curo Hkin Dlaooaea. ' T3T? A TT'1'11 the f'omploxlnn and Síln by .DJjiU QSing 'lii' ( cticuka Soap. CONSTITÜTIONAL CATARRH. No nin"ie dlaease hai enUUed lafferlng oí baateued the brsakloi np of the coníütotlon then i'atarrh. The aenae "i amell, ¦' taste, oí sight, ni heannir, the hnman volco the mind- oue or moro, and xunií'llmea all, ylelit to li dontructive influcnce. The polson It dlatrlbatea tbroaehoal Ihe oyateni and hr. nks up tlie niiwt robtiít of cocstltutlonn Igñored.becaaae bot Itttle understood, by most pliyelcUnf, impotently asíalled by qnaiks and charlatana, thoae aaffertñg from it have little hopo to be relleved of it thls side of the rist. II i time, then, that tne popular troa:ment ot this terrible (linease l)y remedies ithin the reach of all iiasíed into hands ut once competent and truatwmthy. The new and hitherto untrled method apoptedhy Dr.Sand'ord in thc preparation ol bla Jítvlkul Vurt hu ron the haarto approval of thou Kando. li ís Inatantaneooa In anording reliei Ín Ihead COld, ineexlng, cnuflllnij and olwtructed broatlilnc, and rapidly removes the moves opprcn-1 sive fymutoins, clearing the hitad, swectciiini; tho breath, rastorlng tlie senaea ol' amell, taate and hearing, and neatrallzlng tho cuiixtltutional tendoncy ¦¦ the diseaae towarda the Iuuk, liver and 'sTnuiohd's radical Cure consista of one bottluoi the Radical Cubk, andpne boxoi DATIIARBAI, 80LVIIKT, and one iMI'Kovil. Ihhaxsb; price, tl.00. PoTTiii L)nOQ and CunKüicAL Co.. Boston. wfto Kidnoy Pains. t And that weary.lifelesa all-Rono, koiiE M over preeent wiili thoac of in1 IV fl uno.i kiilneys, raak hack and IoIiib, ) JL achina hlps and fid.v, ovorworki-d or worn ont by diwaso, dehiüty or diasipatlon ar rellovt'd In c miniHo and cnrod by tho ¦iiil.-iiru Autl-1'alii l'lnMter, a new, orlirlMl, eleganl and infalhblo antidote to pain and innummation. At drUk'C'ata 28c; BVB inrfl.ui): orpoatageftee ol l'otter Irug and 4 'lirin leul o., BoHton. SCOTT'S EMULSIÓN OF PURE GOD LIVER OU And Hypophosphites of Urne & Soda Almost as Palatabloas Mllkl The only Mtparetlon of COD LITER OIL that eaibo toiïn VidUy and toleruted for a long time fitntl'LOLS AIKKfï I ONS. A.NAKMIA, JK.V'mi. in-.iüTTT'ï. nn7;n-i ami tiikoat akTyTrüYZj.ijiil W.isTT.VH IHSOItDKRS Of ÜLllütNit is rnini-l'inii in iln r.'Koltil. IWribcd anU n.l .. .-.-.1 by tuo best l'iiysiolaoa In the oonniclea oi tha worlo, FOR SALt BY ALU DHUGGISTS. JfftTJl CURED! 1 A I M M 11 SISSLB TRUL roa HU I I Illfl unrc.thf Hk.iHkrptii.1 GERMÁN ASTHMft CUREr!, mot violent attak . Inauros (-omfortablo Bleeii; offecta euros whoro all ntner roméales lau. No vrailinK lor renults. It rlion ík Imincdintr, dlrrrt ,"''.'l,1í:;r1V''V, cure in rtrirloil in nll I IÍ 4 li I I' "- ¦ I. p.rn.M.nUj currt f' t' Sl"". ¦I uu entlrelr reitored to hfaltli bj Örnnui ÁitliBu fun ¦¦ Thot. Fxtttm. Uamilton, (Mio. ¦Oirmmn Ailhmt Cure II 11 70 cllm r 1U It nr fst ' "¦ ''" Fuittrbn. Grtentnllê, 3. C. "rSd mr. ¦ Mr,. X. Í. Telrit. LontUmdtrrr, Oklo Thoaa of llallu Lttfen on ai. Alk ui drnUt boot It. Gcrmnn Avlhinn Turo I oM by all druR. irliit t 5r. and f 1. or ent by mail on recejrt


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