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Cheap And Handy

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A corrcppondetit at Iliivnna, tt. Y., boikIh (Irinvinrt ol a rollar and w ritus: I dogo sketcn ol a garden rouer vnicn i have juat completed, and if yon think it will bc of any interest to your inanv rcadera I hope you will use it. It s nmde almost entirely oí wood, but possossea the advantage of an irou roller as lar as re latea to wcipjht, while it can bu made (oí one-quarter the expenso that mi ron one would cost. A email rollur, madr entirelj oí woud, is too light for general purposoa, but by thc plan rívoii one nuvy bo mado o' nny dored weiglit, rúenla ted by tho flizo ol the coro or box OOntaining cement. A bou ¦tfvenlncbeesqtMMra and two leot lonp, bocii in finro 1, fturroundlng the axli1, oiip Hlde of wliich i ahown in figure 2, wlll, when filled with cement, mnke a roller, when completed,to weigh about onehundredpounds Tho cement uaed consista oí water and linie, one part, and coaree aand two parts. It II bc necesaury tu lic.-it a largo nut and sbrink it on the three-quartr incli round ahaft (bco fig. 3), and tha cement when it hardena will be held flrmly in place by it. The sketch ol the completed roller, liuro 4, íh intoiHli'd to roproriont a roller aighteen inchea In diameter aod twentycinlit inch lun, fin vd wlth incli and threeqaarter strips of wood securcd by ncrews. -American AgrhttMurM, Notlilng Koilcolullltf Abuut Hlm. I'awnbroker- I can't gif you nuddiiitfg on dut guttt, oor on der buntcloons, necder. InipecuniouH Man - They are all rijrht, I didn't steal 'em. I pledgo you my word Pawnbroker- You can't blcdge your vord here and get a cent. I vants no pocsnesa mit you. Iiupccunious Man- But why? l'awnbrokor My frient, I dellH you. I see py your faco you haf no redeeming pwalitie. - Texas Sittmga. No Iniurance Wanted A San Antonio Insuranco inau u summoned aH a Juryman In Judpe Noonan'a court. Judge Noonan refused to excuse the juror, who said: 'I assure your Honor - " "No, you won't. No. gir, I don't want to bo insured in your company. Take your place in the jury box." - Texas SitU iags. A Singular. Judgo Noonan (to a young lawyer who la aruinK a raotion for a new trial)- So that i your view of the luw, young man' is it? "Yes, your Honor, aixi I malntaln that tho posltion Is uncontrovertiblo." 'I expect you aro ri)?ht. only it is a little ainirular that the Suprume Court bas taken precisely the o[ponite view of thecae."- Tmu Siftings. WlllliiK to Overlook It. Creditor- I have a little billagainst you, Mr. Jacoba. Debtor- I thought I paid you all 'ip the laat timel was in your store. Creditor - No, there was a balance of flve dollars. Debtor- Oh, well, we won't say any thiug about thtkt.-Tid-BIt. In an ExtmiMteu' Cumlltlon. Landlady- The coffee, I am sorry to say, ia exhauated, Mi. Smith. Boardcr Smith- Ah, ji-h, poor thlng. I was expectine; that; I've noticed thot fot aonie timu it haan't been trontf-- JV. Y. Tthgrñm. Warrailtoit M K-rmiit(l. "Here, Steve; you sold ma thia watchfor a atop-watch. " "Well, isn't it, Dare?" No." 'Why, that'aodd. ItwaHwhen I had it. It atopned at the pawnbroker'n all laai 1 ninter."- Fhiladelphi Cali.


Ann Arbor Courier
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